Supreme Naruto

Chapter 175

Going to Anbu to play? Naruto was afraid that he would play with his life when he was playing.

So, Naruto warned that he would stop a little this time, don’t die.

In case Danzo gives him a Kotoamatsukami, it is not fun to call him father.

Um… I don’t know grandma, it’s funny.

Going back to the Hokage office, Naruto didn’t mention Danzo’s own business, helped Tsunade handle the morning’s documents, and began formal training in the afternoon.

The Tsunade class has also started for the first time.

The Tsunade in the state of lectures is finally a bit of a style of Sannin, with a straight body and a solemn expression.

Discourse is no longer like the scorn of the past, completely a state of being a teacher, and attitude, “Today, simply tell you the principle of strange power.”

“Put the ordinary Chakra all over the body. Strike and speed. This is the longest technique to use Chakra amplification in normal.”

Speaking, Tsunade kicked his leg out to the thick tree trunk of the bowl, which was a slap on the upper whip leg, which is Xiao Li’s Konoha whirlwind.

The leg hit the tree trunk, the tree trunk was kicked, and huā lā lā lost the leaves of most of the trees.

Then “吱嘎…”, a crack broke out from the tree trunk, and finally swayed and reluctantly fell.

This trick is already very strong for the ordinary person, but it is weak for Tsunade.

Tsunade continued to explain: “Don’t doubt that the previous strike was indeed my full power blow, but I didn’t use Chuck.”

“Next, I showed the use of ordinary Chakra.”

Turning around and turning to the thick trunk of a small washbasin, it was the Konoha whirlwind of the upper whip.

The imposing manner is fierce, and the wind on the feet, whether it is speed or strength, has increased by more than five times.

The next moment The tree didn’t have time to tremble and smash the leaves, and was directly smashed in the roar.

Tsunade explained: “This is the effect of ordinary Chakra, and the Strength that erupted is ten times better than the ordinary body.”

“Of course, not everyone can increase the strength of ordinary Chakra by ten times. The strength of the ordinary person can be broken from two to five times, more than five times, and it requires hard work and unparalleled Talent. ”

Naruto heard this slap in the hand and praised: “Tallade elder sister’s Talent is definitely the best.”

This compliment makes Tsunade very useful, nodded, and explained in detail: “More than five times, relying on Talent and perseverance, I can only increase Strength to about seven or eight times. I can increase it to ten times. The most important point is that I am a medical shinobi, I know more about the body than ordinary people.”

After finishing the expression, “I will show you the resonance of the cation Chakra and the body, and the Strength that broke out.”

Speaking of lifting his legs, this time he didn’t go to the Attack tree, but he was on the ground with his feet, and then it was a big scene, really a big scene.

Naruto’s last time kicking a house in the short street was weaker than it was.

Tsunade’s feet landed, only listening to hōng lòng, there is a thundercloud rolling in the sky.

The earth trembles like an earthquake.

Just like the mirror of Shatter, the Tsunade’s feet are all around and cracked. The place where Tsunade stood in the explosion suddenly collapsed more than three or four meters.

The coverage area is 10 meters in diameter.

Naruto swears at the mouth, swears in his heart, provokes who is angry and never provokes Tsunade elder sister.

Later, Tsunade elder sister is his pro-elder sister, pro-mother, pro-ancestor.

He will definitely not fight back, and he will not pay back.

Is this what humans can do?

Can Xiao Li drive to the five-door only?

What is one of Sannin? At this moment, Naruto finally knows how superficial his own insights have been.

Tsunade patted the body and there was no dust: “This is the power of the cation Chakra to resonate with the body.”

When Naruto is about to applaud, Tsunade adds: “Accurately speaking, the power of the Attribute Chakra superimposed with Level 1. On each foundation, the level of 1 Chakra is superimposed. The power is magnified ten times. My normal state can be superimposed on Level 5. Unlocking the Yin seal, the state of entering Bai Hao can be superimposed on the tenth floor, which is the strange force.”


Naruto swallowed his mouth and swallowed the words of the flattering and the slogan of worship.

Tsunade is my mother, I want to serve her like a mother, who will provoke my mother and I am anxious from now on!

Of course, the most important thing is that I can never die in front of her.

What is the fart sugar diarrhea sugar back to ruin it…

It is also a thrill to think about the last fart sugar incident. If Tsunade was in a bad mood, he would come to him for a while.

