Supreme Naruto

Chapter 199

The tricolor ball shop, Naruto and Tsunade, wiped out the last ball in their hands.

Tsunade suddenly asked: “For Naruto, do you want another little Junior Sister?”

Naruto’s glimpse, Tsunade’s question made him feel like Mama was asking for a second child.

For example: son, I want to want another younger brother or younger sister.


However, it can be seen that Tsunade still cares about his discipline.

Naruto said with a smile, “I want to accept it, don’t know whose children are so lucky?”

Tsunade heard Naruto agree to the corner of his eyes, and the disciple younger brother was the most flattering.

Kaidō: “It’s the spring wild cherry that you recommended to me before. The child’s medical Ninjutsu Talent is good. If you don’t teach anything, you always feel wasted.”

Haruno Sakura? The reasoning originally Tsunade should be the master of Haruno Sakura.

It is he who occupies the nest.

Although it is not necessary to repay the situation in life, it is a good result if Tsunade receives Chunno Sakura.

The teacher’s door has grown stronger, and it’s not enough to go out and fight morale.

Um… Little Junior Sister… Then he is the Big Senior Brother.

Reasonable, isn’t the Junior Sister often giving the big Senior Brother a warm bed?

Uh… This thought is a bit biased, and the two pillars know that it is estimated to kill people.

This can be seen from the smashing of Xiao Li’s.

Although the two pillars are not spoken, I still care about Sakura.

“Okay, does the girl know that you want to accept her?”

Konoha Twelve small strong, Chun Ye Sakura has no background at all, and he has no family history, and he has no family biography.

If Tsunade doesn’t accept her estimate, it will be abolished. In the future, it will be a pure medical shinobi that transforms into a windy month.

Tsunade squats with a smile on his chin: “I haven’t told her yet.”

Naruto suggested: “Would you like to inform her now, then let’s go back and learn the Yin seal?”

Tsunade turned over Byakugan (roll eyes), the foundation of Haruno Sakura Medical Ninjutsu was just mastered, learned the ass of the ass of the seal, got up and said Naruto left: “Go away, for your brain, do not practice, and go shopping with elder sister “”

Going shopping with Hokage, naturally, I would like to say hello when I nodded. The two started to feel very interesting, and gradually became annoyed. Finally, Tsunade changed the appearance directly with the transformation.

In addition, there were not many people who knew Naruto after Naruto’s bald head, so the two were finally cleaned.

Passing through a clothing store, Tsunade is about to pass, Naruto stands pointing at the clothing store: “Since shopping is always looking at clothes, what about clothes?”

So the two first bought clothes and shoes.

Then I went to see the casino, as well as the theme pastry shop and the construction of the pocket store.

The construction of the three building frames has been completed, in fact, the original can still be built faster, but Naruto draws a rough architectural style, so that he can build according to his painting.

Therefore, the craftsmen conducted in-depth discussions on the bearing and structure of the new style building, so the construction period was slowed down.

Naruto’s design is a combination of three “A” shaped buildings that can be connected to each other.

Five storefront locations, two built to create a nibble store, a Patriarch title pastry shop, and two built casinos.

There are two parallel interconnected passages in the casino and the pocket store, and the theme cake shop is in the middle.

It constitutes a large market that can be independent and can be linked.

Um… Actually, Naruto thought about whether or not to really make a supermarket, and then rent a storefront…

If you rent it… Naruto intends to change the two floors of the store to a booth, but I don’t know if the store manager will let it go.

After walking around the street with Tsunade, Naruto sent Tsunade home when the sun set.

“Tsunade elder sister, I am sure, I will teach you the seal of the future.”

Tsunade rushed to flip through the newly bought things today, and replied casually: “I know, you said it several times. When did you start the ink like mute?”

Ok… Naruto said, don’t leave.

After Naruto left, the smile on Tsunade’s face was quickly replaced by grace.

Muttered to himself: “Naruto is so interested in seals, wouldn’t he want to learn Edo Tensei? But… with 30 days, I want to come to Naruto and then genius can’t learn, plus the seal taboo part. The books need her approval to read…”

Tsunade shook the shook head and felt that his fears were superfluous.

Then I started to start to buy things that I bought today. For the first time, she found that it was quite interesting to buy in addition to gambling.

I didn’t know that Naruto had taken the Shinigami mask when she returned to the store manager’s house.

Nine tails came to the interest: “Do you want to unlock this seal?”

Naruto wants to lift it, and then he can seal the souls of the previous generations of Hokage with a four-image seal.

He also learned the four-image seals… But when he thinks about the four generations of Hokage, this body will give back the feeling of being uncomfortable.

Although the four generations of Hokage are not his father in theory…

Naruto thought about it and regained it.

Kaidō: “I am not ready yet, please wait until my four-image seal and Edo Tensei are proficient.”

Nine-tailed one can’t understand, and the boring ones go down.

Wait… After he merged the Earth Attribute…and undo the Dead Demon Consuming Seal.

