Supreme Naruto

Chapter 311

The competition in the arena is naturally a bet.

The good news is that Naruto’s odds are 1: 3.5.

Simply put Naruto’s 10 and win 3.5.

Half an hour before the game, Naruto is already eager to try.

“How much money does the president bring, and if I win, I will make a big profit.”

Compared to Naruto’s self-feeling, the president’s face is very gloomy. “Do you know that the bigger the odds, the more you can’t win?”

Naruto shook head said: “No, no, the bigger the odds, the more I earn.”

However, Naruto himself is a bit hesitant, that is, he wants to bet himself.

Naruto doesn’t have much money on his body, but he can always go back to the country of snow, as long as he wants to even move the treasury of the snow.

Of course, moving the treasury is not realistic. When the amount of the bet is higher than the threshold, the odds will be reduced.

There is also too much attention.

But a small bet is still ok.

He remembers that Hinata had a lot of money on his body, so he contacted Hinata in the Spirit network: “The money is on your body.”

Hinata Kaidō: “Well, you gave me 10 million both.”

10 million is the last time Naruto summoned Hinata to the snow country and gave Hinata money.

However, … 10 million is a bit more… and it is easy to attract attention.

Half off? But a little unwilling.

Although Naruto is not short of money, the sentence is good, and it is cheaper than the bastard.

“When you are on the court… you must take five million two, then before the market closes… take another shot.”

After communicating with Hinata, Naruto looked up at the odds display on the screen.

“If the odds can be higher, it would be fine.”

This sentence was heard by the president, and I couldn’t help but taunted: “You can do an individual check. If the exchange determines that you are only twelve years old, then the odds will be turned over again.”

Naruto eyes is on, “Can it still be like this?”

President said ill-humoredly: “I said that you really don’t know your situation. Do you know who you are on for a while?”

Naruto is not convinced: “I have defeated you, don’t be so confident about me?”

Not mentioning this is okay, mentioning the president is more angry, “Although I don’t want to fight this with you, but I tell you seriously, when I played with you, I didn’t make full power at all because I didn’t want to kill you. Secondly, the last time you can win more than half of the advantage of the venue, but look at here, the ground here is the steel plate, the arena is also an iron cage, your Earth Style can not play out, you tell me how you want to play! ”

Naruto is stunned.

Looking down at the foot, stepping hard, the thick iron plate makes a weak sound, the thickness is at least one decimeter or more!

The same is true on the top of the head. There is no place to reveal the house at all.

It’s really hard to do…

But not desperate, Naruto is confident that even the Earth Style can solve the opposite side.

From the channel: “Even if I do, I will win.”

“That… are we going to gamble?”

The president was laughed. “If you lose this game, you will lose your life. What is the use of winning you?”

“You don’t complain about luck. The rules set in the arena are not to be refuted. Otherwise, the underground exchange will go down with Quest. If you go there, someone will take you back to fulfill the bet.”

Naruto shrugged and didn’t talk.

Until the start of the game, the president suddenly started to talk: “I put all your money on you, you must give me alive!”

Naruto smiled back, but Baimei was not born, and the voice was full of sorrow: “Do not worry, you will only complain that you are not getting enough money.”

The president’s expression is still serious: “Don’t die! What is the bet you have to make before?”

At this time, the host on the glade field shouted: “Please ask the clown emperor mercenary guild, and play immediately at zero!”

Naruto turned a blind eye to this sentence and said, “If I win, let me be the president!”

The president Pūchī was teased, and the look at Naruto shook his head: “Do you look confident?”

Naruto is sure: “You must have confidence!”

The host on the gladiatorial field raised the octave with the sound of the microphone and shouted: “Please ask the clown emperor’s mercenary for the zero-seven! Come on the field!”

Naruto still ignored the moderator, and he looked at the president and waited for the president’s reply.

The president shook the shook head. “The position of the president cannot be given to you, but you can give you a vice president.”

“The vice president is originally zero, but she can’t fight after all, so the position of the vice president is always idle.”

Vice president? Not bad.

Naruto smiled and said: “That’s it!”

Then finally played in the eyes of the host to kill.

After Naruto left, the president will go to the bet, Hinata.

There was a mask in the president and I couldn’t see the expression of Hinata. I blamed myself: “Sorry, it seems that I should not bring you here today.”

Hinata is very serious nodded: “It’s true, it’s not fun here, but it’s not too bad, and you can still earn some money.”

Said to hand the silver ticket to the window of the bet.


A string of numbers is drawn on a display.

The person inside the window respectfully said: “Please confirm the amount, click the confirmation button.”

Hinata pressed down.

The president did not go to see the numbers on the display. At this time, the president was still in self-blame.

Hinata comforted: “Reassured, Naruto will win!”

On the field, Naruto’s entrance to the iron cage was closed after the game, and the thick iron gate was closed at the moment “Clang!”, it was very thrilling.

This is a large “曰” shape, enclosed iron cage with two entrances on each side.

There is also an iron gate that separates the two contestants.

The players entered the cage and were on either side of the iron gate.

The players entered the stadium and the cheering began to cheer.

The host began to introduce the identity of the two.

When introducing the woman opposite, the identity of the members of the Samsung Mercenary Guild attracted another audience.

When introducing Naruto, the host told the background of the former Samsung Guild of the Clown Emperor, and introduced the tradition of accepting only women without accepting men. Finally, Naruto was identified as a male.

This introduction style hangs the appetite of the audience, but Naruto is a party… a little bit of pain.

The host is roaring: “Why does a guild with a deep background and unique rules suddenly accept a male member? Is there any specificity in this male player? Or is it really the clown emperor?” Let us wait and see Let’s go!”

At that time, the nasty woman started to talk: “No!”

“Actually, this man is a little white face raised by the ugly emperor!”

After the words were shouted out, there was a whistling sound from the meeting.

Naruto’s old face is also black.

God’s little white face! Go to the little white face raised by TM!

The Naruto pseudo-Spirit link links to the woman on the opposite side, the sound said solemnly: “originally I have no intention of killing you. There are other things in my plan that I want you to do, but your own courting death will blame others, if If you have the next word, remember to close your mouth.”

The woman was shocked when she was ringing in her mind.

At this time, the host shouted: “The game begins!”

“R啷!” A loud noise, the iron gate resting between the two slowly opened.

Naruto’s killing heart, the killing intent followed the pseudo-Spirit link and passed to the opposite side of the opposite side.

At this moment, the woman suddenly had an iron door that was not opened in the arena, but opened a door to hell.

After the ghost gate, it is the corpse of the corpse.

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