Supreme Naruto

Chapter 358

Lei Zhiguo, Kumo Shinobi Village.

Outside the intensive care unit, two people looked at the inside from the window.

Inside the ward, a young man was lying in bed, and there was a girl at his bedside in a meticulous look at at.

The youth is the Saruyi that Naruto once controlled, the girl is the neighbor of Sarui, Carue.

Naruto left the body of Sarui, and when Sarui woke up again, he remembered nothing.

Even the common sense of life has been forgotten, and everything, including everything that speaks and writes, must start again.

“I fainted that day, what happened?”

In the two-tailed Seal Space, two people asked by the wooden man to the two tails.

But the two tails formed a group in a cage and perfunctored: “I don’t know.”

The two were questioned by the wooden man: “Killer B has said that he has heard your cry for help.”

The two tails continue to pretend to be stupid: “Is there? How can it be true if it is a fool?”

The two were stared at the two by the wooden man.

This is not the first time she has asked her two questions, and she has not even remembered how many times she has asked, but every two attitudes are unpleasant.

“Since that day, your Chakra has weakened and your body has become smaller.”

The two were stared at the two men by the wooden man.

The two tails continued to pretend to be stupid: “That must have not eaten the dried fish recently, and they have made me hungry.”

The two tails are drawn by the corner of the mouth of the wooden man.

The two tails of the hob reminded her of the past Sarui.

Angrily said: “If you don’t explain things clearly, then there will be no more fish in the future!”

The two tails are still unmoved. “No, no, just recently I want to change the taste.”

Although the two tails are easy to say, they can be seen from the deep blue Flame that rises in the body. He is not in a good mood now.

Airway: “Right, or you can try to eat something I don’t like, maybe I can’t help but tell you.”

The two were stunned by the wooden man and subconsciously asked: “What do you not like to eat?”

If you can force the truth to tell the truth, then… it’s not impossible to eat something that is unpalatable.

But the two-tailed sentence almost mad at her.

There are only two words, or a doubled word: “Hey.”

The two people couldn’t speak because of the popularity of wood. “You…”

The two tails yawned, and the cat squatted on his paws, changing his position and squinting to sleep.

The two were laughed by the rookie of the two men.

The two-tailed rogue looks like the Saruy of the past.

“You are the big brother of Sarui? You said that he will help him if he needs it. Now he is lying in the ward… You have the only clue to do the big brother, you…”

The two tails raised their heads, and the eyes opened and looked at the wooden man outside the cage.

Impatiently said: “The thing he asked me to help is not telling you what happened, so you should not bother me with this problem in the future.”

The two were stared at the two tails by the wooden man: “You know it!”

The two tails cut off the Spirit link directly, and the two were kicked out of the Seal Space by the wooden man.

“I said what I said. If you ask again, don’t think about using my Strength again.”

The attitude was very determined, and the words of the two wooden people were all in the scorpion and they were uncomfortable.

But she also feels that getting two tails is not a joke.

Ignore the two people who are unwilling to be obsessed by the wooden people. In the two-tailed Seal Space, the two tails yawned again.

Then lazy and squatted down.

Saying to himself: “The life of a person is only a hundred years away. You have offended you for not being able to eat fish for more than a hundred years, but you have offended the guy… then I don’t want to stop…”

The cat is a very realistic animal.

The two are between the wooden man and the nine, and he has a very clear choice not to sin.

In the past few days, he also discovered that his strength was constantly recovering. He thought of the human devil’s words, saying that Strength would naturally recover as soon as possible.

It seems that the little devil did not lie.

On the contrary, the Lama’s big fool threatened it, but half of it was not necessary to take it seriously. It’s obviously a fart to say that the sentence is not given to him.

The other half…

“I didn’t tell the little devil in the love of brother…”

“Well… definitely not because of the ignorance of the nine lamas.”

The two-tailed cat’s ears slammed down and slept.

At this same time, after passing through a large ancient forest, Naruto and Deidara and Yu finally saw the sunlight.

The pattered river is light sound in the ear, and the sunlight shines, giving the flowers a warmth.

Naruto, the little flying squirrel, is now eight meters tall and has legs on the ground. It doesn’t look like a flying squirrel, but a chinchillas.

On both shoulders, the right shoulder is Deidara, sitting on the left shoulder.

This is a sly request to compensate Naruto for a debt that will smash.

As for Deidara… It’s completely dead skin and climbed up.

Naruto sees that he also uses Deidara to take a step, and then he agrees.

But Naruto is also principled, that is, no matter who is in the head, don’t want to sit.

The squirrel… Oh no, it should be said that the giant flying mouse is on the left shoulder, and Akakami (Red Hair) is floating in the wind.

Not very long, furry, like a red dandelion.

My face is very delicate, I don’t know if I’m doing it when I’m making myself.

Naruto thought maliciously.

“Hey Senior, I feel that I have been able to change my size, that…you taught me how to eat Chakra instead of eating?”

蝎raised the head and look at the huge rat head of Naruto.

Strangely said: “Tasting food is a kind of enjoyment. Why do you want to give up this rare fun?”

A rare pleasure?

If it is a barbecue, you can forget what it is.

eat human……

“That… don’t you feel terrifying when I eat people?”

Hey, a little, this is the first time he listened to the beast and said this.

In fact, some shinobi with Spirit cleansing, or people with humanitarianism, will strictly prevent their beasts from swallowing humans.

But that kind of thing seems boring at first sight.

The weak are prey to the strong, this is what it should be, killing and killing, eating or not eating is different?

At least there is no difference in 蝎.

He is a person who makes people jealous…

“Well… terrifying can’t talk… but it’s not very good to be seen.”

Naruto answered: “Yes, even if you are not afraid, but it is still not good to scare the children, so I want to learn how to engulf Chakra to fill the hunger.”

If this trick is to learn, then… there are nine tails in… Chakra, what will be missing?

Think of this Naruto, what is the taste of the nine tails?

蝎 蝎 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

“My body…” said this hesitating.

Then skip this topic and say directly: “But you need to make a small transformation to your body and build a core that will break Chakra.”

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