Supreme Naruto

Chapter 314

After returning to the house at night, Naruto left a detachment and returned to the country of snow.

From the cell at the foot of the Snowy Mountain, an unacceptable shinobi was raised to resurrect the woman in the arena during the day.

“Welcome back to this World.”

Level 2 at the base of the Snowy Mountain Laboratory, Level 1, B001room built for Edo Tensei.

It is worth mentioning that this Level 1 consists entirely of honeycomb houses.

According to the important important important Rank, there are three Ranks: S, A, and B.

Stored in the S class: Naruto, Hinata, the owner of the four-star card, the sisters of Sakura, and the resurrection material of Dafei.

A (ji) currently has only one person, A001 number room, white.

The first person at level B…

“What’s your name?”

Naruto remembers that when I was on the arena, the display showed: Flower Girl.

Sorry, Naruto didn’t want to call this guy sister.

The woman’s consciousness gradually woke up, and after seeing Naruto, there was no difference with everyone who woke up.

However, after being suppressed and recognizing the reality, it will be honest.

The method explained by Naruto is also very simple and rude. The green sleeves are smashed and the woman’s left arm is directly isolated.

Without the scene of the blood splashing, the woman’s hand was turned into an ashes, and it was re-assembled and reassembled.

The woman was shocked by the look at her own hand, and I didn’t say anything for a long time.

Illusion Technique ? This is the only thing that can be explained… but she can feel that her will is not disturbed.

She is sober, she has never been sober.

Naruto took back the blue-sleeve sword. “Simply, you are dead now. I am resurrecting you to this World through the ban. Now I have to make a deal with you. You promised to continue to live, not to agree…”

Naruto took out a spell. “I will use this to erase your ingenuity, and then let you give me a short-term job. After all, resurrecting you, I wasted a living person. The preciousness of human life cannot be wasted its value.” “”

“But you can rest assured that I will not resurrect you after waiting for your body to die.”

“Now, I ask you, what is your name, and whether you are willing to do something for me.”

The woman’s both hands clenched and her face hesitated.

Naruto urged: “In five seconds, if you don’t answer me, you will deny it.”

Naruto picked up the wiping paper in his hand.

Is the Illusion Technique still true? The woman is in a hurry.

But she did remember that she was killed by someone called Zero Seven.



The woman suddenly started to talk: “I call ink, I am willing to do things for you!”

Naruto showed a sincere smile. “You will be thankful for today’s choice.”

Naruto took out a one-star card and handed it over: “The first drop of blood on it.”

When the ink raised his hand, he bit his finger, and the finger bite it, but there was no bleeding, and the broken mouth became a floating ash, and it quickly recovered.

Naruto took out a knife and handed it over: “With this, your body has been transformed into another form of life, and the usual means can’t take blood.”

The ink was picked up by a knife and stroked on the hand. This time, there was no ash-floating picture, but a dark red blood flowed out. The amount was very small, only the position was opened.

Blood drops on the card.

The voice of Xiaoniuni was introduced into the ear.

“The host binding was successful.”

“Scan host body data…”

“The foundation data panel is generated and can be viewed on its own.”


After five minutes, the novice tutorial is complete.

There is no link to Quest because her Quest panel is empty.

Shown above: “Special identity, Quest is assigned separately by the administrator.”

The ink stunned to look at Naruto. Everything I experienced just made her feel unreal, and the thing that claimed to be System was incredible.

“You… what do you want me to do?”

There are some battles in the ink.

Naruto looks at the well-behaved woman in front of him, he found that before the ridiculous arrogance was lost, the woman in front of her eyes became a little cute, at least not annoying.

“How long have you been on the underground exchange?”

Ink seriously Kaidō: “eighteen years.”

Eighteen years? So long… this woman in front… the biggest is 20 3? Fives?

Naruto continued to ask: “Then you should know a lot about the underground exchange. The first Quest I gave you was to let you build a mercenary union. I will help you advance to Samsung.”

The underground exchange is a good place and Naruto intends to infiltrate.

Of course, blind actions can provoke unknown dangers before the absolute Strength is mastered.

So… Naruto intends to step by step and cultivate a few of his own forces.

When the ink heard Naruto, the expression was wonderful, and some of them were unbelievable. “What do you mean… let me be the president of the Samsung Association?”

For a person who has been on the underground exchange for 18 years, she knows how heavy the gold content of the Samsung Red Cross is.

Naruto dagger.

Ink excited, if someone said this to her before, she would sneer and mock the overestimate one’s capabilities on the opposite side.

But a person who can raise her, a person who can come up with a magic card that cannot be understood.

When she wants to come, this sentence is true!

“What do you want me to do?”

Naruto, who knows how to do it, can only pretend to be deeply meditation.

Inducing from the side: “Do you register yourself for a one-star mercenary?”

Molian nodded: “I can do this.”

Naruto nodded and continued: “So, I will continue to provide you with this card to help you develop your power.”

The ink eye shines brightly, and promises: “Okay! There are such cards within ten years, no! Within five years, I will be able to build a Samsung guild!”

Five years? It’s too long!

Naruto interrupted: “I want you to accomplish this goal within a year, or even a shorter time.”

Ink does not make it: “Although this card is amazing… but it takes time to train people…”

“You should know that people who already have a guild will not join other guilds unless the former guild is dissolved…”

This is a problem.

It’s so hard for Naruto to come out with Hinata, and it’s not easy for other guilds to come.

In addition, even if other guilds are loosely controlled, they are willing to come and say it.

Unless… kill that person and then resurrect…

This method is darker, but the place like the underground exchange should not lack the scum of Strength formidable.

Doesn’t this just kill the people?

Naruto said with a smile : “Do you have an enemy of Strength formidable? Tell me, how can I help him solve it and then resurrect it to be your hand?”

Ink excited, “Yes! The president of the clown emperor!”

Naruto looks dull: “Hey…”

Naruto didn’t have a mask now, and the sound didn’t change, and the ink didn’t recognize him to be normal.

However… Isn’t the normal logic supposed to avenge the “Zero 7” that killed him?

How much hatred between these two women…

Naruto was curious and couldn’t help but ask: “What hell are you and her…?”

Ink mood is low: “My best partner is because of her death… so she must die!”

“I tried to join their guild and then looked for opportunities around her, but unfortunately didn’t succeed…”

“But I won’t give up!”

Uh uh uh……

Naruto can say that you are in a mess…

Who is a good person who is a bad person is stupid.

But maybe there is no good guy or bad guy under the hate.

“That… change one, this kind of hatred makes me feel more meaningful.”

Naruto is serious.

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