Supreme Naruto

Chapter 194

Can Naruto learn the skills of Baihao in 30 days?

Naruto doesn’t know it.

But he is very interested in hunting Sasuke.

So I asked to go to the seal class today to report, so that the stupid bird flies early to go to the book early, isn’t it, but it was denied by Tsunade, because today’s seal class vacation, Naruto noticed that it was today today…

Tsunade flies in general and waved: “Today, let’s take a vacation and take a rest. Practice is not a day.”

Rest… Naruto thought, but Danzo didn’t know what to do in the back, he didn’t want to rest if he wanted to rest.

Then… continue to practice strange power?

Tsunade said that he has the Ability to use the five-block monster. But… he can’t even get the film of the Level 2…

“Tsunade elder sister… the strange level of the 2 film…”

Naruto didn’t ask, Tsunade directly interrupted: “Naruto, you are not a dolphin. You can’t think about opening your mouth and waiting to eat. You must learn to think independently, so that you can get out of your way, otherwise you will just go. My old road.”

Ok… what else can Naruto say?

Hey, wave goodbye…

“That Tadeade elder sister, I am going on vacation?”

Tsunade waved again.

Naruto also said something to mute: “Mute elder sister Goodbye?”

The mute head didn’t look up at the “hmm”.

Then… Naruto looks at the dolphin…

“Dolphins, do you want to play with me, I have many small partners…”

How do you listen to this sentence like a bad awkwardness of abducting young children?

The dolphin looks at Naruto.

The expression on my face tangled.

Telling the truth, it wants to go a bit… but is afraid of being pitted by Naruto…

The eyes can’t help but look silent.

Naruto urged: “Does the porpoises not even decide on this kind of thing, have to ask Mama to go out to play?”

Mama? Silent Mama?

This metaphor is good, the monks don’t have dirty words, the pig’s Mama is awkward, it must be a pig.

Naruto This revenge does not take overnight.

It’s a pity… I’m still not understanding the mute.

At this time, the dolphins are being warned with their eyes.

However, the dolphin did not look silent, jumped from Hokage’s desk and headed for Naruto.

While walking, he stood tall and proud, shaking his little tail.

The meaning is obvious, the dolphins are big children, of course, without asking Mama’s consent.

So Naruto ran with his dolphin, leaving only the screaming Tsunade and the silence on the edge of the explosion.

Dolphins… abandoned her…

Silent liver hurts…

Have you forgotten who gave you the diarrhea sugar?

Who forgot to stay with you when you have a stomachache?

you forgot……

Hey… How do you raise a Byakugan (roll eyes) pig?

Naruto left the Hokage office and walked all the way. The passing people all cast a good-hearted look.

The halo of Hokage Disciple is not white.

But… although it is a holiday break… but what to do?

Looking for a little friend to play?

Konoha can be counted as a small partner, there are … Ding, Shikamaru, Ino? The three guys ate his one-week barbecue and spent a week together, theoretically a small partner.

I don’t know if Ding’s Gibbon tactics continue to flourish…

Then there are others?

Xiao Li… Although for his reasons, Xiao Li did not hang up because of the use of eight armor, but his intersection with Xiao Li was not much.

The only intersection…

At the time of the Chunin exam, his avatar gave Xiao Li a treatment for Xiao Li… It was really a stain on life.

I blame Tenten for that girl…

Tenten shouldn’t be his little friend, because every time he sees Tenent, the guy is a look of blasphemy.

Uh… I will help people who hate myself…

Naruto feels that her personality is getting taller.

Who else is Konoha’s younger generation?

Hyuga Neji must have regarded him as an enemy.

The only thing in Konoha that looks at him that is not pleasing to the eye seems to be left.

Originally, another dog’s tooth was added, and Naruto’s dog food formula was fixed.

I was thinking, Naruto saw Chunno Sakura with the information coming in, “Naruto?”

This girl… is a friendly army…

“Ah, Sakura, you are…” Naruto looked at the information on Sakura’s hand and was the information on the other side of the hospital.

Haruno Sakura took the information in her hand: “Hua Yue teacher asked me to send her some information to Hokage.” Then I thought about adding: “I am internship at the hospital now.”

Naruto naturally knows about Haruno Sakura’s internship at the hospital. After all, he recommended it.

Naruto raised his finger and said: “Do you help me?”

Haruno Sakura repeatedly shook head said: “No need to use, these materials are not heavy.”

Naruto nodded, say goodbye: “That should be goodbye.”

After Naruto took the dolphin and passed it with Haruno Sakura, Haruno Sakura suddenly called Naruto: “Naruto.”

Naruto turned back and looked at Haruno Sakura, “Well?”

Haruno Sakura bites her lip and starts to talk: “Thank you for the last time.”

Last time? Naruto knows that Haruno Sakura said that the last time Tsunade asked about Haruno Sakura that Sasuke was taken away by Orochimaru. When Haruno Sakura was embarrassed and didn’t know how to answer it, he hit a fork in the middle.

This girl is not stupid, nor hateful.

Naruto smiled and held the dolphin and left.

This is the Hokage building, which has too many ears and can talk less.

Um… Haruno Sakura is a small partner.

Then in Konoha… In the younger generation, the only thing that hasn’t been smashed at the moment is the oily woman who plays the bug.

what’s next? Where are you going?

Go to Hinata to play?

Thinking of Hinata, I have been busy practicing for a long time and have not seen it.

But in the end… Naruto returned to the store manager’s house.

Because the Ino–Shika–Chō team went out of Quest, Xiao Li Tenten was the same.

The only thing left in the village was the dog’s fangs, but he was not at home. He went out to walk the dog.

Hinata… The guard of the Hyuga Head of Family doesn’t seem to welcome him very much, nor does he know if he has the news of going there.

Dolphins, green beans, big eyes, contempt for the look at Naruto.

The meaning is self-evident, your popularity is not the same, how can there be any small partners.

Naruto whispered, “Fighting…”

A huge taupe owl fell on the branch next to the store’s courtyard.

This owl was the one that Naruto used to control with the Spirit link last time. The next morning, Naruto saw it in the yard of the manager’s house, and at the same time…

Naruto sweeps to one side, and a black-and-black snake is on the tree on the other side of the symmetrical road.

Again, it was the one that was last controlled.

Naruto doesn’t know why the two guys depend on themselves after the Spirit link, but the store’s home is big enough, and Naruto doesn’t matter.

But Xiao Ni Ni likes them very much, and gives them names. The snake is called Lai Pei. The owl does not inherit the name of Hedwig, because Xiao Ni Ni insists on calling it… Big Fat.

“Go to the dolphin, go play with the Lai Snake and Big Fat.”

The porpoise looked at the owl and looked at the black snake. The pig’s face was awesome.

Naruto’s porpoises don’t matter.

Later, Dafei swooped down from the tree and expressed his goodwill in its own way. He caught the pig and then flew.

Naruto looked back and satisfied with nodded: “They should be friends.”

So what do you want to do next?

By the way, the Chakra film wrapped spiral pill with the Attribute of Yang was conceived last time.

If you succeed… then the spiral pill can be used for a long attack.

Naruto went to study spiral pills.

The screams of the pigs in the sky…

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