Supreme Naruto

Chapter 361

What disappoints Naruto, however, is that his will is surprisingly firm.

It is not affected by the drug in the fragrance.

After the sneaky came out of the toilet, the two left.

“Girls, wait until I finish Quest and see you again.”

This ridiculous remark is a sneaky saying.

Ghosts are more than two meters tall and have a strong body. The physique alone attracts the eyebrows of countless mad bees.

Naruto stood in the corner, looking at the back of the two.

When I saw you for the first time…

It was half a year ago, when he and Jiraiya went out to the village to find Tsunade.

Then these two guys met in the country of the earth.

“Nine Lama teacher, do you say that I can beat these two people now?”

Naruto connects the Spirit link.

Jiuweihu suspected: “The guy of the Uchiha family? Should it be okay?”

Nine tails did not say anything, with Naruto’s current Spiritual Force intensity, Naruto should be able to ignore the opposite side of the opposite side of the composite side without using Mangekyō Sharingan.

But if you use Mangekyō Sharingan… it will be difficult.

The eyes of the Uchiha family are the most disgusting things in World in the heart of Jiuwei.

No, now I have added a Rinnegan.

I thought of Rinnegan’s nine tails and felt a crisis.

If Naruto encounters such an enemy in the future… It is really not enough to see the strength of Naruto now.

Or… pointing to Naruto? Let Naruto change to Illusion Technique?

Nine tails shrugged, and the smell of Naruto was shared with him in the Spirit link. He couldn’t help but wonder: “What is so sweet?”

The aroma is left by the girls, the fragrance of the perfume.

Naruto came back and said, “Nothing, I am selling perfume, that… I have to cut off the connection first.”


Naruto cuts off and nine-tailed Spirit links.

He didn’t want to let the nine tails know where he was working. With the big mouth of the nine tails, what might be passed down?

After cutting off the Spirit link, Naruto was immersed in meditation. Now he will be a sly opponent?

Naruto is very clear in her heart, a word, hanging.

Uchiha Itachi Mangekyō Sharingan’s Ability, Amaterasu and Tsukyuomi don’t say that he has a third Sharingan, Shisui’s Kotoamatsukami.

The thing is ruined.

Thinking of this, Naruto thought that he seemed to have such an eye.

From the sight of Danzo, Shisui’s eyes.

He was raised on Danzo’s arm and had never thought of how to use it.

While Naruto was looking for a corner to prepare for a nap, Orochimaru in the Spirit network contacted him.

“Has Sausuke seen it?”

Naruto said strangely: “What? Your mentoring relationship is so good now? Are you beginning to care about his physical and mental growth?”

Orochimaru Kaidō: “My thoughts just came back from Yakushi Kabuto, and I saw that Brat was slashing at the cliffs desperately. It can affect him so much. I think there is only that guy.”

This reasoning…Naruto gives full marks.

“Ah… I have seen it. When I encountered intelligence when I was collecting intelligence, I intercepted a picture and sent it to him.”

Orochimaru Kaidō: “Oh, sure enough…”

The two fell into silence.

Naruto feels that Orochimaru seems strange today, and he asks, “Are you looking for me to ask Sasuke?”

Orochimaru Kaidō, “Well… not, it is just a question, I want to say that I have taught Yakushi Kabuto about the technology of man-made people. Yakushi Kabuto is also good. The cloned creatures that have been cultivated in recent days are in a state of life. It’s not much different from the original creature.”

Is the cloning technology finally broken through?

This is really good news.

This means that he can give a living body to the little monk.

At the same time also means that his longevity is one step closer to realization.

Naruto is at the same time, at the same time Contact Yakushi Kabuto: “Is the cloning technology mature?”

Yakushi Kabuto is observing the cloned fish in the culture tank.

Kaidō: “It’s really close to maturity. Orochimaru’s technology makes me amazed, but… there is still a problem, that is, clones can not survive beyond the original creature.”

The survival time of cloned creature cannot exceed the original creature…

The limitations of lifespan should be God’s restricted area, and the breakthrough is not incomprehensible.

