Supreme Naruto

Chapter 262

Girl Kaidō: “Hyde caught me because of this, but I don’t know what is going on…”

Ok, white asked…

Naruto waved her hand and let the monk take her to the side.

Turned to Hyde, his eyes fell on the left hand, the GL’s stone.

Solid Chakra …interesting.

Naruto then unraveled the stone in the flesh with a Chakra scalpel.

But when Naruto touched the stone, the giant egg in the nine-tailed Seal suddenly heard a cheer, then screamed: “It’s delicious! I want to eat!”

Then, before Naruto agreed to a white silk, Naruto’s hand extended and linked to the stone of Gray.

The stone of Greer then lit up the green light of the emerald, and the light was shining, and the hand of Hyde’s bloody flesh began to recover with the naked eye.

Naruto is shocked!

At this same time, after the energy flowed into the body, Naruto’s hair began to grow sōu sōu, from the kiwi-like fluff to the thorns, then to the shawl, and then continued to grow, and soon arrived. waist.

Naruto stroked her golden hair, some dull, muttering to herself: “Is it… too long?”

What is even more awkward is that Hyde’s head that has already died is actually moving! Then the eyeball turned to look at Naruto!

Naruto was startled and subconsciously shot the head.

The head squatted on the iron wall, “pū!”, as if to shoot a flat persimmon.

This is dead, can’t die anymore…

Naruto looked back at the body and found that the boss hands were trying to find something on the ground.

Naruto only thinks that the whole body is a bit cold.

It felt like the originally looking cat and mouse, and suddenly a spell was inserted, and it was a real dog.

Naruto quickly handed out the other two pieces of Greystone on Hyde with a blue sleeve sword.

When Naruto’s hands were scattered, the various anomalies finally stopped.

At this time…Naruto’s hair has grown to the heel…

In the nine-tailed Seal Space, the giant egg shines, and even the five-pointed star imprinted on it is also lit, but it doesn’t last long, and it returns to normal. “father, ninety-nine Mama, I want to sleep… …good night……”

The egg is quiet… the egg baby sleeps very sweet…

Nine-tailed across the giant egg, coldly snorted.

But instead he laughed at Naruto. “Naruto. I think you look more like Mama now. Are you finally starting to keep your hair after you continue to lay eggs?”

Naruto’s small face is instantly dark.

“Nine Lama teacher, I think the focus is not on my hair now, but the energy in this stone, I don’t feel ordinary Chakra!”

Nine tails sat up, “It’s not ordinary, it contains more vitality than my Chakra.”

“No, it can be said that this stone is the concentration of vitality.”

Is it life?

Naruto: “No, Hinata Byakugan (roll eyes) sees the fluctuations of Chakra.”

Sitting in the cage with the nine-tailed plate, his right hand squatting on his chest and thinking: “Is Chakra not the fusion of vitality and Spiritual Force? This stone contains a huge vitality, transplanted into the human body, the person’s Spiritual Force and Combination, isn’t it Chakra?”

Can it still be like this?

Naruto looked for it in the hall to see if there were other discoveries.

Finally, I found a book in the fragments of the stone chair.

Naruto remembers that this should be the book of Greer, which records the story about the stone of Glenel.

Naruto looked up, but what’s embarrassing… the text above doesn’t understand…

“The werewolf, right is you, come over, can you understand the text above?”

The wolf woman came over and shouted: “My name is Fugai…”

Then the wolf girl took the book in the hands of Naruto and nodded: “I can understand, this is the text of my hometown.”

Naruto listened to relaxed.

But even if the wolf woman… Fu Gai can’t understand it, it doesn’t matter, he will also Edo Tensei, you can completely reinvent that Hyde, and ask the guy directly.

Or put the merchant’s Old Man…

Thinking of the poor trader Old Man, Naruto went over and checked the body.

The dead can no longer die, the internal organs are all broken, even if Tsunade’s medical Ninjutsu is unable to return to heaven.

Naruto pulled out a few old man’s hair, and if Naruto couldn’t find the Glenelian vein in the future, he could summon it and ask.

Then they took off with the wolf girl.

Naruto walked to the side of Hinata, and Hinata’s face was a bit white.

It should be affected by the dead body in the house.

“Sorry, I didn’t save them.”

Hinata shook the shook head: “It’s not Naruto’s fault, Naruto has tried his best.”

