Supreme Naruto

Chapter 196

After I figured it out, I succeeded?

No… Naruto flew himself.

For a moment, it seems that human cannons are usually shot out. If the angle is not parallel to the ground, plus the martial arts field outside the store manager’s home all around with a level 1 15 cm thick steel plate, Naruto is at least a kilometer away.

The role of the zero-layer membrane is to absorb Chakra outward expansion. The absorbed Chakra can be either ordinary Chakra or Chakra of positive Attribute. The difference is only the degree of elasticity.

Under the same amount, if the increase of ordinary Chakra is double, then the Attribute Chakra is ten times.

Ever since, at the moment when Naruto succeeded in the construction of the zero-layer film, this film swallowed the Chakra of the spiral pill instantly, and Naruto couldn’t hide it and flew directly.

Then add a film that is compressed inward?

The line is OK, but the spiral pills are swallowed up, and what spiral pills are also launched? Egg hurts…

In the original World, Naruto’s Fūton (Wind Release) Sword Spiral Pills can be shot after learning Senjutsu… Then he wants to develop a spiral pill that can be launched remotely and wait until you learn Senjutsu?

Or… remodel the membrane?

The outer membrane shrinks inward and can only be swallowed by the cation Chakra.

Then change to the outer film?

Uh… that’s not going back to the original experiment… crash…

Can’t find a good solution, Naruto can only ask nine tails: “Nine Lama teacher, how did Bijudama shoot out?”

Nine-tailed Kaidō: “I also want to show you, but I don’t go out.”

Naruto turned a Byakugan (roll eyes), and he didn’t let the nine-tailed demo, just asking about the principle.

“A dessert, eat it right away.”

Nine tails lifted up the eyelids: “Ten, eat immediately.”

“Too much, I feel that I have been fat recently, five!”

Nine tails made a sigh of relief, and asked: “Isn’t it fat? Isn’t that pig really likable?”

That pig? Dolphins?

Saying where the dolphins went, Naruto leaned over his ears and listened to the movements of all around, but did not hear the pigs.

It is estimated that they will fly out again… They get along with each other, and the Laipi snake likes to fly and fly, but Dafei is too lazy to fly with a snake.

“The more fat you are, the more cute it is. For animals, people are different. For people, beauty and ugliness are a word, a white cover is ugly, and a fat is ruined.”

Nine tails turned over the eyes, and of course it knows what human aesthetics are like. After all, its first few Jinchūriki are women.

He just wanted to dig under Naruto.

Forget it… Let him put it a horse today, and I thought about Kaidō: “Five are five.”

Start to talk: “Bijudama is composed of two Attributes of yin and yang, Chakra, according to 2:8. At the same time, because of the characteristics of the yin and yang Chakra, it is not necessary to rotate. The rotation is only to maintain the ordinary Chakra. The key tells you, go eat dessert.”

Naruto blinked: “Is this finished?”

Nine-tailed Kaidō: “Well, the theory is simple, the key is practice.”

Naruto screamed: “But I don’t have Chakra of the Attribute.”

Nine tails raised their eyebrows Kaidō: “I am so smart, I have not.”


Naruto turned over Byakugan (roll eyes), and he wanted to express the meaning that the nine-tailed theory did not help him at all!

Naruto shook the shook head and figured it out. To maintain the rotation of Chakra, the non-rotating spiral pill is not a spiral pill at all.

The main thing is that if you can shoot the spiral pill, he can now use the Fūton (Wind Release) Sword Spiral Pill directly.

Wind Attribute Chakra nature change is really too skilled, if feasible, he is confident that he can now get the Fūton (Wind Release) Sword Spiral Pill, which is a big killer.

When Jiuwei saw Naruto not eating dessert, he urged: “What is your promise?”

Naruto Kaidō: “Your theory is useless to me.”

Nine-tailed faces are black: “You haven’t traded since you were like this.”

Naruto thought for a moment, “That’s a good meal.”

Nine tails were fried, and roared: “Five good!”

Naruto spread his hand, “But your intelligence is useless to me.”

Nine ends repeat: “There has been no transactions since then!”

Naruto Kaidō: “I am preparing to lose weight recently, and desserts will be eaten next month.”

You have no transactions? I have no dessert.

Nine-tailed corner of the mouth opened, leaking two rows of Senbo’s teeth, “shameless!”

After the final consultation, Naruto ate two desserts.

After eating, return to the training field.

Then continue to find a way, how to improve?

Five minutes later…Naruto looks at the sky…

Ten minutes later…Naruto continues to look at the sky…

After half an hour…Naruto continues to look at the sky…

What can I do? The liver is sore.

But… if you change something to launch… it won’t be so hard.

For example…Hyōton (Ice Release).

Naruto raised his hand, a cone of ice appeared in his hand, and a strange force fired!

The result is the same as the stone, and the ice cone bursts instantly.

Naruto is so aggressive that his Hyōton (Ice Release) has no Level 1 film yet? How can it be!

