Supreme Naruto

Chapter 351

Is the other will in the flesh the first generation of Hokage?

At the time of the nine-tailed cry, the face of the first generation of Hokage on the belly of the squirrel was more clear.

With a big mouth open, it seems to be shouting.

At the same time The formidable vitality of the first generation cells began to erupt in the in the the body of the mouse.

The body of the flying squirrel began to be wooded, and when it was seen, it began to smoke, and the buds grew out of the leaves.

“Naruto! Let’s swallow the drum!”

That will meet Naruto.

Instead of Naruto looking for the past, the opposite side takes the initiative to go to the door.

In soul world, the vitality of a formidable rushed over to Naruto.

It is also full of the formidable Spirit pressure.

But the thunder and the rain were small, and the giant wave-like Spirit was slamming on the body, but nothing happened…

It’s like a shower of rain.

“What are you doing? Take the opposite side!” Jiuwei snorted.

Naruto asked sillyly: “How to swallow? It is the giant egg that is not me.”

Nine tails frown, and the loss is swearing: “Open your mouth!”

Can this thing eat?

Naruto didn’t know, hesitating, the mouse’s head began to become woodized, and Naruto clearly felt that his control of the mouse was deprived.

It is precisely said that the life form of mice is changing to plants.

When the body of the little squirrel is completely wooded, it is likely to become a plant.

I don’t know when I can’t save it.

Naruto stunned and opened his mouth to the Spiritual Force that rushed into soul world.

That will seems to feel the maliciousness of Naruto.

The will scattered around the body began to gather, turning into a vague face and learning Naruto biting Naruto.

A minute later, when the battle of soul World stopped, the body of the mouse’s wood began to gradually return to flesh and blood.

At the same time The face on the stomach began to fade, then disappeared, and changed back to the flat white belly.

“How is the taste?” asked Jiuwei with interest.

Naruto’s painful drag and support is like a pregnant belly, Kaidō: “The smell of fart! This stuff is tossing in my stomach, killing me!”

“Say, can this thing be digested?”

Nine tails know where you can digest, and laugh at the side.

Nine tails found Naruto with a big belly and a special feeling of joy.

At the moment, the hand-sliding scene recorded the scene in front of the memory and sent it to the public chat area of ​​the Spirit network.

Muni was originally drinking milk, and after seeing it, a whole mouth directly sprayed a little monk.

Xiao Yani was angry, raised his hand and prepared to tear the clothes of Dai Ni, and Da Ni Ni blackened his face and shouted: “You two give me the right thing!”

Xiao Yuni did not accept the air: “It was her first battle! Look! I sprayed my face! Dirty…”

Muni also coughed fiercely, and that bite of milk made her suffer.

Hands waved again and again, waited for the breath to come up, and quickly said: “Go to the public chat area, Naruto is pregnant!”

“pū! ”

“pū! ”

“pū! ”

The girls quickly entered the public chat area.

Then I saw the picture of the golden Naruto uploaded by Jiuwei.

For a time, the girls laughed crazy.

“Everything secretly, 30 deleted after a second.”

The thief of the nine-tailed thief sipped his throat.

How can the girls have a good time to talk back at this time?

After 30 seconds, the message is erased on time.

Little monk and a group of girls quickly chased around the end to ask what is going on.

Nine tails simply said that eating the wrong things did not digest.

On the other hand, Naruto forcibly stayed for five minutes, and the stomach finally didn’t hurt. It didn’t struggle inside, but the big belly didn’t go down.

It should be that it has not been digested.

“Wo Wo! How is it like pregnancy? How can I see people?”

Naruto complained.

However, my heart is glad that it is a Spiritual Body, and most people can’t see it.

But when I think about it, I can see it.

“Nine Lama teacher, my stomach…”

Not waiting for Naruto to finish, the nine-tailed face is a serious saying: “Ah… it should be still not digested… It will be fine in a few days, not a major event.”

Nine tails are serious and serious, and they have not ridiculed their own meaning…

Naruto’s heart is sighed in relief.

Praise in the heart, the teacher of the nine lama is sometimes full value trust.

I don’t know, nine tails in the nine-tail seal Space have been laughing and I have been back and forth several times.

Resolving the residual will in the first generation cells, the vitality of formidable is combined with Naruto’s Spiritual Force, which produces a large number of Chakra, and continues to enhance the Physique of this flying squirrel.

Even with a small flying squirrel began to gain weight.

Just like blowing a balloon, there is no time to react to Naruto. In the blink of an eye, it is bigger than the entrance to the sewer.

To finish… can’t get out…

However, what is embarrassing is that the body is still expanding!

The head of the flying squirrel topped the shed of the sewer.

The underground sewers of the country of water are extremely developed and can accommodate people to walk inside.

The height is as high as two meters.

The top of the head is on the roof of the sewer, “Oh…”

A crack was cast out of the roof.

There are more and more cracks, but the steel bars inside are still supported.

Outside, the ground rises and the bigger the bigger.

At this time, it is impossible for Naruto to secretly discover it without being discovered by others.

As for the previously arranged barrier, the collapse of the wall has been lifted.

Suddenly Naruto called Chakra, and with a force, he only heard the sound of the sound, and the giant flying mouse finally came out from the ground.

At the same time also blew a lot of pipes.

There are sewage drains and tap water pipes.

However, the giant flying rat was covered in Chakra, and the dirty things could not splash on it.

The body of the giant flying mouse is still getting bigger.

Three meters, four meters, five meters, all the way up.

The vitality of the first generation cells is completely beyond the imagination of Naruto.

The movement of the giant flying mouse is not small.

The rain in the sky is still falling, and the pours are dripping on the body. Naruto knows that Heavenly Dao Pain must have perceived him.

Sure enough, a minute later, there was an orange-yellow hedgehog, with a rebellious guardianship of the rainy country, and Heavenly Dao Pain Yahiko with a small black tube on his nose appeared not far from the giant flying rat.

Stand on top of the top of the organ tower.

The tall tower is more than ten meters high, and the body of the giant flying squirrel may reach that height if it continues to expand.

Naruto was thinking that the body’s expanding Momentum suddenly slowed down.

The giant squirrel’s final height is eight meters.

Heavenly Dao Pain stared at the giant squirrel, Naruto raised the head, and saw the pair of Rinnegan.

Light purple, big circle set of small circle of eyes.

Naruto is very calm.

But the nine tails are not calm, and they are shocked: “Really Rinnegan! How could there be Rinnegan on this World? Is the eyes of Old Man left?”

Naruto said with a smile : “If that’s the case, then these eyes are antiques.”

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