Naruto smiled a bit. “You don’t have to excuse me. Maybe I don’t think about saving them in my heart. They can keep secrets when they die… I am so cold-blooded…”

Hinata has repeatedly shook head, “No, Naruto is not cold-blooded… Naruto must be… sure… I want to save them!”

Naruto took a deep breath and hugged Hinata in her arms. “If that’s how I am so cold-blooded… will you still be with me?”

The heavy topic weakened the shy Attribute of Hinata, and Hinata was not as overwhelmed as usual, but affirmed Kaidō: “I am willing.”

Naruto hugged Hinata.

In fact, Naruto’s heart is also a little scared. With the integration of different people’s Spiritual Force, he can feel that his character is affected in all aspects. The simplest example is the Quest of the country of Bo. After the brother’s Spiritual Force, he no longer has any panic about killing…

“That will always be with me…”

Is this true? It is also a love story.

Hinata original has weakened many of the shy Attributes and was once again motivated, and some pale faces were slightly rosy before heartbeat accelerated.

Kaidō of the weak mosquito sound: “Well, I will always be with Naruto Jun.”

Only the voice of this sentence is getting smaller and smaller, and at the end she is not sure if she can hear it.

The two held for a long time, Hinata sighed with courage: “Naruto Jun… that day… I listened to your conversation with Haruno Sakura that day…”

Naruto continued to hold Hinata, slightly closed her eyes and said Kaidō: “I know… you made a choice?”

Naruto Jun knows!

Hinata turned to think, only to think that the store manager’s home is aware of the barrier…

Some people are not ashamed, and it is stupid to be angry.

He snorted, Kaidō: “I think… I want to be with Naruto forever, but I am afraid…”

Naruto raised her hand and stroked the short hair of this Hinata. “What are you afraid of?”

Hinata is holding Naruto, and her hands are playing with Naruto’s long hair. Kaidō: “I am afraid… I am afraid that I am too weak, it is useless to your side… I can’t do anything… I make desserts. It’s never better than the summer elder sister. My Body Technique is better than the summer elder sister. My Byakugan (roll eyes) doesn’t look like the summer elder sister… I…”

Naruto sighs: “Why is it compared to the summer elder sister?”

Hinata stayed, wrapped in Naruto’s golden hair Kaidō: “Because…because I am nothing more than the summer elder sister…”

Naruto said with a smile : “I am better than that, but there is one thing that you are better than the summer elder sister and even better than everyone else.”

Hinata confused: “What?”

Hinata said that she hadn’t found her own flash for a few months.

Naruto licked the brain of Hinata. “I just like you.”

Hinata blinked and didn’t understand.

But after I understood it, I hugged Naruto with great enthusiasm: “Well!”

Nine tails are taunted in Naruto’s ear: “Hey, narcissism is a real miracle for you.”

Naruto Kaidō : “Noisy!”

Then I cut off the sharing with the nine-tailed Spirit and continued to hold the Hinata.

The two held it for a long time, and Hinata suddenly looked up: “That… Naruto Jun, can you promise me one thing?”

Naruto Serious Kaidō: “Anything can be done.”

Hinata lit up the little star in front of her eyes: “That… Naruto Jun, your long hair feels so comfortable, don’t cut it, just keep it.”

Naruto’s face was instantly stunned, “…”

Hinata persevered and asked: “Naruto, you said that you promised me everything…”

Naruto: “…”

Hinata: “You can’t talk without words… then you say that I like it is also a fake… then I have no better than the summer elder sister…”

Naruto’s face is dark and dark…

Hinata: “Naruto Jun?”

Hinata: “Naruto Jun?”

Hinata: “Naruto Jun?”

Naruto reluctantly said: “Okay… lost to you…”

Hinata said happily: “Hmm! Hinata also started to keep hair, as long as Naruto Jun!”

Does this mean anything?

Naruto doesn’t understand…

But in my heart, I have a word, waiting for your long hair and waist… Marry me, okay…

Hey, if this is used on him… the good egg hurts.

But one thing Naruto cares more about, even though his hair is long this time, but the beard on his face…not long…

Hinata, holding Naruto, licked it, then climbed out of Naruto’s arms and was surprised by the height of his height: “Naruto Jun… you seem to… suddenly grow taller…”

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