Supreme Naruto

Chapter 177

In the third week, according to the original plan, it was continued to hammer the cliff.

But Naruto received a message that Kakashi came back and joined Anbu, and the seventh class was completely disbanded.

This is really a bad news…

Fortunately, Anbu joined by Kakashi is not the root of Danzo, but the Anbu who listens to Hokage.

Konoha Today’s Anbu is the same as when the three generations did not dismiss Danzo.

Obeying Hokage’s broad sense of Anbu, and Danzo’s privately run group of Danbu’s Anbu-roots.

In the Hokage building, Kakashi, Naruto, and Hinata listened to the verdict of the dissolution of the seventh class.

Hinata looked at Naruto and Naruto smiled comfortably.

Sasuke is not there, the team is not complete, disbanding is inevitable to some extent. Another point is that Naruto wants to take time to practice and does not want to pick up any boring Quest.

So even if Tsunade doesn’t disband the team, he will find a way out of the seventh class.

For example, it has been designed to join the medical class.

Naruto now has his own office in the hospital, and promotion to Chunin is also the way to take medical shinobi, so… the ending is already doomed.

As for where Hinata is going, Naruto will advise her to go home and practice. Hinata is also a big lady of the Hyuga family. She doesn’t want to be shinobi, no one will stop it.

Out of the Shinobi building, Kakashi proposed: “Is it better to find something to eat?”

Kakashi’s initiative to treat guests is rare.

Naruto added: “Since Kakashi’s teacher treats guests, it is bound to kill a knife.”

The three people found a barbecue nearby, because the aroma of barbecue is very fragrant, can be smelled on the street, and because the barbecue is very close to a few people, and now there is a certain sense in whatever sense.

Because they just want to find a place to talk.

At the table, Kakashi looks at Naruto said with a smile : “Jiraiya had found me before the Chunin exam and said that it would be more appropriate for him to teach you. I didn’t expect you to be under the door of Tsunade.”

Naruto grinsaid with a smile : “Jiniya’s Ninjutsu is not suitable for me, and my medical Ninjutsu is very strong, not to waste Tsunade as a teacher.”

Kakashi smiled bitterly, whether it was Jiraiya or Tsunade, it was one of Konoha Sannin, it was the strongest existence, and it had the right to choose between these two people. This guy is so lucky.

Fortunately, it’s embarrassing…

Kakashi turned to look at Hinata. “How is Hinata not happy? Is Naruto irritating you?”

Today, Kakashi’s words are much more than in the past.

Naruto can feel the disappointment in Kakashi’s heart, and there is some emotion in her heart.

But he is more aware that the weak has no right to feel, and that is the fact that Expert is idle and boring. As a weak person, he should only do constant cultivation and become Expert.

Naruto looked at Hinata and said directly: “Hinata, the seventh class is inevitable, so don’t be too sad.”

Hinata raised the head Looking at Naruto, some words stop.

Her heart hopes that Naruto can find a way to save the seventh class. After all, Naruto is Hokage’s discipline, but Naruto doesn’t, which makes her not good.

On the one hand, her heart supports Naruto anyway, but… the seventh class is lifted… then her chances of getting along with Naruto…even less…

Kakashi heard Naruto’s words said with a smile : “If you succeed in promoting Chunin this time, then it is also the day when the class is lifted.”

“Because shinobi’s Quest is teamed up according to the needs of the village, some Quests need teams, some Quests, just individuals, and bigger Quests, several teams, so don’t be sad because of this kind of thing. At least… Are we still in a village? It’s not a farewell, so don’t be too upset.”

Hinata’s nodded, but I can’t see her happy.

After the tea, three people, Kakashi called Naruto, and then handed Naruto a Scroll. “This is a piece of the father’s handwriting on Sword Technique. You like to use a sword, maybe it is useful to you.”

Kakashi’s father, Konoha white teeth?

That scroll is useful.

Naruto looked at Kakashi, solemnly swearing, and then took hands.

Kakashi said with a smile : “It doesn’t have to be so serious, it’s all essays.”

Handing the Scroll to Naruto’s hand, Kakashi waved his hand and left, but was stopped by Naruto.

“That…Kakashi teacher, I heard that your father’s weapon is broken… I think I can help you reconnect.”

Kaka stunned and turned to look at Naruto. He didn’t dare to set the channel: “Can you pick it up?”

Naruto seriously nodded, surely said: “Can pick up.”

Then Kakashi’s expression of smiling smiles suddenly changed back to the dead fish eyes of the past, and directly gave Naruto a big neck slip. “I can’t pick it up! I don’t want to give you any benefit, is it too lazy to manage it!”

Naruto smirked and replied: “Which can.”

But in my heart, it is two words: nonsense.

