Supreme Naruto

Chapter 284

In the box of a small bar in the snow country.

A wealthy businessman with two bodyguards shouted at a man with a sullen face: “What I want is a glasses that can play a magical picture! Not this bad wood!”

The man with a sullen face frowned: “Sir, this is what you want, because this is what my people brought from that movie theater!”

The wealthy businessman pulled the glasses to the man and asked: “When you wear this glasses, can you see the magical picture! This is a big list of five million! I hope you don’t want this fake to perfuse me!” ”

The spit in the mouth of the rich businessman flew, and the man opposite the face was sprayed.

The man took the anger and took the glasses and looked at it. In fact, he didn’t know what the rich picture of the rich businessman said, because he had never been to the movie theater and seriously said: “Our people will never use fake goods to perfuse. Yours, or else, I will go there today and I will give you a message tomorrow.”

The wealthy businessman got up and said: “This will be your last chance. I know that I have posted Quest in other homes. If their actions are faster than you, then you can only say that you are not capable.”

Said that the wealthy businessmen have left.

After the rich businessman left, the room suddenly appeared a small girl, the girl was cute and whispered, and her face was angrily: “big brother, this fat-headed person is really awful! The things that people bring are really true. !”

A man with a sly smile smiled: “I believe in you, but what does he say can see the magical picture? Are you seeing it?”

Speaking of Hollow’s realistic glasses, the little girl’s eyes lit up and nodded again and again: “Hmm, it’s really amazing, it feels like being in a movie.”

The man turned over and looked at the glasses in his hand. This is a wooden eyeglass. The glasses can be easily retracted, but nothing unusual is seen.

“Well, there is a movie in an hour, I will go there.”

The little girl opened her mouth, but she didn’t say it to her mouth.

She wants to say if she can take her, but thinking that the movie ticket is too expensive, the big brother does not have much money at hand… she will bear it.

At this time, the door opened and walked into a round fat man, shouted on his mouth: “Today’s luck is really back-to-back, originally thought to pick up a good Quest, but the person did not recognize the account at the time of trading! Still suspect… …”

The fat man saw the glasses on the man’s face, and the words in his mouth suddenly stuck, and he was surprised: “White wolf, do you have this damn glasses? So you seem to pick up the Quest?”

The man who was called the white wolf jumped down on his face and glanced at the fat man. He rebuked: “How many times have I said that I have to at least knock on the door! If the customer is here, I will kill. you!”

Fat man 讪said with a smile : “Hey, I didn’t come in when the customer left.”

Seeing the white wolf really wants to do it, the fat man quickly promised: “The next time you pay attention, you must pay attention next time.”

The three people looked at the old acquaintances, and they were fierce, but they still sat together to exchange information.

The fat man picked up the man’s glasses on the table and took it out, and took out an identical pair of glasses from himself. The two contrasted and found no difference.

The white wolf asked: “You also saw this magical picture with this glasses?”

The fat man convinced: “I saw it. At first I thought I was in the Illusion Technique. I tried various test methods and finally confirmed that there was no such thing.”

“I said… Do you want to tie the Queen to the partnership and ask?”

The girl on the side licked the fat man and said: “You damn dead fat mouse! Don’t call the Queen’s attention! Be careful, I will open your belly now!”

The fat man chuckled: “I just talked about it, and even if I tied it, I wouldn’t have to wait until I’m done.”

“And, little butterfly, my name is bamboo rat, not a dead fat mouse!”

The girl protested: “Then I am not called a small butterfly! My name is Snow Butterfly!”

The man on the side saw the two people quarreling and pressing the Sun hole, starting to talk: “In short, I will go to see you in the next game.”

At this same time, the picture in front of the picture was recorded by the inconspicuous wooden glasses and transmitted to the snowy mountains through the Spirit network.

Muni has a portrait of a character on the fly, at the same time.

The snow wolf, the snow butterfly, and the bamboo rat are among the three.

At the same time There is also a simple person relationship record.

There are also records of the wealthy businessmen, the portraits are vivid, the name column is temporarily vacant, but I believe that as long as the wind and snow is a lap, you can fill it.

In the Spirit network, Little Minnie’s pitiful start to talk said: “This little girl doesn’t look like a bad guy. Do you still have to catch it?”

Naruto Kaidō: “It’s sure to catch it, but it won’t be too heavy.”

Xiaoniini then asked: “What do you do to catch her?”

Naruto simply said his vision.

“We can build a force that belongs to us. Although their strength is not good, some jobs don’t require Strength to do it.”

“Just like cleaning the mouse this time, if we have people who can use it, this kind of statistical work does not need us to finish.”

Look at the head of Naruto: “Don’t use the word us, the only person responsible for statistics!”

Naruto chuckled said: “Which painting is the best, isn’t it right now? The technology for storing images is not perfect yet, hehe…”

Muni was coldly snorted, and she continued to paint quickly.

Mouth muttered: “That can make the Big Brother convert the picture sent back from the Spirit network into a digital code and display it on a computer! Anyway, the image code of the Spirit link is binary! The two spells represent ‘1’ and ‘0’.”

Big fat cool Kaidō: “The design of the server is at an important moment, no time.”

Muni was not enough time to get enough.

If you don’t have time, do I have to be a dead dog? This is the squeeze! dictatorship!

However, Muni did not protest to her big Senior Brother.

When it comes to the server, Naruto has a chance to make a big move. “In the original Spirit network structure, add another Rank differentiation. First, level 5. The highest level is our top management. Other levels are restricted. set.”

The big fat body that is busy drawing the line in the crystal is a stiff, weak question: “Boss, what is the use of grading?”

Naruto explained: “I just thought that letting the mouse become a hand, there are still security risks, then we can make a special identity card, remove the summoned Ability, we can add monitoring, positioning, Function, in the card, In this way, the traitor will be able to solve it in the first place!”

Dafei asked: “When you join the network directly, you don’t have it? Just like now…”

Naruto waved his hand: “Trusted people must be separated from untrustworthy people. Otherwise, dangerous people may be confronted with the Spirit network, such as stealing important information.”

“So the protection between the Ranks should be done. The permissions of the subordinate accounts cannot be overstepped. Um… It is best to add an insurmountable security firewall between the two, for example… add a physical relay layer.”

“The underlying information of the Spirit network is uniformly aggregated on the physical server under the management layer, and then the lower physical server is connected to the upper physical server.”

“at the same time If an exception is found, the high level management can sever the link between the low-level server and the high-level server.”

Dafei re-drawn the originally drawn line.

After half an hour, Naruto took another chance.

“I have a vision for me, can Chakra not be passed on the Spirit network? We can design a contribution point System that allows Chakra’s understaffed people to redeem points for Chakra.”

“Well… let them take credit for special circumstances.”

When Muniy listened to the eyes, she sighed and said: “This is a good idea. Many shinobi Strengths are short of Chakra’s quantity, so those who have not been strong strength can break out. force!”

Big fat eyes look at the sky, it admits that this is indeed a good way…

But… Boss’s sentence has to re-form the structure… I’m so tired…

Big fat couldn’t help but think: If the construction of the server can also have a foundation skeleton like a prosthetic.

In this way, what kind of Function you need to add later can be added at any time, so you don’t have to change it as a whole…

Thinking of this, Dafei brightened up and shouted in the Spirit network: “Why not!”

So the server once again ushered in a major change.

Ah, ah, this chapter is slow, but this is the small chapter of the 2600 word~ Xiaozhao continues the code word~ Today, I am fighting for the three more + the big ones give the small call to the drums~ (reward~ take a walk~)

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