Supreme Naruto

Chapter 289

Naruto’s setting of the identity card Rank is a system that directly copies the underground exchange.

In Naruto’s words, this is in preparation for extending the Spirit network to underground transactions.

But the women agreed in private that this was just an excuse to be too lazy to think.

Daxueshan Laboratory, the ninth floor of twelve six-meter thick pillars.

On a three-dimensional map of five meters square, hundreds of blue light balls are swimming.

These blue balls of light are the owners of a one-star identity card.

It was the group of shinobi that Naruto caught and conquered.

Most of these people are located in the vicinity of King City in the snow, doing various D-level Quests.

Those who run far away are those who do C-level map scanning Quest.

For example, the northernmost part of the country of snow.

Naruto’s thoughts move, and the blue light in the far north lights up.

“Visual synchronization.”

With a command, Naruto saw the picture that the man saw.

White walks barefoot in the world of ice and snow, and ten terrain surveying robots fly around to scan the terrain.

Unlike other people scanning maps around the country of snow, white has to go through the endless ice fields in the north, and go to the so-called Arctic Circle to have a look.

Take a look at the extreme nights that are mentioned in the database.

Take a look at the presence of colorful Northern Lights.

Barefoot to the North Pole…

This kind of thing can only be done by people with HyHton (Ice Release) Kekkei Genkai.

For a time, Naruto suddenly wanted to hike this way. He also had Hyōton (Ice Release) Kekkei Genkai, which blocked the ice sheets that countless people snooped and prevented others from blocking him.

But then shook the shook head again.

Compared to going to the North Pole, Naruto thinks about Hinata.

Walking forward with bare feet, the System beep suddenly sounded.

“If you have new news, please check it out.”

A message appears in the operation window before Byakugan (roll eyes), which is the information sent through the help panel.

It is the so-called official notice.

With one thought and one move, the letter unfolds.

“Give you a new Quest and rush to the North Pole in three months to reward a free reincarnation.”

– Your handsome and most high level boss.

System Tip: “Receive a special Quest: rush to the North Pole.”

Quest Reward: Free Rebirth Opportunity + 1.

Quest funding: 500 points (this credit can only be used to rent Chakra).

Remarks: “I also want to see the beautiful aurora, I wish you success.”

White looked back at the direction of the country of the snow.

The place where she stood was already a thousand miles away from the country of snow.

Is this distance still in the control of the opposite side?

Good terrifying… This is the Strength of God…

But even the dead can be resurrected. Isn’t that kind of thing that God can do?

White thinks of Naruto’s commitment to her: Edo Tensei is not a real resurrection, but a real resurrection in the near future is not a problem.

After the Daxueshan Institute issued a message to Naruto, he greeted the old Spirit network: “According to the agreement, everyone has nothing to do today? Today, the network will do the final cutover.”

Muni: “No!”

Xiaonioni: “There is no +1.”

Datuni: “Ibid.”

Haruno Sakura: “No.”

The Monk was the first to answer, but was ignored by Naruto.

Naruto cares about those who are not in the country of snow, and have already completed the replacement in the country of snow.

Sakura Valley Summer Kaidō: “No.”

Sakura Tani: “No.”

Hinata: “Hmm, you can summon at any time.”

Wolf Girl: “Listen to wait.”

The girls who have not been reunited for a long time are a little excited, but the most exciting…

It is the nine tails where the ears have stood up.

As long as the summer card is replaced with a new one, then he can talk privately in summer!

After nine or four months of painstaking research, it is now possible to make a bear biscuit that is not too bad to eat…

Yes, it is a biscuit. After the fire, he always has poor control. Every time he always feels that the temperature is not enough, and the ingredients on the ingredients should be very problematic. Therefore, every time you come out, it is not a soft and fragrant pastry, but… …hard brittle bear biscuits…

But failures are common, but Jiuwei does not intend to give up.

The summoning ceremony begins, and summoning four people at the same time is still very costly.

Especially the sisters of Sakura, the strength of these two people is very strong, and if they want to successfully summon them, they will have to spend a lot of Chakra to build a space channel that is far more stable than usual.

“Nine Lama teacher, that … borrowed Chuck 呗… I let Xia bring you a pastry.”

How could the nine tails refuse, let alone bring the pastry, this time even if I didn’t take him, I wouldn’t mind.

With the supply of nine-tailed Chakra, Naruto easily summoned four people who were not present.

In the spring and summer, Hinata is the first time to come to the Daxueshan Research Institute.

The heavy, matte-treated Metal floor, twelve 6-meter-thick Metal pillars nearly 30 meters high, and the twelve round windows that look out through the ice walls at a glance…

Magnificent, spectacular, Haki (domineering)!

Sakuragi Xia closed her eyes and wanted to use her perception of Ability to see all around.

But only a piece of black lacquer was seen, and the whole stone mountain was covered with a formidable shielded barrier!

Big pen!

Summer looks at the six-meter-thick 30-long column. “Is that pillar all Metal?”

Naruto waved: “How is it possible, the stone pillar is rock inside, and the outer XIX is half-meter thick Metal.”

Xia Boss appeared in front of the pillar and pressed it on the pillar. Originally wanted to find out, but Chakra touched the pillar and was sucked in.

Looking back at Naruto in summer.

Naruto sees the doubts of summer and explains: “originally is just an ordinary pillar, but then I added the symbol of the self-made Chakra that I learned from the snow country to the inside of the pillar as the energy reserve for the server operation. “”

Xia Dudu said: “I have not been in class for a few months, have I been dropped?”

Naruto comforted: “I have summarized all of this knowledge in the database, and I can learn after changing the card.”

Compared with Xia Yi’s eye-catching stone pillar, Hinata ran straight to the edge of the platform, looking through the huge ice wall window to the outside world, and exclaimed: “It’s so beautiful!”

Naruto suddenly remembered that Hinata likes snow very much.

Naruto’s idea moved Chakra and snow fell in the house.

Hinata stayed a little longer and became even happier, jumping in the snow.

Xia wondered: “How does your Chakra form snow? My Chakra works on the body. Once it overflows, it is sucked by the stone column.”

Naruto grinsaid with a smile : “Because of the authority, you will understand when you change the card.”

One card per person.

Sakuragi Spring and Sakura Valley Summer Hinata are purple cards, and wolves are red.

After the four people bind the cards, on the map of the country of snow in Naruto’s eyes, there are three purple spots in the place where the snowy mountains are located, one red and four light spots.

Purple, four stars.

Red, Samsung.

There are other light spots beside these light spots, representing the three purples of the three men.

In addition, there are Yakushi Kabuto with negative Level 1 on the same floor as them.

Yakushi Kabuto, red.

Haruno of Haruno Sakura.

And… two blacks.

Black represents the highest five stars.

They are Naruto and Big Fat.

Like the white, after binding the card, the four women entered the teaching mode.

Samsung and the four stars have a lot more functions than the one star.

Thanks: “The wind is quietly coming”, “Shengyang fish”, “Chengying Haining”, “Great Maple” big rewards ~ (crabs and crabs ~ small holding heart ~)

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