Supreme Naruto

Chapter 304

Naruto entire group found the demon king, and then Konoha’s people also found it.

But what Naruto laughed was…

A group of monkey monkeys from the demon king will inform Konoha of the demon king, and then…

Demon King packed up and packed up the bag… The soles of the feet slipped from the mountainside…

Obviously, the demon king does not want to see Konoha’s shinobi.

Before leaving, he left a handwritten book for Konoha Ninja with only three words: “I am old.”

Anbu Ninja was waiting around Kakashi for instructions, and Kakashi slammed the book, “Go back to Konoha.”

So Konoha’s shinobi went down.

After Konoha Ninja left, the old monkey did not return long.

He taunted down the tree at the top of the tree: “A group of little nephews want to sign a contract with me? I want to be beautiful.”

In the mountain body, Naruto relayed the development of the incident to the president in a dictated form.

“Now? Let’s go and collect the monkey?”

The president refused. “First go out and find a safe place to go out. Our Quest just needs to find out the exact location of the demon king.”

Everyone left the mountain body, and a strange bird sent a letter to the underground exchange.

The bird had three vertical eyes above the two eyes, and the body was dark and the body resembled an eagle.

Naruto curiously looked at this strange bird, and the strange bird’s ascension body was invisible. Even the perception barrier was hard to detect if it was not known beforehand. It was not surprising: “Is this your psychic beast?”

Shake head shook head: “No, it is a special messenger for underground exchanges.”

The strange birds flew away, and everyone guarded the old monkey at the foot of the mountain.

There was a little episode at night, and it was Hinata who saw the zero and five zeros sleeping Naruto’s bee ass sleeping bag was not happy.

In the Spirit network, Hinata swears: “You lied to me, you said that you are sleeping in a sleeping bag…”

Naruto swears and swears: “I didn’t lie to you, I was sleeping in a sleeping bag.”

Aware of the problem of writing, Hinata coldly snorted.

Then I asked a question about Naruto almost squirting rice. “Naruto Jun… Do you like Zero 4 and Zero Five Elder Sister?”

Naruto showed innocence: “How is it possible! I haven’t even seen their real faces. Can’t you just look at the ugly mask? Can you like it?”

Naruto’s sentence has dug a hole for himself.

Go to the meal at zero and five and take off the mask to eat.

The president was surprised: “You… just took the mask off?”

There are quite a few guilds who know each other’s real faces, but Hinata and Naruto are new to it after all. To say how trust can wait for a few more Quests, then everyone can see each other with real face.

No. 4 does not matter: “I have seen nothing before.”

Zero five um, nodded again and again.

Hinata is heading to Naruto.

This time, Naruto can feel the murderousness of questioning through the mask!

In the Spirit network, Hinata succumbs: “You lied to me!”

Naruto quickly explained: “I am not afraid of you thinking about it…”

Hinata repeated: “You lied to me…”

Naruto admitted the mistake: “I was wrong, I won’t dare next time…”

The Hinata baby is emotional and doesn’t care about Naruto.

Naruto looked up at the sky…

In the public area, I complained to Sakuragi Summer: “Summer elder sister… How do you find a mercenary for a woman who is a woman…”

Sakuragi Summer wondered: “The book says that girls and girls are safer together, and Hinata is still small, so I found her a mercenary group that is all female.”

What Naruto can say, his summer elder sister is right, and he usually gives 1000 200 a lot of praise.

But still very tired.

It’s also his mouth guilty, not right, not his mouth guilty, who told him that a good lie is more valuable than the truth?

MMP, let him know that even if he died, he will be resurrected, and then toss a few times.

It’s really killing him…

On the second day, five mercenaries covered in robes were handed over to the president.

The head is a woman who praises: “You have done a good job, and the next one is handed over to us.”

“Well, take out the mercenary card, I will reward you.”

The president hesitated a moment and then pulled out the mercenary card.

The two cards are paired together, and then the actual number of numbers on the card of the president is seen. It is a number composed of mantras. It disappears only when displayed.

The amount of 100 is two.

This reward is not low.

The opposite side is amazed: “Hey? The clown emperor? Isn’t this a Samsung mercenary? How did you fall to a star?”

The president did not intend to say more, thank you for a moment, then turned and left.

The clown emperor used to be a Samsung mercenary?

Naruto looked at the president strangely, and the expression on the president’s face was calm.

“Zero seven, leave with your surgery.”

The ground of the people’s feet sank and then disappeared into the ground.

The whale started sailing and ran very fast under the control of Naruto.

Hinata skillfully turned on the flashlight to illuminate everyone. After all, the whale was closed and there was no light inside.

“President? Is it an enemy?”

The president shook the shook head. “No, I just don’t want to be seen as a wasteland.”

Oh… woman…

Who said that only men have a good face? Not all the same…

Naruto corner of the mouth, I couldn’t help but tsukkomi said: “Actually… drilling into the ground is more like fleeing…”

The president looked at Naruto: “Is there? Then we go out…”

Naruto grinned, “Is it hard?”

The president did not speak. Under the light, the president’s expression was a bit lonely.

Naruto raised his hand and appeared several earthy chairs, then took out the blanket and laid it on top: “Come and come, sit.”

The president was seated at Naruto’s invitation. The specially treated leather blankets were also very smooth. I felt a little better when I was squatting. The sadness in my eyes gradually dissipated. “Can that be bigger? I want to lie down?”

Look at the shining stars in the eyes of the president, Naruto suddenly felt that the woman was so embarrassed.

The soil chair is lengthened, the blanket is large, and the president is lying on the top and comfortable.

I have to say… The curve of the president is very beautiful, especially under the white fox fur, the silky lazy, like a sleeping kitten.

Cat? It is indeed a good description.

It is said that women are made of water, and cats are also liquid.

Naruto looked a bit guilty for a while.

Hinata glared at the soft underbelly of Naruto, and Naruto was a spurt, almost screaming.

I almost forgot to bring a vinegar jar around me.

Naruto looks at Hinata: “What happened?”

Naruto certainly knows what’s going on, but… it’s not bad to be stupid.

Hinata muttered: “I have to lie down.”

This requirement is satisfactory.

“I want too!” Zero five envious of the looks at the president.

If it wasn’t for the president, she would go grab it now.

“And me.” This sentence is zero four.

Naruto reluctantly said: “Good, one person.”

Four earthy sofas rise.

Naruto then took three more blankets from the storage Scroll.

Zero five surprised joyfully said: “Wow! Zero seven younger brother, you seem to have something! It is convenient!”

What must I do?

Then, do I want to scream? Or slap Naruto?

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