Supreme Naruto

Chapter 308

I felt sleepy until dawn, and the exhaustion of yesterday’s cultivation day was swept away.

Naruto made a long yawn and looked at the window sill.

On the window sill, the butterfly mushroom without the head is inserted in the pot and strives to do photosynthesis.

According to common sense, mushrooms cannot be used for photosynthesis because there is no chlorophyll in the body.

But the butterfly mushroom is obviously different from the ordinary mushroom. At this time, under the sunshine, its originally white body… is very green.

Or… it is not a mushroom at all… it just looks like a mushroom.

Naruto observed the head of the butterfly mushroom. After a night of cultivation, and Chakra did not inject money, the brain that had been broken yesterday had already grown a little bit.

“Hey! Hey! Hey!”

The wooden door rang, and the sound of zero five sounded outside the door: “Zero younger brother, didn’t you get up?”

“Ah… zero five elder sister early…” Naruto lazily promised.

Zero and five sounded early, “The president told me to tell you that she is going to take you to the trading floor of the underground exchange today.”

Trading area? Where is that?

But it should sound quite interesting.

“Okay, I know.”

Naruto began to get dressed.

It is worth mentioning that although Naruto claims that Hinata is his own fiancée, the idea of ​​bed-to-bed is still shattered.

There is only one reason, that is, Hinata disagrees, um… the president does not agree, okay… in fact, no one agrees except himself.

Even he said that he just slept and could not do anything.

No, he was fine when he didn’t say it. After talking about the opposition of the women, the voice was even stronger.

After the grooming, simple meal, Naruto and Hinata led the president to the underground exchange.

Zero four and zero five are at home to carry out their own cultivation.

Part of the reason for the fourth quarter was the rapid stimulation of Naruto’s progress.

And zero five… The president will not let the zero six catch up with you, and be honest.

The three came to the winery of the underground exchange and handed over Quest. The Rank of the guild was promoted two stars from one star.

The president handed the one-star mercenary card to the staff.

The staff handed the newly-built two-star identity card both hands to the president. “Do you need to order a uniform now?”

The president took over two two-star guild cards, and the expression was slightly more complicated. “Do it, do it according to the past, and then take us to the underground trading area.”

The staff respected the promise and then arranged it on the computer.

Naruto took over the two-star mercenary card that the president handed him.

This card is very similar to the ID card made by Naruto. It is almost the size of an IC card, and the underground exchange is relatively slightly longer.

Card Metal texture, the name of the union in the upper left corner, followed by two stenciled stars.

The groove of the star stamping is filled with gold and looks like a high-end atmosphere.

The member name is in the lower right corner of the card, and is symmetric with the center of the guild in the upper left corner.

“codename A1028, for you.” A receptionist with A1028 engraved on the mask walked in from the side door and made a request at the same time.

The president got up and gestured to Naruto and Hinata to keep up.

“The trading area is only open to guilds of more than two stars, so I didn’t take you there last time.”

The crowd followed the receptionist behind, passing a tunnel of two meters wide and the end of the tunnel was an elevator.

The elevator is different from the elevator in Naruto’s cognition. Because there is no door, the walls are empty, only one round bottom, hanging up.

The mechanical rollers between the elevator and the track are also visible to the naked eye.

For ordinary people, this elevator looks extremely insecure, but for shinobi, this convenient escape structure is safe.

The waiter respectfully said: “Please choose the area you want to go.”

The president asked: “What time is the auction today?”

Waiter: “Today’s three games, the most recent one is ten minutes later, the other two are at two in the afternoon and one in the evening at ten.”

President Kaidō: “Go to the auction house.”

The waiter nodded and reminded: “Please gather Chakra on the sole of the foot and fix the body.”

The president took care of it, and Naruto and Hinata looked at each other and followed suit.

Then… Hula, feeling no different from free fall, the elevator suddenly fell, and suddenly stopped after five seconds.

Arrived at the station…

Shielded barriers around the perception barrier can’t work, but Naruto can feel that the drop height is at least one 100 meter.

Really… an exciting elevator.

Naruto looked at Hinata and found that Hinata was calm.

Shinobi and normal people really differ.

Then the waiter led the crowd through the hallway, the door opened, and the waiter did not go out but walked sideways and said: “I look forward to serving you next time.”

The president walked in with everyone, and suddenly cheerfully opened up.

The underground space is not small, and there is a bar on the head.

The front desk lady is a very sign of Beauty.

“Do you choose the box or the Great Hall?”

The president pulled out the identity card, “box, don’t serve.”

Walking into the box, Naruto suddenly had a feeling of relaxed.

Telling the truth, the mysterious underground exchange made him a little nervous.

“President elder sister, what are we going to buy today?”

Naruto curiously looked at the booklet with a thick rim of gold in the hands of the president.

The president did not open, but handed it to Naruto: “Do not buy anything, today is to bring you to see.”


Naruto took over the book that looks very noble and has a very high B.

At the moment of opening, the larynx could not help but squirm.

In front of the booklet, ten pages are all dressed girls.

The title is the auction assistant.

Naruto flips page by page, speed…some slow.

Hinata couldn’t help but lick Naruto’s soft underbelly.

Naruto shouted: “What do I do, the president let me see… oh…”

President Pūchī smiled, and said with a smile: “So, would I help you call a service?”

Can you say that?

Ten pages were directly turned over by Hinata forcibly, and Naruto had some regrets…

Behind it is the object of the auction.

There are Ninjutsu, there is intelligence, and treasure map.

And… people!

Men and women have, and even children.

Hinata was shocked: “How come here to sell people?”

President said with a smile : “This is what I am going to see you today, look at the dark side of this world.”

“Let’s understand, when the auction is over, I will take you to the arena.”

Hinata’s hand grasped Naruto’s hand, and the voice asked Hollow: “Why are you taking us to see this?”

President calmly said: “It is the first Spirit baptism to join the guild. You are very small. If it is an ordinary person, you should not touch these with your age, but… since you choose to go this route, you must First know what kind of road this is, so that you can go on better.”

Is the darkness of World?

Naruto is not afraid, but Hinata… Is it really good to let her get in touch with them?

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