Supreme Naruto

Chapter 209

Tsunade found Orochimaru and Naruto found Sasuke.

Sasuke did not participate in the battle with Konoha Ninja, but was sitting alone in an empty stone house.

Head to the ground, the pain in his face is full of entanglements.

In the words of Naruto, that is the expression of constipation.

Naruto controlled the little black snake and climbed in through the door and window made up of iron railings on the door.

The little black snake climbed into the house, and Sasuke felt it coming over. The brow wrinkled and the constipation was more vivid.

At this time, a small black neck coil on the lower side of the eyes opened a mouth, teased: “long time no see, Sasuke classmates.”

At this time, Naruto’s voice, Sasuke’s expression was dull, and he dared not set the channel: “Naruto?”

Two claws on the collar, hand seal, “bang!”

Naruto’s avatar changed from a collar to a Naruto look.

Saddle with a smile : “Is it unexpected? Surprise?”

Sasuke frowned. “Have you been involved in this Konoha hunt?”

Naruto waved his hand. “That has nothing to do with me. I secretly followed it. I just walked through the mountains and waters to see you. How is it broken?”

Telling the truth, Naruto suddenly appeared in front of him, and Sasuke’s heart was a bit complicated.

Some of the hometowns are happy to know, but more is to kill the opposite side.

Sasuke felt his right hand hurt again, his hand was broken by the guy for twelve times!

That kind of pain is really deep in the bone marrow.

Sasuke resisted the urge to hammer the guy in front of him and asked, “Secretly followed? How did you leave Konoha? You also defected?”

Naruto turned a Byakugan (roll eyes) and then said: “I went to the seal class after you left, and now Konoha’s defense system is like Hollow for me.”

Going to the seal class for training?

To what extent can the training system be used to make Konoha’s defense system the same as Hollow?

Sasuke felt that Naruto was whispering with himself and asked: “Are you borrowing the Quest that was last wrong?”

This time it was Naruto’s turn to be speechless.

Hinata can think of that Quest, and Sasuke can think of it. It seems that he forgot to have this…

“I am not…Hinata Yes, I brought out Hinata, are you interested in talking to Hinata?”

Saying that Naruto’s pseudo-Spirit link is linked to Sasuke.

“With it, don’t be too wary of me? I will show you to Hinata. You will not say anything when you leave. The guy in Haruno Sakura is dying.”

Sasuke didn’t cooperate with Naruto, but asked: “Is it brought out by Haruno Sakura?”

Naruto Kaidō: “No, just me and Hinata, you can rest assured that we are not advising you to go back to the village, hurry up, grind and mute Big Mom.”

Sasuke didn’t come to the darkness of the spring wild cherry, he always had a headache for the flower girl.

Then finally, with Naruto, a deep Spirit link was established.

Then, the scene in front of the scene changed, and consciousness came to a dark Space.

Illusion Technique ?

Being alert to Sasuke, Naruto appeared next to him when he wanted to open Sharingan: “Don’t be frightened and flustered, sorrowful, stupid.”

Then Hinata also appeared in the dark Space.

“But this black hole is indeed somewhat depressed.”

Said, the surrounding scenery changed, replaced by the living room of the manager’s house.

The decor of the store manager is very rich and crowded. It feels very good to chat in this environment. The only downside is that there is no summer pastry.

“Sasuke Jun.” Hinata greeted Sasuke.

Naruto sat on the sofa and said, “Don’t be restrained, look for a place to sit down and talk. The surrounding scenery is illusory from the Spiritual Force, but you are also projected to this by Spiritual Force, so it is similar to a real object. You can sit. of.”

Sasuke and Hinata sit down.

With this at the same time, Sasuke’s stone chamber 龋 龋 硎 硎 囊 婪咚 婪咚 婪咚 糁 糁 糁 糁 糁 糁 糁 糁 糁

Get ready to touch the curse on Sasuke’s neck.

“If you connect to Sasuke, you definitely feel it… or ask for Sasuke’s opinion?”

In the Spirit World created by Naruto, Naruto start to talk said: “Sasuke, I want to see the curse on your neck, no problem?”

Sasuke is wary of looking at Naruto.

Naruto shrugged. “If you don’t let me not watch, I am just curious. I recently went to the seal class to learn the seal for a while. I am a bit curious about the curse printed by Orochimaru and the seal in the seal. It doesn’t matter.”

Then I pointed to the Hinata around me: “I don’t believe you can ask Hinata, I really went to learn seals.”

Sasuke hesitated…

Asked: “What are you going to do this time?”

Naruto turned a Byakugan (roll eyes), and the memory of a hand-cranked Scroll appeared in his hands and then threw it to Sasuke: “It’s a compensation for your right hand. Look at Ninjutsu who wants to learn.”

Sasuke glanced, uncertainly saying: “This is…”

Naruto grinsaid with a smile : “Konoha’s ban on Scroll, my multiple shadows are learned from this.”

Sasuke is not calm, at the same time Hinata is also shocked by the look at Naruto.

Naruto once again copied a copy and threw it to Hinata: “If you are interested, you can also see if the fertilizer doesn’t flow outside the field.”

Hinata stupidly caught Scroll and carefully launched Ikkaku, the first Ninjutsu: multiple shadows.

Sasuke turned faster than Hinata, and one ban was seen in front of him.

Naruto turned over Byakugan (roll eyes) and said, “You are not going to copy it?”

“Then your style is quite like me, there is a future.”

Soon the seal turned to the end, it was a four-image seal.

Sasuke was shocked by the head. “Is this all true?”

Naruto shrugged: “Nature is true, what does it mean to give you a fake? Let you go into flames and hang up? It is not easy to give you a bullet.”

Sasuke didn’t know what was going on, and after confirming that it was true, he lowered his head again.

Naruto suggested on the side: “Don’t look at the multiple shadows. You can’t add a whole body to Chakra. I don’t have a lot of avatars. You can learn more about the multiple shadows. The Ninjutsu, Konoha Sword Technique, the dance of the three days is very suitable. That Ninjutsu needs Illusion Technique to cooperate, affecting people’s senses of time. The stronger the Illusion Technique is, the more powerful it is, the slower it is, and then the target is killed by three swords. You have the advantage of Sharingan to help you. It will be bigger.”

“There is also the technique of the night behind, and it is also Illusion Technique. If you can study these two Ninjutsu together, it would be handsome to get a night murder.”

Sasuke glanced up and asked: “How do two Ninjutsu merge into one?”

Naruto turned over Byakugan (roll eyes) and taught: “Stupid, you figure out the principle of Ninjutsu, extract the influence of the three-day dance on the principle of time and sense, and then blind the body of the night. The principle of slow response is extracted, can it be re-combined?”

Sasuke frowned, this sentence is simple, but he has not seen anyone merge the two Ninjutsu…

Wait, it seems that Thousands of Birds have used Lightning Style and the pelag of the Attribute Chakra to form a combination of Ninjutsu…

Looks like it is feasible.

Sasuke secretly remembers Naruto’s combination of two Ninjutsu and continues to back Ninjutsu on the Scroll.

Just now he just looked at it and didn’t back it.

Naruto continued to guide: “There is also a multiplicity detonation in the back, it is worth learning, but if you want to play this trick, you have to have money.”

“But I want to come to Orochimaru and I should not be short of money.”

“Right, look at the fact that I have given you the Scroll. Your curse has made me research and research? I don’t think there is any image of your body.”

Naruto grinned and revealed his fox tail.

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