After all, even the first generation of Hokage and Six Path Sage (Sennin) have a long life.

Naruto is indulging for a moment.

“First, let the monks and nuns cultivate their living limbs. As for the cloning of the life lifespan… If you can’t breakthrough in a short time… just let go.”

Hanging up the call with Yakushi Kabuto, Naruto said to Orochimaru: “Then is the curse.”

Orochimaru start to talk: “The curse… Are you going to let me teach that guy?”

Naruto thought about it, “Well… teach him, by the way, I will let another guy listen. Recently I am very busy, I have not experienced it.”

Orochimaru speculates: “You are not going to sneak into the rain country?”

Naruto was not too surprised. Just told Orochimaru that something was wrong, and Orochimaru originally was a member of the Akatsuki Organization. It is not too difficult to guess.

“Well, you know it again?”

Orochimaru said with a good heart: “Then you have to be careful, there are a few troubles in the country of the rain, um… I can tell you some information, don’t you know if you want to trade?”

Naruto Kaidō: “Who is it? If it’s Six Path Pain, I don’t need it. I know that a guy with a personal voice can read the memory. If it is touched by that guy, I will probably be exposed.”

This time Orochimaru was amazed: “How did you know that? You have already met that guy?”

Naruto pretending to be mysterious: “You don’t care about this, I am curious, what do you want to change from me?”

Orochimaru sighed helplessly: “You are really an unpredictable guy. I originally wanted to use this information to change the soul of my other hand in advance. You have to know that the three generations have been bothering me for a long time. It’s very difficult for me to fall asleep now. If I go on like this, this body will not last long.”

Change hands back in advance…

If you change hands back in advance, there is no restriction on Orochimaru.

So Orochimaru is trustworthy?

No, Orochimaru has no trust at all.

There is only a deal between them.

Naruto reluctantly said: “There is no way. The relationship of interest that we can maintain is currently only your hand. I hope you can understand it.”

Orochimaru is busy with Kaidō: “No, there is more than one hand. I am very interested in the idea of ​​your eternal life. We can study the technique of eternal life together.”

Naruto directly dismantled the road: “Do you know that the lifespan of the clones is not alive, so you transfer your thoughts to the study of the body that can take over others’ bodies, using others as containers instead of clones. ”

Orochimaru A glimpse: “What do you tell you?”

Naruto ignored Orochimaru’s question and continued: “From the very beginning, you know that with cloning, the plan to achieve eternal life cannot be successful, because this is the old road you have traveled, but you didn’t say…”

“Are you going to see my jokes? Or are you expecting me to create a miracle breakthrough the problem you can’t break through?”

“I hope the latter, but the possibility of seeing the former is even greater.”

“In this case, our fragile trading relationship wants to be maintained, and it is impossible without your hand.”

Underground base of Orochimaru.

The pain from the hand made Orochimaru’s expression distorted. He hadn’t stopped sleeping for a long time. He rested with a drug control every day. Recently, the body has become more and more resistant to drugs. I believe it will be more Soon the drug could not let him fall asleep.

So he must take back the soul of the other hand before this.

Orochimaru bit his teeth, Kaidō: “You are too careless, is your secret Base in the country of snow?”

Upon hearing this, Naruto’s face was dark and the killing intent was surging.

Is this threatening him?

Orochimaru was able to find the country of snow and let Naruto have some surprises.

After all, there are various barrier-proof barriers in the Snowy Mountains, so Naruto dares to let Orochimaru visit the Daxueshan.

But absolutely did not expect… Orochimaru actually found it.

“The most unacceptable thing for me is the threat.”

“I have to say that you have made a wrong move, you should wait a little longer for a while.”

Orochimaru Kaidō: “Your Base is one of the countries in the snow country. Second, you are now diving into the country of rain. Third, you are still alive. I use these three messages for my other arm. You can’t change it. Rest assured. After the change, we can still trade normally. I will pass on the knowledge of the curse to you according to our agreement.”

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