Kakashi went home to take off the white teeth, and Naruto started the work of Hinata with his kung fu.

“Don’t open the forest?”

Hinata pouted.

Naruto’s hand raised his hand and pulled a sharp smile directly at Hinata’s face.

Hinata white Naruto glanced at the strange hand holding his face, “hate!”

The two laughed, Naruto said seriously: “Hinata, after the seventh class is dissolved, you will go home, and then practice Body Technique at home.”

Hinata looks at Naruto: “What about you?”

Naruto Kaidō: “I want to practice with the Hokage adults. You can rest assured that I will not go out of the village, and I will not encounter any danger. If you miss me, you can find me in the place where I live.”

“Right, you still don’t know the address, I will write it to you.”

Say Naruto and write it.

Hinata opened her mouth and closed it again.

In fact, she knows where Naruto lives now. After Naruto came back, she went to Naruto to find Naruto several times, but Naruto was not at home, even if it was dark, no one, she finally asked the flower month. Teacher, Huayue teacher gave her a new address where Naruto now lives.

She went… but didn’t enter because she was seeing a very cute girl walking in a bag of vegetables.

Then she used Byakugan (roll eyes) to look outside for a long time and found that there was a girl inside. Naruto and the two people talked and laughed, and looked happy with her laughing… so…

“That, this is where I live new. This place is the home of Uncle, the manager who taught me to build a sword. He is not cheaper in Konoha during this time.”

Hinata took the paper with the address written on the place she had been to.

Naruto patted her chest and said, “If anyone bullies you, come to me. Even if it is your cousin, I can’t help him.”

Hinata’s heart suddenly warmed up, and since Naruto asked her to go to him, then the two girls might not be related to Naruto…

At this time, Kakashi came back with the broken white teeth wrapped in brocade. Some worried: “Naruto, can you pick it up?”

Naruto looked at it, not so much a sword, but a short knife.

It is also 30 cm long from the handle to the tip.

Fragmentation is also neat, of course, this is not important, the broken slag can not make a grinding tool to melt the recasting.

Kubikiribōchō He has been involved in the imitation, and can’t create a knife with 30 cm?

Naruto has a well-deserved nodded: “No problem, be sure to pick it up and be exactly the same as in the past.”

Kakashi sighed in relief, patted Naruto’s shoulder and said seriously: “That white teeth will be handed over to you, thank you very much.”

Naruto nodded, the big thorn received this thanks, then the big thorn asked: “Do you want to repair it at will? Or intensive?”

Kakashi groaned and asked subconsciously: “Is there a difference?”

Naruto Kaidō : “If you want to repair, 100 two, if you are finishing 10 million two.”

Kakashi’s expression solidified, and Lightning gathered, and the hand that grabbed Naruto’s shoulders rushed over.

Naruto Under the electric shock, the body began to dance, and Ulaula’s beg for mercy.

Kakashi increased the electric shock: “How much?”

Naruto shook head while shaking, and the whole person seemed to have committed sheep.

The meaning is no more.

Kakashi continues to increase the electric shock, “Do you want 100 two?”

The electric shock strengthened Naruto’s shaking more and more intense.

Kakashi once again stepped up, “Do you want 10 million?”

The smell of burnt feathers has already been scattered in the air.

Hinata’s weak beggar: “Kakashi teacher, cooked again.”

Kakashi let go of his hand and then stuffed Konoha white teeth into Naruto’s arms. “I fixed it, I can’t fix it… Hey.”

Naruto opened his mouth and smoked black smoke. After a good half-sounding return to normal, the white crow was included in the storage harness of the right wrist.

After leaving the door, Naruto looked back at Kakashi, gnashing one’s teeth said: “I will tell Hokage about the smoke of your electricity, I hope that you will not be smashed into a cookie.”

Kakashi heard that the blink of an eye appeared next to Naruto and there was another electroshock therapy.

However, Naruto had already prepared, and the eight doors of the armor had been opened before the store and gathered a large number of Chakra.

Kakashi uses the instantaneous at the same time Naruto on the Chakra wind Attribute property change, compression wind blade, wind blade explosion!

Shukaku secret surgery, storm power full power burst, disappeared directly in front of Kakashi in the blink of an eye.

Just leave a sentence echoing in all around: “You are finished! Wait to become a cookie!”

Naruto disappeared in the blink of an eye, Kakashi shocked the disappearance of the looks at Naruto, and dared not channel: “This guy has improved? Is this speed faster than me?”

Hinata reminded: “Naruto’s departure is in the Hokage building.”

The meaning of this sentence is… Naruto goes to Hokage, you wait to become a cookie, or if you feel like you can escape… you can try to escape first.

3000 word! A chapter! Continue to write the third chapter. Ask for a recommendation ticket, a monthly ticket, and a reward for the full subscription~

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