Supreme Naruto

Chapter 238

In a blink of an eye, it took a month to receive the letter.

During this month, Naruto kept a day at two labs in Orochimaru.

Naruto originally intends to let him cooperate with him, but the accident is that Muni is insisting on continuing to cooperate with Naruto.

Naruto didn’t say much about it and agreed.

So the Rapyi snake, who had the opportunity to rest, had to continue working overtime. (Clone Jutsu in summer does not need Lai Snake to cooperate.)

I swinged between the lab and the manager’s house every day, and I practiced the meat (muscle), funny.

At the same time Because of the frequent movements, Naruto developed an optical stealth curse to cover up the Lai Snake.

In addition, the prosthetic limbs of the Muni are also replaced with a new, feel-evolving Evolution version, which makes the original 不 gin ori 不 喜欢 喜欢 也 也 也 也 也 也 也 让 让 让 让 让 让 让 让 让 让 让 让 让 让 不 不 不 不 不 ori ori ori Handcuffs improved to both hands.

So… these days, it’s a bit serious…

Muni is more funny. This girl started to like to soak her feet after wearing a tactile prosthetic…

The harmful Naruto reinforces the prosthetic limbs of the women…

In short… the days are very peaceful and peaceful.

Also, during this period, the casino under Naruto’s name and the two stores under the name of the store manager were finally completed.

The next step is interior decoration, purchase, recruitment, and employee development.

These troubles were smothered by the brain to the only big idler, Sakura.

Naruto estimates that if all of this is done, how can it be another month?

Thinking of this Naruto is a bit small, if he doesn’t want that much, it seems that a casino can live a prosperous life in Konoha.

Coupled with the identity of his medical shinobi, he does not even have to make any Quests until the enemy reaches the base camp.

Then regenerate a bunch of big fat brat with Hinata…

It is actually quite beautiful to think about it.

stay? Naruto shook the shook head again.

The comfortable life belongs to the pig, and the result of the pig is only slaughtered by fattening.

Naruto doesn’t want to be a pig, even if the pig is a wild boar.

Moreover, it is also a shackle in Naruto’s mind that Muni has their identity exposed.

He hoped that Muni was exposed when he rescued him.

But Xia told him that it might not be 1%.

This is the confidence of Xia in his own investigation of Ability.

Naruto believes that there is this Ability in summer, because in the process of Naruto and Hinata, no one has ever been found to follow them…., Hinata has the existence of Byakugan (roll eyes) and can escape the exploration of Hinata, which is enough to illustrate many things.

Then Konoha reported the possibility of a monk’s identity…that is 99%.

So who told me?

Tsunade ? Or Jiraiya?

Naruto doesn’t want to go deeper, if you look deeper… the result is not good for anyone.

Standing on their side, there is nothing wrong with doing this.

But from the perspective of Naruto, doing so pushes him to injustice.

Shinobi does not speak righteousness, in order to complete Quest only obey orders.

But Naruto said.

Because for Naruto, shinobi is just an experience in a long life, a profession.

This World is not just using Chakra or shinobi.

The warriors of the Iron Kingdom also use Chakra, funny.

Of course, Naruto doesn’t think he is a warrior.

Naruto is just Naruto.

He just wants to do something he is interested in.

The manager’s house, Naruto’s bedroom, Naruto with a weird arm and eleven Sharingan big eyes and small eyes.

Yes, it’s eleven, because Naruto ported Shisui’s eyes to it.

At the same time Naruto has a new understanding of the terrifying vitality of the first generation of cells.

You don’t need to transplant to the living body, you can always keep your life…

This is simply a piece of… Tang Yan meat.

“When is the research on primary cells?”

Naruto swayed his lower arm, and the Sharingan 上面 on it turned and kept staring at Naruto.

Naruto flipped through the fracture of the blue-sleeve sword, and at this point the Level 1 skin tissue was grown to seal the wound…

However, Naruto also knows that this is not a long-term solution. Waiting for a little longer, even if the arm is sealed in the Scroll, but sooner or later there will be life.

So… Naruto is going to find a place to raise this arm.

How to raise?

Looking for a flower pot to bury the soil in the soil?

This kind of thing can’t be done by ordinary people, and I can’t think of it.

But Naruto wanted to give it a try.

The reason is, wasn’t the first generation good at rafts?

Since that arm should be raised in the soil, it should be correct.

Naruto then found the flower pot used in the past for the mushroom, and buckled the soil in the courtyard and brought it back to the bedroom.

Then… just put this arm on it.

The miracle really happened, and the roots of the arm actually grew rooted in the soil…

Level 1 The wooden texture climbs the entire arm from bottom to top.

The arm that had been dead for a long time before the arm was fixed suddenly moved to erect a thumb to Naruto…

It seems to be saying: You are awesome, I am optimistic about you, boy.

Naruto continued to observe that Sharingan was still in an awkward turn and seemed to be unaffected.

Then, next… don’t have to sunbathe Sun… watering?

So what water is poured? Ordinary water?

Or… blood?

Naruto took a glass of water and poured it in.

Then came the water from the flower pot, the sound of zī zī…

Then the wooden arm began to pump… I grew a green leaf…

Sun drying leaves become bigger, greener and greener.

So after the butterfly was added, Naruto’s bedroom had another pot of chic.

Naruto put the flower pot on the window sill and went out.

After Naruto left, the eyes on the arm were extremely tumultuous, and the arm pulled out of the pot himself.

The texture of the wood on the hand fades and the green leaves disappear.

The five fingers stood on the window sill, as if they were five small short legs. They climbed up to the window, then moved the handle and jumped out of the window, but before they landed, an owl swooped it and grabbed it.

The arm that gave birth to the tree vines was going to wrap the owl.

But the owl’s hand touched the curse on the arm, and then the seal was launched, and the arm struggled for a few moments and couldn’t move.

The owl flew back to Naruto’s bedroom.

Reinsert your arm into the pot.

Naruto walked in with her shoulders in. The lighter in her hand slid and stabbed, and Flint Martian splattered. “Run? I know you guys are tricky.”

Then walked to the front of the flame burning on the finger.

“I still can’t run?”

The potted one wants to make a representation, but the curse on the body binds it and cannot move.

“Don’t talk? It doesn’t seem to be long-term, I will burn again!”

“I still can’t run?”


Then there was a Sharingan on the arm and began to shed tears.

I cried… funny…

Naruto cleared his throat. “Okay, look at the one you cried for mercy today, and then I will catch it and throw it directly at the bottom of the pot.”

After teasing for a while, Naruto found that the first generation cells were quite fun.

“When I have finished the cloning, I will study you by cultivating their arms.”

Just yesterday, Naruto has successfully raised a human ear on the back of a mouse.

The ear is still small and has not grown yet, and Naruto intends to observe it for a while.

After confirming that there will be no mistakes, they will start to raise their hands and feet to the monks and nuns.

Um… It seems to be a problem to find something to cultivate… It is impossible to grow a human arm on the back of the mouse.

At the very least, malnutrition.

Thinking of malnutrition, Naruto poured a large glass of water into the pot, warned repeated: “Drink more, don’t be hungry and say that I am treating you badly.”

Arm: “…”

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