I don’t know if I can kill the Attributes if I kill the pocket. After all, the guy’s medical Ninjutsu is also very strong, and it is probably a positive Attribute.

The Shinigami mask was taken back to the storage Scroll, Naruto looked at the coffin in the corner, Chakra infused the coffin, and the curse appeared, and one of the curses changed under the will of Naruto.

go to bed? It feels a bit early.

Naruto went out of the bedroom to the study, and Muni and Naruto were reading as expected.

“Muni, don’t you have legs?” Naruto walked closer.

Ninety defended Naruto: “What are you going to do?”

“Unpacked and upgraded.”

Muni Hollow stared at Naruto and said, “Are you sure you are not doing something weird?”

Naruto corner of the mouth.

What can he do strange things with two stakes…

However, it is so suspected that the liver hurts…

Naruto turned and left.

Muni called at behind: “Why are you going? Don’t you want my legs?”

Naruto turned over Byakugan (roll eyes) Kaidō: “Since you don’t want to upgrade, I will go to the small Muni and the big Muni to upgrade. Anyway, you don’t have to use your legs. There is no difference in upgrading.”

Muni used Chakra to drive the wheelchair, catching up with Naruto, and speeding up in front of Naruto. “No! You said to upgrade me first!”

Did he say that? Naruto feels that the kidneys are hurting too…

“you sure?”

Muni came to nod.

Naruto sighed, and his tired body was going to use the Chakra scalpel to remove the push.

But when it was time to release the skirt of Dominic, the girl suddenly shouted and shouted: “Indecent!”

MMP! I know she won’t cooperate!

Naruto really wants to kick Muni.

At this time, the other four girls watched the fun gathering.

Poor and pitiful, holding the chest in one hand and holding the chest in one hand…

Naruto couldn’t bear it, kicked it out, “Turn it! Baby!”

This foot is very fast, but far from full power, I want to receive it at any time.

At this moment, Dathani’s both hands clung to the chest and leaned against the wall without any shots. He said to Xiaonioni: “I have already had the urge to kick her off.”

Xiao Ni Ni added: “Well, kick! Let this guy be so lazy, it’s best to kick the wheelchair! Naruto big brother Come on!”

Muni’s wheelchair was quickly retreat, and escaped Naruto’s blow.

There is no counterattack, but turning the wheelchair to look at the two people who are looking for the lively, swearing: “You are not standing on my side!”

Then she cried directly.

Naruto body is a stiff, this is the first time that Muni has been crying since coming here.

Suddenly I feel that I am guilty…

However, Datuni’s little monk is still unmoved, and Datuni is taunted: “Don’t be fooled by her tears, but the nature of the water Attribute Chakra has changed.”

Naruto corner of the mouth, it’s a sinful guilt…

Decisively skipping Muni first to raise the arm of Datuni to the lower level.

Datuni got a newly acquired arm surprise again and again: “It’s so flexible, it feels like a real arm, um… it’s still a touch. If you can optimize it, it’s God.”

Naruto: “Touch?”

Then I thought about it and nodded. “I will pay attention to this.”

Datuni waved his hand and explained: “It doesn’t matter too much, it’s already very good.”

Muni is full of said curiously: “Is it really more flexible? Then I will upgrade it next time.”

Naruto gorgeously ignored it.

Prepare to upgrade to Little Sonny.

Muni said: “According to the name, it should be me when Datun is finished?”

Continue to ignore.

Soon Xiaoni has also completed the upgrade.

Muniye smashed the dress and bite her lip and pulled the snowy white dress over the knee slowly. Su said: “Is it this time?”

Naruto looks at the sky.

I thought about Kaidō: “When you don’t owe me so much, I will upgrade you.”

“I will go back to sleep first.”

Muni rushed the wheelchair to catch up, learning the summer’s name and pleading: “The master is wrong.”

The owner called it very soft, but Naruto slipped faster.

When I arrived at the bedroom, Muni threatened: “If you dare to go in, I will knock the door outside for a night!”

This kind of thing can’t be done by others, but Muni can definitely do it.

Ok… 咕尼big sister can’t afford it…

Naruto’s liver pain is that Muni has raised the boss legs to the lower level.

“It’s really flexible.”

Muni took a two-step walk on the ground, then pounced back and sat back in the wheelchair…

Naruto looks at the corner of the eye.

Lazy into this, what is the use of the legs?

Naruto turned back to the bedroom, and Muni asked: “Can you change my wheelchair?”

Naruto turned Byakugan (roll eyes) : “Talk well.”

The road to Romania: “Ouni sauce…”

Naruto opened the door “bang!” and closed the door, then “snap” and locked the door.

Muni made a face to the door, “Slightly slightly, stupid!”

3000 word! carry out! Although there are no more, today, the number of words is still more. (Four more will be left to work hard tomorrow, Xiaozhao will go to sleep now, it is estimated that tomorrow will start early.) Funny… It feels like a big flag.

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