Supreme Naruto

Chapter 292

One-star card three panels, basic information, points store, Quest.

Two panels of two-star cards, added to a star card: chat, World map.

Seven panels of Samsung cards were added to the discovery of the two-star card: Resurrection service for relatives and friends, points bank.

Four panels of four-star cards, added to the Samsung card foundation: permission management, release Quest.

Rights management can manage group members of four stars and can deprive the use of the Spirit network.

The release of Quest is precisely to review the Quest release. Members of one star to Samsung can send Quests through the Spirit network, but Quest requires a four-star review before it is released.

There are more five-star card panels, so you can say that you have full access to the requirements and have full access to the entire Spirit network to monitor any registered members of the network.

Of course, these are not all the functions of the Spirit network, and some of the functions are opened by grant.

For example, summon members.

This function is not in the generic version and requires a five-star privilege card grant.

The Daxueshan Laboratory, Sakuraguchi, Sakuragi, Hinata, and Wolf Fufu each placed their nails, hair, and blood samples in four crystal boxes.

Xia Qiaopi said: “Is that okay?”

Naruto saw the spring and did not refuse in the summer, and I was very happy. “Yes, although Edo Tensei can’t count on the real reincarnation, but in the near future, when the cloning technology is perfect, then a new one will be welcomed. Breakthrough.”

Summer cute’s nodded grinsaid with a smile : “originally I don’t care much about life and death, but after you saw so many weird things, I started to hope to live more time, better to see more Something I have seen.”

Don’t care about life and death?

Naruto tightened her heart.

Summer’s eyes are very pure, pure like transparent glass beads, no joy or no sorrow, only the cute expression on the face can be reversed to decorate it, this is a smirk, but it is not annoying.

Maybe because you are not making false sincerity.

The smirk of ordinary people is to cover up the true emotion of the bottom of the heart and perfunctory outsiders.

But this face is to make outsiders feel uncomfortable because of themselves.

The two cannot be compared.

Naruto is slightly took a deep breath, guaranteeing: “The future of the World will be more and more interesting, I will never let you feel bored.”

The smile of Xia is more and more brilliant. “Okay.”

Spring is a detailed explanation of Sword Technique, sent to the points mall, price 500 points.

This price can be bought, in addition to having the highest authority, you can consider the points like the manure of Naruto and big fat, only the small rich woman Xiaoniuni.

She bought the Sword Technique in the spring and released it to the mall.

I looked at it with enthusiasm.

It started out as a mood at the look at, but the looks at looks at was fascinated.

With the help of System, those materials are directly in the mind, so reading is extremely fast.

After reading all the materials, Xiaoniini ran to the front of the spring, and a high hang on the spring body. “Spring elder sister, Sword Technique is fun, you teach me to practice swords!”

Do you want to practice a sword?

The unusual thing quickly made Naruto notice the detailed explanation of the Sword Technique that Spring released to the points mall.

Redeem, then flip through.

Naruto’s reading speed was seen by Muni, and it was almost instantaneously read, and then formed a memory in her own consciousness.

Naruto has a new understanding of the existence of memory. The memory space that seems to have opened another place in his mind is probably the one that emerged from his soul.

Because when the egg separates from his soul, Naruto enters that memory and sees a white ball of light.

The light on the ball of light was very soft, with a pair of closed eyes on it that seemed to be sleeping.

“Spring elder sister, are you really publishing your Sword Technique?”

Spring reluctantly said: “There is no way, who makes me no points…”

When it comes to points, it is not Naruto.

Points are equivalent to money in the Spirit network. Since it is currency, the circulation needs to be strictly controlled.

If the total value of the money hairstyle is greater than the actual value of the commodity, it will cause inflation, inflation, and the shortage of goods, which will cause the currency to depreciate.

In the same way, if the total value of money is less than the actual value of the commodity, it will result in deflation, deflation, and oversupply of goods, which will devalue the commodity.

Both, whether it is currency depreciation or commodity depreciation, are not healthy markets.

So Naruto can’t use the permissions to send a large amount of points to everyone.

Naruto laughed, sending the relationship between money and goods to everyone.

Sakuragi Spring is amazed: “Is this the reason why things are rare?”

Naruto nodded again and again, “But spring elder sister, your Sword Technique detailed explanation, I think even if it is hair, it is best to split it into two parts, one of the foundation and the middle part, and one of the high-level promotion, at the same time The first copy is limited to the Samsung ID card 500 points can be redeemed, the second is limited to Samsung ID card 1500 points or four-star ID card 500 points redemption.”

Of course, at this stage, even if these people in the house are not only super administrators, they are only bought by a small monk…

After the release of Sword Technique in spring, the details.

Xia was not idle, and began to sort out his own pastry making techniques.

This is the end of the nine-tailed music, one by one bought and bought.

By the way, Jiuwei is also a landlord.

Unlike the Naruto privilege dog, the nine-tailed account is built under Naruto’s account name, but it is a separate sub-account.

The integral operating platform is independent.

Simply put, the nine-tailed privilege is equivalent to a four-star card.

And the nine-tailed points…you only need to contribute Chakra.

For the nine tails, simple!

There is a sale, a currency, and the economic system of the Spirit network will come alive.

While playing in Sakuragi and Sakuragi’s summer, Hinata thought about how to earn points with a small mouth.

Finally, Hinata gritted his teeth and sold the Hyuga family’s Body Technique, the soft-handed gossip, and tagged 500 points.

It is conceivable that the moment Naruto saw it almost squirted out.

Follow closely from behind Like the empty wall palm, the human body meridians, one after the other.

Naruto bought it all and swept it into memory. He asked indefinitely: “Hinata, is that good to sell these?”

Hinata’s bachelor’s way: “What can I do if I have a problem? I am missing points.”


After Hinata exchanged the points, he first bought the curse dictionary.

Hinata tried it, and as long as the thoughts were certain, the detailed explanation of the relevant spells would come to mind. In the past, many problems that I did not understand gradually became clear.

Then Hinata exchanged the plant dictionary for another one.

In this way, even if medical Ninjutsu does not improve, the survival of the wild is absolutely brilliant.

Then there is Sakuragi’s pastry cooking method. Naruto likes to eat the pastry made by the summer elder sister.

As for the wolf girl… Although I was pitted by Xiaoni Ni, I have to say that this is a complete fulfillment of her, otherwise she really does not know what to take out to redeem points.

This gimmick is also a decisive decision. When Naruto said that he would split a Sword Technique into two copies, he resolutely purchased it.

After reading it, a word, value!

But… in this case she needs a sword or a ninja sword.

The sale of ninja sword on the points mall is not expensive, but her points have been cleared.

Moreover, she still doesn’t want standard, she wants to order one, and she can make a sword that can be repaired. After seeing Naruto’s green sleeve sword, she has always been very blind.

What about swollen? Save money and use 攒 points… or…

The wolf woman couldn’t help but look at the local rich man.

Do you want to take care of this gimmick?

As for the Quest that washes the feet of Datuni… No matter how she looks, she can’t beat Datuni.

She has seen the magnetism of Datuni… If she is against Datuni, she may be directly buried by iron sand…

Three more! Seeking various support~

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