Supreme Naruto

Chapter 225

At night, Konoha Ninja Village, Hokage Office.

At this time, most of the staff had to go home, the black hole of the Hokage building, the moonlight from the window into the room, illuminating the two people leaning against the window.

Tsunade with a sly face, and Jiraiya with a face to say.

“How come back so early? The identity of the store manager of the nibble store is clear?” Tsunade looked at Jiraiya on the other side of the window, and originally Tsunade turned off the light and decided to leave. As a result, Jiraiya jumped in through the window.

I am too lazy to play now…

Jiraiya’s white hair is equally conspicuous in the dark, but the normally cleaned hair is a bit messy today, and I can’t figure out that I haven’t taken care of myself.

“I got the news back immediately, um… the manager’s identity was found. Five years ago, I used to have a pocket store in Iwagakure Ninja village, but Iwagakure Ninja village was left by Attack.”

“I can’t find any news any more, just like there is no such world, or it is wiped out by people…”

“I have a guess about this… he may be someone over there.”

Tsunade heard this look serious. “What do you mean… will he be the one on the underground exchange that the five great nations secretly created together?”

Jiraiya serious nodded: “Besides, I can’t think of any power on this World that can erase a person’s past experience so clean.”

Tsunade took a breath and screamed, and hesitated: “There is nothing strange about this. There is no place on the World without their eyeliner, just… I hope they can be like rumors, just the eyes in the dark, not What would be bad for Konoha.”

Jiraiya shook the shook head: “The eyes hidden in the dark are just that if there is an order on the name of the country of fire before they receive the order, then they are no longer as simple as eyes.”

Tsunade bitter with a smile: “There is no other way, the strength of Renowned Village makes the big names jealous, their existence is inevitable, the same reason… If those people are out of control, those in the country of fire will let Let’s clear those people.”

“As long as we continue to maintain tacit understanding, we will give them the force to play the game between the big countries. They will send us food and money…”

“Complete Quest… Isn’t that the fate of shinobi originally…”

The two were silent for half a night in the dark.

Jiraiya looks at the Tsunade under the moonlight, it is beautiful, and today’s Tsunade is more silky, giving him the urge to hold it tight.

But…so I will be half-dead by myself.

Jiraiya stared at Tsunade’s moonlight figure for a moment…

Until Tsunade looked over, Jiraiya woke up to talk: “That… Danzo is the guy you killed?”

Tsunade “Hmm”.

Jiraiya licked her lower lip and hit haha: “It’s good to kill.”

“That… Would you like to find a place to drink some wine?”

Tsunade sighed. “I’ll forget it today. Today I want to go back and rest.”

I don’t want to drink alcohol?

It seems that Tsunade has been really bad recently…

“That… can I help you?”

Tsunade thought about it and pulled out three photos from the drawer and handed it to Jiraiya. “The three people check their identity.”

“Three people are disabled, but there are three kinds of Kekkei Genkai. It’s not a waste but they have been in Konoha’s sanatorium for many years. It’s always unusual.”

Jiraiya took the photo and his face became more serious. “You said… they have three kinds of Kekkei Genkai?”

Jiraiya took a close look at the photos in the moonlight, and finally took a photo of Davidi with no both hands: “Does this person have a magnetic Kekekei Genkai?”

Tsunade stunned, surprised: “Do you know her? Then you know their identity?”

Jiraiya’s brow wrinkled deeper and took another photo, a monk sitting in a wheelchair: “This person is Vapour Style?”

Tsunade serious nodded: “Although not sure, but I guess it is also Vapour Style.”

Finally, Jiraiya took a photo of Little Muni for a long time and said to herself: “That is the Kekkei Genkai who can change Metal.”

Tsunade nodded again.

Jiraiya continues to look at the photo and dare not channel: “Are you this her current photo?”

Tsunade came together. “Is there any problem?”

Jiraiya took a deep breath: “The problem is big, she shouldn’t be so small… These three people are triplets and should be the same size.”


Tsunade was shocked and re-taken the photo. Da Nie and Muni were almost carved out of a mold, but there was a big difference in temperament.

Xiao Muni… looks more like the younger sister of the two, which is what they were when they were young.

Tsunade didn’t dare to sigh: “How is it possible? How long can people be smaller?”

Jiraiya opened his mouth, but in the end he swallowed back.

Finally said: “You still don’t check their affairs, report their news in Konoha to the country of fire, the manager is not sure whether it is an underground exchange, but these three people must be, but… they Original should have died…”

Tsunade still wonders: “Since the people who are underground exchanges should not pretend not to know? Why should they be reported to the country of fire? And what do you mean by saying that they should have died?”

Jiraiya handed the photo to Tsunade: “I don’t know the specific thing. I was very young at the time. The teacher is still very young. If anyone knows… it should be a teacher, but the Old Man is gone, but I know. When the country of the early fire released a S-class Quest, it was to find these three girls. Whether it is a living person or a corpse, if you turn in the money, you will get a reward of 50 million yuan. You can report it, maybe you are now. Quest is still valid.”

Tsunade frowned. “I just want to know if they will pose a threat to Konoha. If there is no threat… let them continue to live in Konoha.”

See Jiraiya looking at himself, Tsunade Kaidō: “They have a good relationship with Naruto, and they also worked hard when I killed Danzo.”

When it comes to Naruto, Jiraiya is stunned and looks serious: “Naruto… Also involved in Danzo? Is he still okay?”

Tsunade put the photos back in the drawer.

Some hesitant to know if Naruto is going to be said, Jiraiya will definitely not harm Naruto… so let him know that it seems to be fine, but Danzo is Naruto who can’t say it.

Tsunade Kaidō: “Not too good, but it doesn’t matter. I used the mystery I taught him to increase the cell division. I estimated the loss of lifespan for four or five years, but I have already sealed his Chakra. It’s almost a year and a half to recover four 50%.”

Lost for four or five years of lifespan!

Jiraiya’s face was dark and black, and some regretted going outside to collect the information of the manager. If he was… then it would not happen.

Um… he will never let this happen!

Regarding the original characters of this book, Xiaozhao does not want to say too much. Xiaozhao only wants to say that Xiaozhao has his own ideas. Xiaozhao hopes to get only support. As for the suggestion, it is really unnecessary, if you feel that my original characters are trampled. Your Hokage, then I apologize, thank you for your continued support. (鞠躬) In a nutshell: only the support of the small call is required, and all others are not needed. I like the story of Xiao Zhao’s writing in the book review area. Xiao Zhao is a very emotional person. When he is in a bad mood, he will write a letter (grievance).

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