Supreme Naruto

Chapter 249

The Quest received by Naruto arrived in Sharon Village to treat the injured 5,000 people.

Five thousand sick numbers are nothing to Naruto. After all, when Konoha was suddenly attacked by Orochimaru, the number of people injured was not much.

He relied on the avatar to contract a majority.

The key is that Naruto has a hunch that this is definitely not as simple as treatment. As long as he goes, he will definitely be involved in the confrontation with the unknown civilization.

In the development of the original World, that civilization had a flash in one place on this continent, mastering the technology that could extract a substance called Glenel’s mine into the stone of Glenel.

Because of the strong vitality, the stone of Greer can be treated, can improve production, and strengthen the body.

But it has also become the core of the war.

In the end, that civilization was destroyed in the war…

Naruto has some heart for this stone.

“If you can master the vein… that will definitely be the greatest wealth.”

A dead thought came out in Naruto’s head.

But remember correctly… The development of the original World… This vein finally lost control and almost exploded.

The uncontrolled veins are said to destroy half of the continent…

Naruto’s heart is a little Hollow…

He sighed: “Should it be bragging?”

Back to the manager’s home, Naruto’s heart has not been able to calm down for a long time.

Naruto used the avatar to find Yakushi Kabuto in the No. 9 laboratory.

He still has some things to explain before leaving.

Yakushi Kabuto is burying his head and seeing Naruto coming to Kaidō: “You are just coming, I have already finished writing about the mantra from Orochimaru.”

Say, Yakushi Kabuto drew the last full stop on the old scroll of the drag.

Then continue: “The curse of Orochimaru’s research evolved from a substance extracted from a person called the heavy one. The substance has a very high degree of uncertainty, and the effect of each person’s fusion is different, but Orochimaru is After constant experimentation, it has been able to control two very strong changes, and named them the curse of the sky and the curse of the earth.”

Naruto walks up to Yakushi Kabuto, picks up the Scroll, scans it in one minute, and puts it back on the table.

“Oh, I understand.”

“But don’t mention the curse. I am here to tell you that I have to leave Konoha for a while, and I can’t come to this lab again.”

“Then you clone this person out, don’t worry about it, and make sure you train it in a month.”

Say Naruto handed the hair of Haruno Sakura and the test tube with blood to Yakushi Kabuto.

Yakushi Kabuto looked at her hair: “Powder hair? Haruno Sakura? I thought that your second clone would be black hair.”

Who is black hair? Of course it is Hinata.

Naruto with his mouth Kaidō: “That gimmick… I haven’t asked the girl’s thoughts yet, um… wait and ask.”

“But it’s not anxious, time is still early.”

Saying that Naruto had thrown two more corpses in his hand, “One of yours, one for the clone of Haruno Sakura.”

After the account was finished, Naruto left.

Clone Jutsu lifted, “bang!”, Naruto disappeared in place.

Then the next step is to talk to the girls.

Naruto greeted him: “Everyone is coming over, I have something to explain.”

The girls went in twos and threes.

Seeing people, Naruto start to talk said: “The Chakra seal on my body has been lifted. This is good news. The bad news is that I will leave Konoha for a while to complete a Quest tomorrow. I am not here during the time. It’s good to keep working on the original progress.”

This summer is actually the first speech. “Naruto is going to leave? Just Miss letter, I said that the new movie has been filmed, and the post has come back… Estimated that genius can come…”

acquired? He will be out of Quest tomorrow… It’s a sad thing.

Naruto shrugged: “Wait for me to come back.”

“Right, since the film is finished, should the manager come back?”

Xia shook head said: “Don’t come back, the letter said that Miss Roots went to the country of snow to shoot the second part.”

Naruto: “Hey…”

The first part was taken without a release, and the director was much more confident…

Naruto took a breath and said helplessly: “Well, that movie, I will come back and watch it.”

“For the summer, you can put the movie on the opening day of your theme movie theater, maybe there will be wonders.”

Xia Lianlian nodded: “Summer is like this! But the summer is the theme coffee shop is not the theme movie theater.”

Naruto: “…”

Hasn’t the summer started to marry him since he’s not called the owner…

After the exchange with Xia, Muni came together. “Would you like to leave to bring us?”

Naruto turned over Byakugan (roll eyes). “I think, but I want to bring you, hungry and the gang will catch up. I don’t want to have two theatrical editions together, it will be dead.”

Muni said with a wink: “What is the theatrical version?”

Naruto fooled: “Oh, I mean Missy’s movie will look great.”

Muni tried for a while.

Other people…

Naruto looked at Hinata, and the little hand that pulled the Jinata, no one else, swayed. “It’s going to be a time, I can’t take you out this time.”

Hinata suddenly licked big eyes, “Ah? Hokage, the big man said that I am going out with you, Quest, is my Quest changed?”

Goose? Goose? Goose?

Hinata will go out with him for Quest tomorrow!

Naruto’s careful liver fluttered and was surprised: “What does she really say?”

So Tsunade… played him? Or would you like to give him a surprise tomorrow?

Ok…elder sister, you won, this is really amazing.

“Is there anyone else?”

Hinata nodded. “There is another boy who has never seen it before. It looks cool. Tsunade said that he once studied in the roots of the Danzo organization. It is a very good shinobi.”

Uh… I won’t say… Sakai?

Ok… then this time Quest is full of fun.

Then Naruto looked at the big fat and the Lai snake.

Minnie blinked and asked, “Do you want to explain it to them?”

Naruto shook the shook head. “I want to not carry them.”

Say Naruto comes up with a contract Scroll that he made himself.

“Dafei can now say that he is proficient in seals, and Laipi’s thermal vision is also very good…”

“But… their own Strength is somewhat weaker…”

Muniy looks at the Psychic Scroll suddenly, “Master, people think of a way to go out and let the wind.”

Naruto: “What?”

The next sentence of Muni can be said to be a stone-shattering: “Sign it with me!”

Goose? Goose? Goose?

Although Naruto had fantasized about this operation…but…

“you are serious?”

In the eyes of Muni, the little star is shining: “Hmm!”

Naruto’s throat squirmed a bit.

At this time, Datuni also came over and exclaimed: “This is a really good way. Hey, your head is finally divine light.”

Xiao Yuni raised her hand: “I want it! I want it too!”

Aside, Hinata’s silly at the sights at , originally… she thought… after leaving Naruto is her own… just like the time to chase Danzo…

But at the moment, this situation…

Hinata suddenly raised her hand: “I want too!”

Goose? Goose? Goose?

Naruto is so aggressive, what is this?

It is still possible to sign the monks and nuns. After all, you are willing and willing to fight for free. If you encounter a formidable, you can start a group battle.

But Hinata… If you really signed it… The father-in-law will kill him? Will definitely kill him!

Today may be three more, and finally ask for the recommended ticket, monthly ticket, full order ~

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