Supreme Naruto

Chapter 337

The blue-sleeve sword collided with the grasshopper sword, and the wind Attribute Chakra wrapped around the blue-sleeve sword vibrated in the form of a Chakra scalpel.

This sword has been extremely easy to cut Kankuro’s shackles in half, but now, it has encountered obstacles in the grasshopper sword.

On the grass smashing sword, Lightning stunned, and the squeaking sound blew in the ear. At the same time, the thunder was bright and bright, and the eye of the ordinary person was afraid that it would be blinded only at a glance.

The wind Attribute collides with the Ray Attribute Chakra outbreak.

I have to admit that Sasuke has grown very quickly, although it has only been a few months at Orochimaru.

But… not enough compared to Naruto.

Sasuke supported for a moment, and then was picked up by Naruto with a sword.

A sword flew out.

Naruto Momentum does not decrease, and continues to rush to the multi-purpose.

There are Sasukes who are fighting for time, and the giants who are controlled by them have already rushed to stop in front of her.

“the second.”

Naruto’s sword passes through the giants, through the multi-purpose.

Orochimaru has not moved yet.

Is it not there? Naruto is a bit skeptical…

But if you kill him, you will have one more capable man. This sale will not be lost.

The next one is…

Naruto rushed to the second Langfang.

Long sword is tempted.

At this time a giant door rises from the ground and blocks in front of Naruto.

The Rashomon was exhibited by the near and right.

This door blocked Naruto, but another Naruto appeared in the behind of the two. “I guess you will shoot.”

Naruto pinpoints the angle and a sword to nail the two together.

Then the same blue flame as the two tails spewed out from the sword blade.

The two directly carbonized.

Naruto took some of the ashes: “Death is not over.”

Then look at the last one…Jiro Square.

After the death of the near and the right, the Luoshengmen who came out of the two spirits disappeared, and Naruto step by step to go to Jirofang.

“Your opponent is me!”

Naruto’s behind, Sasuke screamed.

Naruto didn’t turn around, and Naruto in the perception barrier was able to clearly see Sasuke who had entered the state of the spell.

Telling the truth, Naruto feels that the wings behind his hands are ugly.

Naruto continues to Jiro Square.

Lightning broke out on Sasuke, speed was ten times faster than before, and appeared in Naruto’s behind in the blink of an eye.

Naruto’s wrist flipped, and even the body did not return to the body. The backhand gripped the sword and hardened Sasuke full power.

Naruto was shot and the direction was in the direction of Jilangfang.

on purpose? on purpose.

“the fourth.”

Naruto’s sword turned in the direction of Heart of Jilangfang, and Jilangfang even forgot to fight back in fear.

Naruto shook the head: “Even if you die, you have to fight to the end. This time, you can’t do this later. What do you want?”

after? Is there any later?

The body of Jirofang fell softly, and Naruto took a few hairs from Jiro.

All four have been killed… Orochimaru still not coming out?

Wouldn’t it be scary to dare to come out?

Or is Orochimaru not at all nearby?

Anyway, Orochimaru’s trace was not found in Naruto’s perception barrier.

Naruto pseudo-Spirit links to Sasuke: “What the truth is that you said? Four people I have finished killing, how can Orochimaru not come out? Do you want me to kill you?”

Sasuke The same means Kaidō: “What are you going to do!”

Naruto said casually: “Nothing, originally I am going to go to Kirigakure, but I didn’t expect to meet you here, then you said Orochimaru, I will kill him and force him out.”

Naruto said it was easy.

Sasuke is very clear about the strength of four people. Naruto can kill four people so easily, not that they are weak…

But now Naruto… more formidable.

Naruto, Naruto, how strong are you to…

Sasuke’s hand couldn’t help but he was suspicious of whether he could catch up with Naruto’s pace.

Sasuke didn’t talk, and Naruto probed it again with the perception barrier.

Still no whereabouts of Orochimaru have been found.

Naruto suddenly shouted and shouted: “Orochimaru, I have a both hands of you. Do you want to make a deal? Sasuke tells me that you are near here. Are you afraid to come out?”

Naruto took a slap in Sasuke.

Naruto, this is to buy him directly!

However, Naruto’s scorpion effect was remarkable. After a minute, Orochimaru came out and there was a little girl with glasses Akakami (Red Hair).

Guess good words… it should be fragrant phosphorus.

After the death of Yakushi Kabuto, did Orochimaru change the fragrance?

“I have killed you four men. You don’t come out to save it. It seems that your body is not in a good state?”

Naruto laughs at the atochimaru.

Orochimaru is also the original look, long hair and white skin.

However, the chest is quite flat, and I can see that this time I should use a male body.

Orochimaru said with a smile : “They die in your hands to show that they waste, and waste is not living right.”

Orochimaru did not mean to ask for sin.

Naruto doesn’t think it’s free and easy, but the situation of Orochimaru itself…maybe really bad.

Naruto looked at Orochimaru’s bandage and pulled the both hands on the sides of the body.

Probed : “After reincarnation, your hand has a problem again?”

Orochimaru didn’t hide it. It was straightforward: “I have confirmed the information you gave me last time, and sent people to the Noodle Hall…”

Naruto said with a smile : “Want to trade with me? Then why didn’t you come out early?”

Orochimaru’s behind is out of a person…

Kimimaro ……

Good Kimimaro… Is this guy cured?

Naruto was amazed.

At the same time Some itch.

Orochimaru Kaidō: “I also want to see your Strength, if you are too weak… I will catch you directly.”

Very frank answer.

Naruto Kaidō: “What about the results?”

Orochimaru grinned: “As with the last result, you are qualified to trade with me fairly.”

Naruto thought about it, smiled, and then practised a Scroll.

“This is the seal of your both hands. I used this Scroll to change Sasuke back. Do you think there is a problem?”

Orochimaru looked at Sasuke and hesitated for a moment.

Then nodded.

Naruto continued: “There is a bit of a head, I want to learn your curse, it is the technique of learning to curse, not letting you give me a curse.”

Orochimaru is nodded again.

Naruto is also satisfied with nodded: “And, I have been studying your man-made project recently. Yakushi Kabuto was helped by my Edo Tensei for me, but I have encountered a bottleneck. I want to ask you to give us some advice.”

Orochimaru is happy, eyes and even staring at Naruto: “You really are a funny person, I can promise you, but you have to tell me one thing, the information I learned from Konoha said that you have Dead, then you… why are you still alive?”

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