Supreme Naruto

Chapter 306

As mentioned in the fourth round, the method of improving the whale number is very innovative, that is, adding Clone Jutsu to the whale.

“What do you think? After you add the avatar, it can run with you. You only need to provide Chakra.”

The face of the excited face at Naruto.

Naruto also felt bright in front of her eyes and agreed: “This is a good way!”

Then there are some strange words: “Zero four elder sister, you are very different from other people, other people’s consciousness is the avatar, used to fight, and will not think about changing Ninjutsu.”

The fourth is scary joyfully said: “You also feel that it is feasible. Right, I just said to the president, she actually said that I am stupid!”

At this time, the president also came back.

To zero four: “I said that you really said your method and zero seven? Ninjutsu, which is impossible to complete, then you know how long it takes for a Ninjutsu to go from creation to molding?”

“Even if you study it, you may have passed for more than a decade…”

This sentence is very familiar… Naruto feels where I heard it…

Looks like…Jiraiya or Tsunade and he said that…

Naruto disagreed with the president. “President, I think it works.”

The president originally taught a few words. Naruto’s sentence directly killed her and went back. She finally said: “Turn it, wait until the time is not toss, remember to admit it to me.”

The president is going to leave, and the fourth child is mad at the back of the president.

Apparently her idea was able to get Naruto’s approval and she was very happy.

Naruto suddenly called the president: “President elder sister, do you want us to make a bet?”

The president was smirked and turned and was not sure: “Are you serious?”

Naruto feels that his blood is burning.

Since Sasuke ran away with Orochimaru, he has been gambling with him for a long time and he has been pitted.

I nodded again and again: “Serious! What about the news of gambling zero zero zero zero zero? I am very curious about them.”

Speaking of the three people, the president’s face was unnatural and sighed: “Their news…not a secret, six months ago…we executed a Quest and it’s about to finish the result and another The guild robbed, and then the two guilds fought, the opposite side was unexpectedly strong, the three gimmicks… were smashed by the opposite side…”

“Now… there are three other places to stay, just like this hotel. In addition to this hotel, we have several other places.”

Because the three main forces were disfigured, the squad’s Rank fell from Samsung to a star?

“That… the mercenary who grabbed your Quest…” Naruto said nothing.

The president shook the shook head. “Those are not important. Don’t say this, say bet? How do you want to bet?”

The bet Naruto actually didn’t really want anything. I thought about it. “If you gamble me, do you teach me your cigarettes?”

The president snorted and laughed. “If you can learn from you, there is nothing, but if you want to learn the smog, you must at least change the nature of the Attribute Chakra.”

Is Fire Attribute Chakra a thing? Naruto sed with a smile : “What does that mean?”

The president is helpless, and this bet does not seem to have any trace of value to her.

But still nodded: “Accepted, but the corresponding, if you lose, then concentrate on cultivating your Earth Style Ninjutsu, shinobi’s Strength is derived from Talent, since you have Talent on Earth Style Ninjutsu, you have to play it To the extreme, in order to become an Expert.”

How can this truth Naruto not understand? If he is an ordinary person, he intends to do this.

But in fact, he is not an ordinary person.

This can be confirmed either by raising an egg from the soul or by looking at the nine-tailed Jinchūriki.

Also, his soul comes from another World.

“Good! I promised.”

President said with a smile : “Don’t be too happy, but also add a deadline, seven days, seven days, if you can’t finish, you lose, how dare you gamble?”

Zero four disagree, yelled: “The president is swearing! It is good to learn Earth Style Clone Jutsu in seven days. How can I study the new Ninjutsu! One month! At least one month!”

The president disagreed: “It’s not a long time to learn from Clone Jutsu. It’s possible to use it for a long time, but you have to do it for a month, but the premise is to let him learn from the rock Clone Jutsu.”

I couldn’t speak in the fourth place: “You…you are too skinny! Rocky Clone Jutsu but A(ji)Ninjutsu! I used this for a whole year!”

The president pushed the door open and walked out. Only the voice came from outside. “One week, or one month, you can choose your own.”

Naruto sees that the president is actually changing his mind to let him improve Strength.

In other words, it is to inspire him.

“Zero four elder sister, time is tight, start teaching me Earth Style Clone Jutsu.”

Zero four sighed: “I really think that my ideas can be achieved, the president will not believe it, but also set the deadline for such an abnormal.”

Naruto is convinced: “I also feel that I can.”

Looking up at Naruto on the 4th, he said helplessly: “But time is too late. The seven-day requirement is to learn the Earth Style avatar. One month asks for the rock scorpion. Why don’t she say that she has risen to Kage level in one year! Really…”

The zero-four talks that were attacked by the president were quite cute.

Finally, there is a little girl, not a fist, letting someone call the female man of her brother.

Naruto said: “We will try our best, and there will be miracles.”

No. 4 was not motivated by Naruto, but the eyes were extremely awkward, bad said with a smile: “Nothing, even if it can’t be done on Monday and Monday, we can secretly continue research, I believe that the Earth Style will be separated. It’s possible to blend with your whale whale, okay?”

This is not to put the president’s words in the eyes, Naruto laughed, “OK.”

Naruto Earth Style Clone Jutsu was taught at the beginning of the fourth quarter.

With the foundation of multiple shadows, Naruto found it not difficult to understand.

Just change a Chakra Attribute, plus the Earth Style avatar to use the soil Attribute Chakra to communicate with the real soil.

Instead of being completely composed of Chakra like a shadow.

This has the advantage that the Ability to withstand the damage is stronger.

The same degree of Attack hits the shadow, and the shadow split will be lifted.

But the Earth Style can be taken over.

This is an advantage, but the shortcomings are not small, because the integration of real soil, so more costly Chakra.

And the action is not as flexible as the shadow.

“You practice first, I am going to get a drink.”

When he got up and left, Naruto began to try.

The land under the first foot did not react.

The second time, a soft, yellow-skinned cerebellum in the soil seemed to suffocate people, screaming, struggling, and finally seemed to smother the balloon, and smashed back.

For the third time, a native of Naruto looked like a half-body from the soil, and then ka-cha broke from the waist.

For the fourth time, a complete sculptural Naruto climbed out of the soil.

“Yes, I forgot to ask you what to drink…”

The door was pushed open, and the zero-four silly look at Naruto was an extravagant person.

Although the face is still vague… but! This is indeed a native!

“you made it?”

Third, I would like to recommend the monthly ticket. Please continue to write the fourth chapter, and seek rewards!

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