Supreme Naruto

Chapter 255

Naruto played against Gaara and the roar was heard.

It lasted for ten minutes before stopping.

There is no fatal Attack, it is a fat slap in the face.

But Gaara didn’t give in, and stared at the dark circles. “If it’s dead, I won’t call you a brother.”

Naruto raised his shoulders and raised his eyebrows, and his chin signaled the river below. “I haven’t been serious until now, believe it or not, I will freeze you into a puck?”

Gaara’s face is dark and black.

Naruto waved over a dozen meters of water dragon.

Seeing that he was on Gaara’s body, Gaara’s hand seal yellow sand gathered at Gaara’s feet and dragged Gaara to fly.

Ascending straight, he was tall and nearly 100 meters high.

Naruto’s water dragon is not built by Chakra, and it is already the limit to rise to 20.

“Oh… do you think I really can’t help you?”

Naruto looked at the white clouds in the sky, and the corner of the mouth was raised.

The rain bomb is ready, a strange force, launch!

“Hey!” The ice bomb shot out toward the white clouds.

Look at the Kakashi corner of the mouth below, he was the pit.

Temari yelled at Kakashi: “Are you Captain Captain? Let Naruto stop!”

Kakashi squatted down, but helpless Kaidō: “Sorry, my Captain has no authority in the team. You can use Naruto as Captain. Gaara is also the leader on your side. It is not bad for the two leaders to meet spar. of.”

Temari is so beautiful that she doesn’t know what to say at the moment.

Kakashi, he wants to see what Naruto has to do.

After all, he was defeated before he was beaten.

“Boom!” The sound of the ice bomb exploded.

It was followed by the rain in the sky.

Naruto yelled at Chakra’s vibrating air: “Gaara younger brother! You recognize it!”

Gaara mobilizes the sand clouds and flies to places where there is no rain.

Naruto is going to use rainwater to form ice crystals when Kakashi is blocked.

But… suddenly Naruto looks at the raining white clouds.

Speak to myself: “Hey? Why didn’t I think of this trick in the past?”

Then I saw Naruto ignore Gaara, raised his hand and pointed at the white clouds in the sky and came again with an ice bomb.

Naruto Spirit links the creatures on the ice bomb.

Then, as the ice bomb passes through the clouds, the white circle that the object is transformed into suddenly expands out of the ice bomb.

Then stretched out two hands, hand seal, transforming!

“bang!” The creature was transformed into Naruto.

“Look at my cloud control!”

Naruto controlled the avatar to spread Chakra into the clouds, and then saw a small piece of white clouds suddenly separated from the original clouds, condensed together, turned into a … Baiyun version of Naruto.

Naruto of the Baiyun version squats, at the same time Naruto in the clouds is proud of a withsaid: “Gaara younger brother, I will ask you not afraid.”

Gaara swears that this is definitely the ugliest cloud he has ever seen in his life! Absolutely no one!

So he decided to break up the many white clouds.

Hand seal, sand when rain!

The yellow sand on the ground rises and condenses into countless sand balls to the clouds in the sky.

Naruto saw this inspiration, controlled the use of ice Attribute Chakra nature changes, and then the water mist in the white clouds condensed into countless ice cones, according to Gaara shot.

Ice rain vs. sand rain!

The two collide, the sand is broken down by the ice cone, then it is sanded by sand, the sand and water are mixed together, and then the real mud rain rises and falls.

The thief is dirty.

Naruto’s body controls the rise of the river, and it condenses into an igloo on the head of the crowd to cover the mud.

At the same time continue to fight with Gaara.

Soon, Naruto on the cloud ran out of Chakra, Naruto shot the ice bomb, and planned to send another one.

Gaara saw the intention of Naruto and opened the sky with yellow sand.

It was dark for a while… This Strength is a bit strong.

After all, Naruto controls the water and it is a little hard to get to 20 meters.

But… in fact…

Gaara’s with the the body, Shukaku keeps offering Chakra to Gaara, shouted on his mouth: “Give me a slap! Hey! Hey! How much is Chakra? To die! It’s best to give two things to you. I am dying!”

Naruto looked up at the day when it suddenly turned black. He slammed his mouth. “Hey, I don’t know how thick the sand is.”

Pull out the green sleeve sword.

A strange force!

Second block strange force!

Third gear!

Naruto bends and bends.

Chakra gathers a lot, Naruto body all around is windless and automatic.

Kakashi was shocked and picked up the blindfold to open Sharingan.

Then I saw the terrifying Chakra gathered by Naruto within the body, not the nine-tailed, but Naruto’s own.

The fourth gear is launched!


This time Naruto launched himself into the sky.

Both hands Holding a blue-sleeve sword, the tip of the sword points to the sand curtain, “break the Laozi!”

Naruto rushed to the sand, and the sand curtain gathered from all directions.

But Naruto’s speed is too fast, the blue-sleeve sword is in contact with the sand shell, and the next moment the sand shell is directly pierced.

Naruto rushed to the sky and rushed into the clouds.

The following is also the day when the sand shell is broken.

The visual effect of Naruto’s hit is too strong, and everyone on the ground has already seen stupidity.

Kankuro’s whole body was shaking, and the cold sweat couldn’t stop flowing, muttering to himself: “I just shot this Monster…”

Temari is also turn pale with fright.

The beauty can’t be bigger.

On the other side, the newly joined Sakai looks dull.

Hinata drives Byakugan (roll eyes) and fist can’t help but clench.

The words of summer are heard in the heart: “The pace of Naruto, to the present you… can’t catch up.”

Kakashi dead fish eyes have been replaced by shock.

Sharingan visually, he seems to have seen a Chakra dragon direct into the sky.

This kind of Chakra… he can’t compare…

Naruto enters the clouds, said with a smile : “The next me! Gaara younger brother !”

“Hyōton (Ice Release) !”

Ice Attribute’s Chakra spread into the clouds, before Naruto was revived because of Naruto’s disintegration.

This time, it is ten times more than before.

I saw the whole piece of white clouds gathered under the control of Naruto.

The water mist condenses, and the ice cones fall into the rain.

Gaara hand seal, sand rain!

The sky made up of sand turned into a sand ball and rushed up against the ice rain!

Naruto shouted : “called big brother !”

Shukaku yelled at Gaara’s body: “Go to tm’s big brother! Chakra is for you, shoot this brat for me!”

The ice rain and the sand rain intersected, and an oversized mud rain fell.

When the clouds are exhausted, the sand curtains controlled by Gaara are also shot out.

Gaara stares at the sky, and Naruto is no longer in sight.

Gaara: “Oh… it’s shot into the slag…”

Within the body Shukaku reminded: “Back!”

Five stalls!

Naruto’s hand penetrated Gaara’s sand shell and pressed it on Gaara’s shoulder.

The two-person Spirit link is connected here, and the nine-tailed voice is in the Shukaku Seal Space with a malicious smile: “Shukaku younger brother, you are a bit happy with ah… ah? I don’t dare to pick up my Spirit link. Ah? Or will I send you back to my mother’s womb and rebuild it…”

The nine-tailed Chakra invaded Gaara’s with the body, forcing the creation of a Spirit link.

The nine-tailed figure appeared in the Seal Space, staring at the Shukaku, who was already stupid in the cage: “Call the big brother! Hang it up without you!”

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