Supreme Naruto

Chapter 241

The materials used by Naruto have always been the store’s Metal reserves.

Nowadays, it has finally ushered in a relatively handsome first gold in life.

However, the contract is not the three originally.

Instead, a fourth one was introduced.

First-class combat prosthetic: 100 five 100 two (non-complete version)

Second-class combat prosthetic: 100 million two (non-complete version)

Third-class combat prosthetic: five 100 two (non-complete version)

The so-called incomplete version is a series of parts that remove the tactile system, the external precious Metal and so on.

I bought only one relative Rank bone. As for the alloy of the table… it does not exist, and the appearance is still wood.

In this way, if there is special demand, it can be purchased separately, that is, the so-called equipment upgrade.

The money is for the user to go out.

At the same time, in this contract, the Metal used is all purchased by Konoha.

This has the advantage that every Metal Naruto needs ten times more.

The reason is that there is the possibility of refining waste, and one is the most basic guarantee.

In fact… Naruto has the confidence to create ten copies of the scrap.

Therefore, it is still very profitable.

But Naruto has a clear conscience, and the technical money he earns is not.

At the Hokage office, Utatane Koharu stood at the Hokage desk and looked at a bill.

Utatane Koharu, Chancellor of Finance of Konoha.

Because the money from the country of fire is controlled by her and Homura Mitokado, and Homura Mitokado has jurisdiction, but generally does not express opinions.

“How much is the manual cost?”

Utatane Koharu frowns the quotation on the looks at Scroll.

Tsunade looks as usual Kaidō: “This is already the cheapest trading style I can fight for.”

Say to show another Scroll to Utatane Koharu.

Utatane Koharu saw the first deal style, and righteously said: “This is simply extortion!”

Utatane Koharu swept his eyes again, a series of patent fees.

The brow wrinkles deeper: “Can these people who curse the seal class be confused?”

Tsunade Kaidō: “Before you came, the person in charge of the seal class had come and said that it would take at least one year of research time, or even longer.”

Utatane Koharu was silent for a while, and the mood was a little calm. For many reasons, the name of the country of Fire was not much money for Konoha.

“So… these technologies are indeed worth so much money, but… these technologies should not be held in the hands of one person.”

The meaning of this sentence is very simple, that is, let Naruto hand over the technology.

Utatane Koharu continued: “The village can give him enough honor.”

If Naruto is afraid of nothing, I want to put Scroll on her face.

“And he is the village of shinobi, the village trains him, but he asks for money from the village. This is really excessive.”

Tsunade held his chin in one hand and asked, “You mean…”

Utatane Koharu Kaidō: “The first money can be given to him. It is a research and development grant for him, but the curse involved, and the technique of the prosthetic, must be handed over to the village in writing.”

Tsunade feels a bit of a pain in her brain. She knows that this is still Utatane Koharu. I will only give this money if Naruto is a crime member of Hokage, otherwise… if I change to an ordinary person without background…

May go directly to the interrogation room to drink tea…

Naruto, will that guy agree?

After Utatane Koharu left, Tsunade found Naruto.

However, what surprised her was that Naruto agreed. “Yes, it is not a big deal.”

Is this Naruto’s heart?

Almost, Naruto’s original version is: This grunge spell can’t sit still, and it is a more correct choice to leave.

Finally, the first order was so pleasantly finalized.

A total of 20 pen orders were purchased, first class.

Value: 30 million two.

In the following two weeks, everyone was fully committed to making the order.

After casting, Naruto did not complete the transaction immediately, but secretly pressed for a month.

Then everyone continues to study the original topic, armed armor.

As for the practice of the wooden version of the Q version of the gadget, it does not attract attention.

On this day, everyone discussed at Spirit World, and Haruno Sakura sat in the courtyard, looking at the big fat lapi snake and playing cards.

Naruto came over. “What do you think?”

Haruno Kasuga: “I don’t know, anyway, I think…”

Naruto asked: “Sasuke?”

Chunno Sakura smiled and did not deny it.

Naruto whispered: “Do you want to see him?”

Haruno Sakura is preparing to perfuse, but seeing Naruto’s gaze swallowed what he had prepared to say.

Naruto’s eyes…not asking casually, is there a way for him to see Sasuke?

Thinking of this, Haruno Sakura suddenly excited.

If it is Naruto, is there a way?

Exploratory question: “Do you have a way?”

Naruto laughs and says nothing.

I also asked a question: “If you want to see Sasuke, you have to leave the village. Is your choice to stay in the village or leave? Don’t rush to answer, you have… long time to think, think about it and tell me. Just fine.”

Well, the free workforce can fool one is one.

So Naruto went to find Little Hinata again.

Hinata is actually seriously reviewing what she has learned these days.

“Is there something that will not be?”

Hinata saw Naruto and asked a few questions.

Naruto one by one answer.

Do you want to ask Hinata what choice?

After answering the questions of Hinata, Naruto thought about it.

Then shook the shook head, or wait a few weeks before leaving, this will make Hinata’s psychological burden smaller.

At this time, Little Minnie ran over, holding a Q version of the villain, joyfully said: “My little Muni has just defeated the green elder turtle of the summer elder sister!”

The battle against you is a popular game among the ladies in these days.

The armor is armored by a Q version consisting of small wooden parts and a mantra, and then the makers control each other with Chakra.

At present, the highest winning percentage is the mechanical owl of Dafei.

The second is the summer green turtle series.

The third is the little monk of the little monk.

The fourth is that Hinata does not fall.

The fifth is the mechanical wheelchair of Muni.

The sixth is Datuni’s… How do you describe it… mechanical suffering? Or a mechanical shuriken?

Anyway, it is very easy to lose every time.

Most of them have disintegrated before they start playing, funny…

Naruto gave a thumbs up to Muni, praised: “Awesome.”

I don’t want to challenge our big Senior Brother!”

The big Senior Brother is another name for Dafei, because the rune has always had excellent results, so it has this title.

Naruto encouraged: “Come on.”

Then Xiaoniuni went.

The imposing manner was full, but Naruto’s heart rang with a word: “The wind is bleak and the water is cold, and the strong man will not return…”

Two minutes later, Muniani ran back and cried.

The mouth is mad: “The big Senior Brother’s cockroaches won’t be physical? How can it be so difficult to fight…”

Hinata turned on Byakugan (roll eyes) and forgot an outward look, then quietly bowed and didn’t speak.

It turns out that it is not physical, but… the core parts are all Metal’s…

The small book in Hinata’s heart is marked with a note: If you can’t ask questions in the future, you can directly find the Big Brother. If you don’t tell it, you will report it!

Little Muni said with a sad face: “Naruto big brother Why not do one, Naruto big brother will definitely beat the big Senior Brother!”

Naruto said with a smile : “It’s very busy recently, wait until I’m done, and give it to you.”

Recently, the ear on the back of the mouse grew well. Naruto pondered the same length and made another organ rejection experiment. If it passed, he could start to raise arms for Datuni.

Strive to solve in half a year.

Thanks for the recent days: “R R sing T”, “Chong Palace の 三目”, “Call me”, “Jin distance”, “lijina713966”, “calcium hydroxy acid”, “muddy 耿丽娜”, the big bangs hit Reward~ Congratulations on “R-T to T” to promote sect master! So far, there are two sect masters on our list! Let us thank the two sect masters for the mini-calling up the facade!

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