Supreme Naruto

Chapter 326

“Nine tails!”

“How do you want to die!”

In the Spirit network, the recovery-conscious Naruto snarls the nine tails.

Also at the hot spring hotel, I am going to travel with a nine-tailed subliminal neck. “There is murderous!”

But I quickly recovered and went back. “What do you call me? I don’t know how to be a child?”

Naruto black face Kaidō: “I am a young man, you are a grandfather! Is there an elder of yours! Ah? What hate do you have with me? I don’t want to eat like a pig. You even fed Hinata into a pig. Nine-tailed! I told you that I didn’t play with you! I started practicing raft now! You are waiting for me!”

Practice raft? Jiuwei’s heart jumped and knew that he was playing off, but it felt that he could still rescue him. He quickly retorted: “You said that you didn’t have to deal with me with rafts. Are you talking fart?”

Naruto growls: “Young Master, I am talking fart today, you are waiting for me, I tell you, this hatred is big!”

There is a saying that is good, people are invincible, Naruto is playing with the insole, and the nine tails are also afraid.

Some heart Hollow said: “That… don’t be angry, don’t you eat fat?”

Naruto feels like a filled puffer fish, and her stomach is about to explode.

Shouted: “Is that fat?! Ah? The heads of the TM can’t see the legs, GodTM is a little fat!”

The hot spring hotel’s nine-tailed bow tried and said to himself: “Hey? I really can’t see my legs…”

Saying that the nine-tailed body bent forward and finally found that even the ninety degrees of bending can not be done…

Looks like it’s a bit too much…

Nine-tailed hearts are more Hollowed. “That…the fat point is not bad…. How cute is the round…”

It is even more dangerous to perceive Naruto’s soul breath in the Spirit link, which is extremely emotional.

So the nine tails quickly changed their minds: “I lose weight! I can’t lose weight, I promise that before you come back, give you a healthy and healthy body, and give you a body that is even and beautiful. How?”

Perceive the Naposo’s imposing manner and finally no longer climb, and Jiuwei’s heart is happy, knowing that it works.

“Do you promise to be reduced?” Naruto no longer snarls, and his tone is calm.

Nine-tailed immediately guaranteed: “I promise! It will definitely be reduced before you come back!”

Naruto asked: “What about Hinata?”

Nine-tailed promised: “I will also take her to lose weight.”

Naruto’s satisfied nodded, then added: “There are other people in the guild, I will see results after a month, otherwise… you don’t even think about it, and the dessert is gone! Nothing is gone. !”

Nine tails want to say that you don’t give me dessert, I won’t borrow your Strength, but I think about it… Naruto is very pitiful to borrow Strength from it.

Coupled with the existence of the Spirit network, the Big Snow Mountain Institute can gather Chakra…

It can be said that… there is no big problem, Chakra is not needed at all.

And there is a big problem… even if Naruto doesn’t ask him, he will take the initiative…

So to speak… its right to speak… almost zero.

After recognizing the reality, Jiuwei felt that he would be a little more stable in the future… Good foxes don’t and people lower oneself to somebody’s level.

Lei Zhiguo.

After the end of the conversation with the nine tails, Naruto long took a deep breath, and now Naruto still feels that the brain is a little oxygen-deficient.

How did they eat it… just two weeks… it’s too contrary to common sense…

It was elusive, and Naruto remembered how many people would be fat.

White fat and fat, like a big girl, and it is still a big girl…

Not to mention… I want to come… I’m quite happy.

Even the thought of a few people, this depressed mood turned out to be a few points, of course, does not include Hinata.

“I want to run back and take a few commemorative photos for them…”

Naruto snorted and then contacted Jiuwei again: “That… Lama teacher, take a few photos with them before you take them to lose weight, or you can get a camera and take some pictures of them. Row.”

Before the nine-tailed and nine-tailed call, this U-turn has not been five seconds, immediately called back to the Lama teacher…

The speed of this face is absolutely arrogant.

In order to prevent the little donkey from licking again (lio four sounds) ju (jue three sounds), Jiuwei decided to agree to the request.

“Okay, I will help them to take a few beautiful photos.”

Naruto and good Kaidō: “Well… then trouble the Lama teacher, yes, my photos don’t need to be taken.”

Nine-tailed Kaidō: “Okay.”

well? Those that do not exist, these are completely black history.

Waiting later… oh…

Thinking of this, Naruto’s face once again showed a sly smile.

The mood was a lot better, and the little song went to the home of the wooden man.

Two weeks of apprenticeship, the relationship between Naruto and the two wooden people is from strange to familiar, and even a little elder sister is close to the younger brother.

For example, if it is late for a certain day of cultivation, or what is delicious at home, the two wooden people will leave Naruto to eat together.

However, there are not many changes in the appearance of the wooden people and the past, and there is always a face, and one thing is serious.

Um… even when I was eating, I was serious and meticulous.

“Because the wooden man elder sister, I am coming.”

Naruto’s mouth is treating the girl with sweet honey, and the elder sister is more than anyone else.

Perhaps this is the case, the girls are very friendly to Naruto, the man… Now the males in the village of Kumo Shinobi are mostly full of maliciousness to him.

Naruto walked into the door, his face smiled and his expression was solemn. In front of him, Fourth Raikage was standing in the courtyard and talking to the two men.

Naruto seriously bowed to Fourth Raikage and gave a respectful greeting.

Fourth Raikage looked over.

The skin of the Fourth Raikage is the typical brown-black skin of the country of Ray.

The face of the Chinese character, the outline of the face is clear and the knife is cut, the eyes are calm and serious.

There is a majesty of the superiors that Tsunade has never had.

But… Naruto is more concerned about… Why does this guy like to show his belly?

At this time, Fourth Raikage was covered with a white robe and his chest was open. At first glance, he could see the brown-black abdominal muscles that were neat and sturdy.


Naruto is deeply suspicious of this.

Raikage start to talk, the voice is low and thick, and there is Ruohong Zhongming. “This is the little guy you said?”

This sentence is said to the two by the wooden man.

The two were respected by the wooden man: “Back to Raikage-sama, yes.”

Raikage looked back at Naruto and Naruto’s heart was tight.

Just two people are talking about him?

In order not to cause unnecessary trouble, Naruto put away the perception barrier after becoming familiar with the village of Kumo Shinobi.

After all, some people can still find such means of exploration.

So when Naruto came, he didn’t find Raikage in advance, and they didn’t know they were talking about themselves.

Raikage nodded, a mouth beard with a tilt, “Well… then let me try this little guy, I can be interested in people who want to be officially appreciative.”

Saying that Raikage took a step toward Naruto, the next moment, the thunder flash disappeared.

Raikage is attacking him! How to do? Is it hiding or not hiding? Still counterattack?

And… just now he said that the two men will officially accept him as a disciple?

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