Wait, will it be a structural problem.

Then Naruto replaced the ice cone with a puck. This time it was successful. It turned out that the ball was under more pressure than the Rule object, which made Naruto think of holding the egg.

However, compared to the destructive power, the cone is stronger.

Then change to bullet type?

It was also shot this time, and the oval ice bombs were under good pressure.

However, the shot was off, and it was affected by the airflow.

How to improve? The bullet is stabilized by rotation.

Naruto then rotated the ice bomb, but it didn’t work well.

Further improved, Naruto baked a Level 1 film on the outside of the ice bomb.

The ice bombs are spinning rapidly in the Chakra bubble. Because Chakra is filled with Chakra not air, the friction is extremely small and the penetration is greatly guaranteed.

The ice bomb launch was very successful and the ballistics were straight!

Naruto stared at the bullet that disappeared in the sky and said to himself: “After the ice bomb is fired, the rotation of the ice bomb will continue to rotate due to inertia, and there is no air resistance in the Chakra bubble, and the stability is also excellent… then… Why can’t spiral pills be maintained?”

The ice bomb can maintain rotation and the spiral pill cannot be maintained, which makes no sense.

The difference between ice bombs and spiral pellets is only the degree of materialization.

The so-called materialization is the name of Naruto.

Naruto defines Chakra as a semi-substance because Chakra can penetrate objects and hit objects.

Obviously, the ice bomb formed by the change of the ice Attribute Chakra is more materialized than the ordinary Chakra, because it is impossible to penetrate the material freely like Chakra before the ice bomb disintegrates into Chakra.

Is this the reason?

Or is the rotation of the spiral pill too complicated?

The rotation of the ice bomb is in one direction, and the rotation of the spiral pellet is rotated from all directions.

So why can you maintain it after learning Senjutsu?

Is it because of the other characteristics of the power of nature?

Naruto raised his hand, a Chakra bubble appeared in his hand, and then injected Chakra, the ice Attribute, and the sharp ice bomb was ready to go, and then it was rotated at high speed in the bubble.

Strange power, launch!


The ice bomb disappeared into the hand and shot into a cloud.

The cloud was shot through.

This shooting is awesome.

If you pair him with a pair of Byakugan (roll eyes), you can do it with extreme distance.

The enemy has not seen him yet. What is the mood of an ice bomb? Handsome!

Naruto looks at the cloud, and thought of rain.

Take out a detonator and roll it on the ice bomb. Naruto licks his lips.

How many seconds did the ice bomb hit the cloud?

Five seconds? Still six seconds?

Naruto continued to inject ice into the ice bomb Attribute Chakra, and the original ice bomb gradually expanded into a fat ice hockey.

Naruto feels almost the same, the cation Chakra film wraps and the hockey begins to spin.

Naruto seconds is a good cloud in the sky.

A strange power! emission!

“Hey!” The ice hockey shot like a cannonball.

Naruto with one hand hand seal, while holding the second: “5…5…4…3…2…1…”


The clouds were shot through and began to roll, “Boom!”

It seems like thunder, Naruto saw the clouds flash, just time!

The cold blew out in the clouds, the temperature plummeted, the water vapor in the clouds condensed, and then it rained huā lā lā.

Naruto grinned, and the two kicking rain bullets could be decommissioned.

After this move, it is called a rain bomb, perfect.

At this same time, the big fat with the dolphins in the sky is a little bit forced, how did it suddenly rain? Fortunately, the rain is not big, and the oil on the feathers can withstand it.

So, fly in the rain for a while?

Big fat is still flying, and the heart of the dolphin is collapsing.

Although the rain was not big, it was surprisingly cool, and the porpoise was smashed and sneeze.

To finish…

The porpoise is so sad… The tears can’t help but slip out.

Anyway, it rains, now no one should see it crying.

So the dolphin is crying even more sad…

I want to go home…wū wū wū ……not flying…wū wū wū 呜…

The dolphins are so sad…

Dafei listened to the screams of the dolphin, and the corner of the mouth was slightly tilted, and his eyes were a little more ridiculous.

The owner is holding this guy back, the owner has not embraced it, hehe…

Let’s throw it up again twice.

Big fat wings, head straight up to the sky, facing the rain, let it feel a bit cold, some feathers are still wet, but these are not important, the important thing is to treat this stupid pig today. .

Fly to a certain height, and Dafei grabs it.

A pig begins to fall freely.

Then I was caught again before the pig fell to the ground and took off again!

The dolphins are crying.

I am determined in my heart, and I must listen to Mama’s words in the future, and I will ignore Naruto again!

Wū wū wū 呜…It’s too bully…wū wū wū 呜…

Although the language is unreasonable, can’t you see that I don’t want to fly? Wū wū wū 呜……

Stupid owl, how long your head is… wū wū wū 呜…

3000 big chapter ~ (that is also three today, Xiaozhao tomorrow to recover four more! Struggle!)

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