Supreme Naruto

Chapter 247

What is the choice of Hinata?

Naruto was not in a hurry to ask. After the next day, Yakushi Kabuto woke up, Naruto summoned Edo Tensei’s psychic spell to Orochimaru’s Lab No. 9.

The crown of the corpse is opened sideways with the folds, and Yakushi Kabuto opens his eyes to look at all around.

Naruto summoned Yakushi Kabuto to the office area of ​​Orochimaru, and the text on four or four blackboards was not erased. Yakushi Kabuto saw the notes of Orochimaru at first glance.

“Welcome to your former owner, Orochimaru’s Lab No. 9, I believe you should have never been here.”

Yakushi Kabuto looked at all around, his eyes swept over four blackboards, Kaidō: “I have never been there. I have only seen the Orochimaru file for the experiment you are interested in.”


Naruto controlled the monk and the scorpion, squatting, said blankly: “You only saw it in the file? So… you haven’t experimented?”

Yakushi Kabuto should have said: “When I met Orochimaru-sama, the experiments done by Orochimaru-sama were all around the curse.”

Naruto feels that she has a good liver pain…originally thought that she had found a good assistant…but I didn’t expect it… I’m barely an assistant… I don’t know what it’s…

“Forget it, I will lie back to the coffin and I will send it back to you…”

Yakushi Kabuto, amazed, said: “Do you need my help?”

Naruto-controlled monks and nuns turned over a big Byakugan (roll eyes) and sarcastically said: “You haven’t even done experiments. How can you help me? Time is very urgent, can you let me teach you from the beginning while studying?”

Yakushi Kabuto was on the spot, but he made a great determination to agree to help Naruto, but now he was dismissed…

Then he is now in Kaidō coffin?

Telling the truth, in fact… he is very interested in this experiment…

“Hurry up! Don’t ink! Sneak back, send you back to me so I can continue to experiment. I have wasted a day because I am waiting for you!”

Yakushi Kabuto corner of the mouth was drawn. At this time, Naruto’s attitude towards him can be said to be extremely bad, and when he asks him to do things, he is completely different. It’s a real-life guy.

But I really don’t want to go…

But Naruto, he couldn’t open his mouth again. He felt that there was no face. When he hesitated, Naruto controlled the avatar and took out a spell from his mouth. It was the spell that forced the wisdom.

Yakushi Kabuto panicked, “What are you doing?”

Naruto controlled Muni, who was squinted. “You can’t force you to leave if you don’t listen.”

Yakushi Kabuto feels that if he is sent back this time, he may be lying in the coffin for a long time.

How is this going! Finally start to talk and pray: “Let me stay! Really! I learn super fast!”

“And even if I haven’t done this experiment, but Orochimaru-sama has participated in many other experiments, it is definitely not cumbersome!”

Naruto hesitated, and it makes a lot of sense.

“Okay… then you are watching.”

Yakushi Kabuto quickly nodded, but Naruto pointed to the coffin: “Go into the body and continue to sleep, use the magical technique to float out and learn.”

Yakushi Kabuto, heart Hollow said: “I haven’t learned that technique yet…”

Naruto Byakugan (roll eyes) turned over, “then go back to the coffin and learn to say it.”

Finally, Yakushi Kabuto was still locked in the coffin.

In the coffin, Yakushi Kabuto turned on the light, then turned sideways and turned Naruto. The Scroll that he gave him yesterday seriously learned.

One hour……

Two hours…

Then half a day passed…

The chakra that Muni stayed on the Rapi snake was exhausted, and the scorpion of Muni was lifted.

Laipi’s lazy squatting on the ground, looked at the coffin next to it, turned off the light, and left Xiaoqu in his heart.

“The same chicken, the same egg, the same we, but it is not worth a dollar, the same meat, the same to eat, people can not have no chicken World…”

The story of a snake in the heart of a snake…

This picture is thief…

At night, Yakushi Kabuto hand seal, spiritualization!

Then Yakushi Kabuto’s Spiritual Body floated out of the body.

“I have succeeded!”

Yakushi Kabuto screamed, but no one took care of him…

“Hey? How is nobody?”

Spiritual Body Vision, all around the same black lacquered piece, only the level 1 faint light, which is a glimmer of light from the instrument.

Then Yakushi Kabuto’s Spiritual Body touched the light switch, and Yakushi Kabuto floated around the lab, saw a mouse with an ear on his back, and…

Two meat balls floating in the water tank…

The meat ball is transparent, and there are traces of blood vessels on it…

Yakushi Kabuto didn’t see what it was, so she went back to the room and began to learn.

Time passed by, and it turned out that Yakushi Kabuto did learn very quickly. It took only three days to finish all the information left by Orochimaru, and then quickly became a powerful assistant under the guidance of Naruto. The progress has also accelerated.

The two also found that Chakra, a cation of yang, was able to accelerate the growth of cloned living organisms by accelerating cell division.

With full power, it takes only seven days to grow a fetus to twelve.

However, the living body that was born out of life, inferred from the state of the cell, has only three days of life, and has no consciousness…

Yakushi Kabuto and Naruto built a Spiritual Force link, Naruto, which was cloned through Naruto’s visual look at the jar: “Is this experiment a failure? Only three days of life… completely meaningless…”

Naruto said with a smile : “It’s a little wonderful to look at another one.”

As you press the switch, the top of the jar opens and Naruto links to another person with a Spirit link.

There is no rejection, no obstacles, and the experimental body exists in Spirit World, but it is completely undefended.

Naruto controls the clones to climb out of the culture tank, dry them, and get dressed.

Then I got it.

“Let your coffin come out, I will use this coffin to seal him.”

Naruto said a word to him.

Unbelievable Kaidō: “No need? Only three days of life…”

Naruto shook the head: “Three days of life is enough. I will use him a year later, and then I will leave Konoha.”

During this time, Yakushi Kabuto and Naruto will have a few words to talk about, so I understand some of Naruto’s plans.

Yakushi Kabuto: “This plan doesn’t work? You are Jinchūriki, even if your clone is exactly the same as you… unless you seal the nine tails in this body of the guy, but as far as I know… Tail Beast is isolated… …you will die as Jinchūriki…”

Naruto said with a smile : “Then, if I tell you… there are two nine tails on this World?”

Two nine tails? One male and one female?

Yakushi Kabuto is so aggressive…

A new month to ask for a monthly ticket~

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