Supreme Naruto

Chapter 227


Danzo didn’t gather Chakra to block, and the nine-tailed Chakra that spurted hit Danzo’s body. In the violent impact, Danzo’s flesh was peeled off in the blink of an eye, leaking out of the internal organs and bones.

“One second…”

“Two seconds…”

Danzo resurrected and reappeared in its original position.

Naruto’s eyes are red, and the pupil is the fox’s erect.

Five stalls! break out!

At this moment, after breaking the sound barrier, Naruto’s World is quiet, with no trace of sound.


Silently appeared in front of Danzo and pressed his hand on Danzo’s head.

“This hit, because Muni!”

The strange power broke out.

Naruto sucks himself on the ground with Chakra, stiff and bears the reaction, and the arm is pressed down.

Danzo’s body is splashed like a ripe persimmon.

The human bones are crushed together on the ground.

The broken one can’t be broken anymore.

“The third second…”

“Four seconds…”

Danzo is resurrected again.

The fifth gear broke out, Naruto’s bracelet was like Danzo’s body, and he pulled out his heart and pressed it into Danzo’s mouth.

At the same time, put Danzo’s head on the ground and shoot it directly.

“This blow is also for the monk!”

“Five seconds…”

“Six seconds…”

Danzo is resurrected again.

Resurrection once every two seconds, once every two seconds.

“Seven seconds…”

“Eight seconds…”

“This time for Tsunade.”

“Nine seconds…”

“Ten seconds…”

The sharingan of Danzo’s right hand is extinguished.

Six minutes later, Danzo had died 100 seventy-eight times.

Only the last blow left.

Of course, you can kill twice.

But the moment Naruto stopped, there was only one left.

Naruto looked down at the body intact, but the man was spread on the ground like a muddy Danzo.

“100 eighty seconds…”

The last Sharingan is closed…

“Give you ten seconds to explain your last words.”

“Accurately… I want to hear what you guys say after death.”

Danzo’s body trembled, hand seal, said with a malicious smile : “I said! You will pay for your stupidity!”

There is a curse on Danzo’s body.

The seal of the four-image seal is completely different from the normal structure.

However, Naruto didn’t move, just looks at Danzo.

One second… two seconds… three seconds… nothing happened.

Danzo glared at the eyes and didn’t dare to set the channel: “How is it possible!”

At this time, the right eye hurts, raises a hand, only touches a bloody…

The right eye is gone.

Danzo looks at Naruto, Naruto taunted: “I want to go with me? Sorry, I am familiar with the four-image seal. The four-image seal on your body has been changed a few times, and it has failed.”

Said, the blue-sleeve sword lifted up and looked up.

Danzo’s right arm was squatted and the next moment fell in the hands of Naruto.

“The reason for not directly killing you is actually just want these two distinct things.”

“I am not interested in your last words.”

Under the blue-sleeved sword, Danzo was split into two from the middle in the stunned.

“Don’t stop supplying Chakra, there is still something to do.”

This sentence is for the nine tails.

Naruto is very tired, the kind of exhaustion is never felt by Naruto. The Spiritual Force has never had a Hollow weak. It feels that as long as the nine tails withdraw Chakra, he will fall directly.

Naruto took out two Scrolls in his hand and sealed Danzo’s right and right eyes.

Then, I didn’t look at Danzo’s body and rushed to the still fighting voice.

Yamato 蹦Q is still very Spirit.

The third gear broke out and Naruto appeared in Yamato’s behind hand knife.

Yamato Byakugan (roll eyes) turned over and people fainted.

Naruto looks at Orochimaru.

“You didn’t stop me just now.”

Orochimaru looks at Naruto start to talk: “Because I think you are very interesting.”

Naruto expressionless, in fact, he can’t even figure out his expression.

Start to talk said: “Then I will not kill you now, you are also very interesting.”

“But there is a condition, you have to make a deal with me, you agree that you can live, do not agree to kill you now.”

Orochimaru didn’t because Naruto said that he had any dissatisfaction with killing him, and he didn’t have any anger. He continued to laugh at the bottom at Naruto: “I want to hear it.”

Naruto expressionless said: “You can use it now, but after all, it is not your own hand. I think you can feel the difference. I simply said that your hand is now with me. I miss you. You can understand the meaning of collecting information for a while, and the Dead Demon Consuming Seal is the soul of your both hands.”

“The content of the transaction is your both hands. You continue to spend three years training Sasuke. Before I find you, if you can successfully reincarnate to Sasuke, you will be awesome. If you fail, then this both hands will be It’s Sasuke’s three-year tuition fee.”

“And you have to share what you know, whether it is Ninjutsu, or a spell or your experiment.”

Orochimaru raised his eyebrows: “It sounds interesting.”

“But I know that my hand is at you, how do you prove that you have Ability and I trade?”

Orochimaru said this, the next moment, Naruto disappeared in place.

Five stalls.

A sword broke out and Yakushi Kabuto’s head slowly slipped down.

Naruto expressionless said: “If you need proof, then the next one is you.”

Yakushi Kabuto is dead…

A very capable man.

Orochimaru frowned, but then relieved.

Said with a smile : “You really qualify to trade with me, then see you in three years.”

Narruto of expressionless came to Sasuke.

Raise your hand and press on Sasuke’s curse: “I want to see your curse.”

Speaking of the blood in the hand is linked to the spell of Sasuke like a line.

Deep invasion, Chakra drilled into Sasuke’s curse.

Sasuke’s curse is activated and the spell is spread all over the body.

Then go directly to the state of the spell.

Naruto’s Chakra, or borrowing the nine-tailed Chakra, walked along the lines of the curse and followed by retreat.

“Sure enough, some connections.”

Naruto’s hand was picked up from Sasuke’s body, Chakra returned, and Sasuke was sweating on the floor.


After that, Naruto turned and left.

At this time Orochimaru called Naruto: “You came here to explain… Danzo is dead, is the two things on him also on you? I am willing to accept other transactions.”

“For example… it’s not impossible to teach Sasuke for free.”

Naruto Kaidō: “Do not trade, that is my precious research material.”

Orochimaru a glimpse, then said with a smile: “Interesting, you are more and more interesting, since you also have research interest, then I will send you something.”

Say Orochimaru throws a Scroll.

Naruto on Scroll did not perceive Chakra.

It’s a very common Scroll, and it’s a bit old.

Scroll expands, inside is a map, but with nine positions.

Orochimaru said with a smile : “These are the labs I used when I was Konoha. I think some of them have already been discovered, but I still haven’t found them. After all, they are hidden. This is for you.” The gift is good.”

“Look at what you are very interesting.”

Naruto was about to leave and suddenly thought of one thing.

“Galta broken and the ashes of the rope tree are given to me.”

Orochimaru grinned silently, without talking about the conditions, directly start to talk: “It should be on Yakushi Kabuto.”

Naruto unrolls the Scroll and takes away the body seal of Yakushi Kabuto. Kaidō: “No, I will come back to you again.”

After all, the third gear broke out and the people disappeared in the same place.

Nine-tailed urged: “Hey! Your body is not in a good state, and it will be even worse if you don’t remove Chakra.”

Naruto strongly supported this body: “Let’s wait, I have to go see a person.”

Speaking to the place where Muni is located, go to Muni, just…

Muni lived…

Naruto 瞪big eyes ,looks at live a good Muni does not dare to set the channel: “You are not dead?”

Danzo is dead~ Come and enjoy a fireworks~

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