Supreme Naruto

Chapter 321

A big windmill, two big windmills, three strong winds,

The two people were supposed to be the guy in front of the wood several times, and the character on the opposite side would be difficult to retreat.

But soon she knew she was wrong.

The guy ran back again, this time he fell into the chicken coop, his body was covered with chicken feathers, and his appearance faded into an explosion.

But the eyes are firmer.

“Why do you want me to point you?”

Two Naruto, who were stared at the gray face by the wooden man, wanted to see the answer from the mouse eyes.

Naruto replied sillyly: “Because I only know you alone, and you saved my life.”

This answer made the two people do not know how to pick up.

Just knowing you alone, this sentence sounds sad.

The last sentence, she did not understand.

Asked: “I saved your life, you want me to point you? What logic is this?”

Naruto’s eyes have become more serious and determined. “Because I want to get stronger, I will repay you in the future!”

The two people wanted to say that I don’t need your reward, but I can’t say anything about it.

After all, she is not really a ruthless person. If she is she, she will not win the love of the villagers.

But she didn’t know that at this time, there was another person in Naruto’s mind who was in command.

In the Spirit network, Muniy is on the stage.

“The eyes are really a little bit stunned. Don’t swear by the dead, your eyes are soft, it’s like this, it’s softer, it’s good.”

“You have to have a Wandering cat to meet the emotions of the new master.”

Naruto interrupted: “What is the emotion of the Wandering cat encountering the new master?”

Muni said: “First, the first point, to be cute, the value of the face is king. This is what you have to do with this body. The second point is to be pitiful, to be lonely, to be miserable, so that you can inspire a girl’s sympathy. Heart, the third point… Well, it’s good to do both of the above with your acting skills.”

“Very good, this expression is kept, the corner of the mouth should not be raised, bend down a bit, not too much.”

“Pay attention! Eyes don’t move away, staring at her eyes. When a man lie, his eyes will travel, and instead of a woman, you are now a man, so it will be sincere to stare at her.”

Naruto stared at the two wooden people, and couldn’t help but tsukkomi said: “Have I played a woman?”

咕尼坏sai with a smile: “Now, although not played, but you can try it in the future.”

Naruto is going to ridicule, Muni shouted: “Attention!”

Spirit World’s time is much longer than the real World because there is no delay. When Naruto communicates with Muni, a long line of reality, World has only passed a blink of an eye.

Naruto’s pitiful look is in place, and I don’t know if it really works. I watched the twelfth second in the two.

When Naruto was about to hold on, the two men finally started to talk: “Follow me.”


Five minutes later, the two men took Naruto and re-Kaidō the suspension bridge: “Jump down, you don’t have to go back to save you if you jump, if you dare me, I will accept you.”

This assessment is strictly to the extreme for others. After all, it is a life to bet on.

But Naruto is not afraid, just as Naruto is going to jump down when he is happy, Muni shouted: “Slow!”

“Don’t jump right away, it will only make you look like a fool.”

“If you want to hesitate, you must be jealous, you must have a rare life, and show your desire for living.”

“So, when you choose to jump, the emotions will be sincere, will be more powerful, and can be poked into the heart of the people!”

Is it so complicated?

With a successful case, Naruto asked sillyly, “What should I do?”

The director of Muni again went on stage and commanded: “The premise of holding the rope of the suspension bridge, showing the impulse to jump, then firmly cross the past, but in the eyes to see the moment below hesitate, heartbeat to speed up “”

Naruto pressed the ropes on the suspension bridge according to Muni’s instructions and turned over the ropes. The people stood on the outside of the suspension bridge.

A gust of wind blew, and the suspension bridge screamed. At the moment when Naruto lost weight, the hand gripped the rope subconsciously.

Muni praised: “Very good! Pretty good! The show is very in place!”

Naruto jumped in her heart, very sincere Kaidō: “Crap, I was really stunned by the damn wind.”

The shock of sudden weight loss is human instinct.

It’s just like dreaming that falling people from high altitudes will wake up from sleep.

Muni encouraged: “Keep it and look down.”

Naruto looked down.

More than ten meters? Or… higher.

The body of the body controlled by Naruto is also the level of Chunin, which falls vertically without being guarded.

Naruto looks to the ground, two by the wooden man looks at Naruto.

Muni said: “The both legs are slightly bent, and they are going to jump.”

Naruto did it.

“This time I read a line, that is, ‘I believe that you will not let me die.’ Then jump off.”

Naruto started to talk according to Muni’s instructions: “I believe you will not let me die.”

Naruto jumped.

Feet slippery, originally should jump head-up, and once again, the head is facing down.

Look at the ground constantly zooming in front of the eyes, feeling the cold wind blowing in the face.

Naruto actually has some liver fibrillation.

On the ground, the two chipmunks that had ran before should have thought of the abandoned nuts, so they both ran back.

But before they could compete for nuts, they saw Naruto rushing over them.

The tail of the chipmunk blew, and the eyes swelled at Naruto, which fell from the sky. The expression seemed to be saying, Wowo! It is this fool.

Then I don’t know if I was scared or afraid of being splashed with blood. I immediately turned around and ran.

The other chipmunk is entangled in whether it is running or holding a nut, because the entanglement is behind the first one.

But in the end, I will run first.

The scenery on the ground in Naruto’s field of vision continues to enlarge.

Five meters! Three meters!

In the Spirit network, Muni encourages: “Keep it! Victory is in front of you!”

Naruto had a chance, “I don’t think she wants me to die!”

Muni said: “She will definitely not let you die.”

Naruto’s consciousness projection shook head in the Spirit network said: “No, I mean she won’t let me choose to die.”

“That is to say, she will definitely save me, but I will not necessarily accept me after saving me.”

Muni did not understand, “You mean…”

Naruto said seriously: “I feel that I will break out before I die. Before she saves me, I should try to save myself.”

“This is equivalent to betting on both sides.”

“One of the bets is that I dare to jump and she will accept me.”

“The other one is that I don’t cherish life. She won’t accept me, but I have saved myself. This is another way to cherish life. I will be blessed on both sides, no matter what she thinks, we will win!”

Muni listened a little dizzy, and felt a bit reasonable, reminded: “There is still one meter left.”

On the cliff, the two-tailed deep blue Chakra turned into an arm and quickly extended to catch Naruto.

But just as Naruto was caught, the Chakra suddenly on Naruto broke out, and a strong wind struck the ground.

The suspension bridge was even blown up by this strong wind.

In the Spirit network, Naruto is full of fear: “Is it too exaggerated…”

Muni did not know how to answer, perfunctory: “You are happy.”

Believe me, Xiaozhao is thinking about breaking out. (sincere face)

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