I am afraid that with his small body directly two sections, when you don’t say nine tails, ten outs… Well, ten tails can almost save his life.

But the ten tails are Six Path, fucking, not my mother… I saved me?

At the same time, I would also like to thank myself for wisely worshiping Tsunade as a teacher, otherwise Tsunade will give myself a big neck even if it is good.

Tsunade’s big neck slips, I’m afraid I’m not going to cut my fart…

“Mom…no, cough…”

“Tsunade elder sister, you are so powerful! From now on you are the mark of my life, you let me go east, I definitely dare not go west, you let me steal the dog, I definitely dare to grind the chicken! ”

Tsunade didn’t hold back: “pū!”

She found her discile to be too fun.

So I came to Naruto’s side, raised my hand and rubbed it on Naruto’s smooth bald head, said with a smile: “So how do you keep this little monk’s hairstyle?”

Naruto stunned and said, “Mom, can you change one?”

This time, the mother, Tsunade, listened to the real thing, and then the expression was a little more entangled. “Hey, let’s just have this hairstyle. I promise that this hair style will be more fascinating than any color hair. Girl, then give birth to a lot of big fat brat.”

“pū! ”

Naruto’s old blood almost didn’t spit out the liver.

Holding a dolphin on the side, watching the lively mute body shake, almost did not die on the spot, this is a pair of wonderful teachers and apprentices…

Not calling the master called elder sister is no problem.

Now I’m starting to call mom and 乖son?

Tsunade adults can see Hokage! Leading the whole village of Hokage adults!

Even if Naruto doesn’t adjust, how can you keep up?

Thinking of this, the mute suddenly thought of the casino that was under renovation.

Ok, she retracted before, and Tsunade hadn’t adjusted it.

It’s just… and it’s been stirred up by Naruto… I’m afraid I won’t even adjust it later…

Silence suddenly feels tired with such an adult, the liver hurts…

Looking at the dolphin, mute and found that the dolphin is smirking.

Silent Hollow looks at the dolphin.

At this time, the porpoise was biting the beads on the big necklace hanging around his neck and smiled.

This pig… seems to have not been adjusted recently…

Is it also Naruto infected?

It seems to have been eating fart sugar… This pig is very sticky Naruto… my porpoise… you won’t be infected by that guy…

and many more! Haven’t you been infected?

Mute starts to recall everything I did today from the morning.

From getting up to open your eyes, to brush your teeth, then to get dressed, and to get up from Tsunade.

Then the two went to the Hokage building and began to handle the copy.

Every detail was taken very seriously, and finally confirmed that I was not polluted.

This is very good. I will be far from Naruto in the future. How far away I am, I will never say a word to him. Even the Space where he is in is best ventilated. If you are not ventilated, you can open the window and open the window. Otherwise, Just breathing the air of the same Space, I am afraid that it will be infected.

Telling the truth, is this the thinking of normal people?

If Naruto knows what to think about mute, he will say with a malicious smile : “I am poisoned by sputum, I have no medicine to save, or keep up with my pace! Ah Hahahaha!”

The magic sound enters the brain, and it doesn’t scatter for three days…

Regardless of how wonderful the theater in the silent brain was, after Tsunade had enough Naruto’s brain melon, he began to formally explain it.

“The reason why the strange force is inspired by the Attribute Chakra is that the positive Attribute Chakra contains the strongest and most gentle, and your blink is the Chakra of the wind Attribute, the Chakra of the wind Attribute is gentle, such as The spring breeze is warm, but once it bursts, it is a ruin.”

“So… less than a last resort, the Ninjutsu can be used less in actual combat, and at least it should be used before you can really master it, because no one can predict what kind of accident will happen in the battle. ”

“Speaking simple, if you fight the space, there is a poison in the air that the enemy deliberately emits, then the seemingly insignificant little wound is the most deadly blow to your life.”

Hearing this, Naruto’s scalp was numb.

He has recently been studying how to silently administer drugs in the air.

“Tsunade elder sister learned that I will never use it in battle until now!”

Relationships are small, Naruto is still very cautious.

Tsunade is satisfied with the nodded, which is what she thought of last night when she thought about it.

It seems that she has succeeded, very good.

I took Naruto’s brain and said: “When you put the power to my level, the speed that broke out with pure Strength will not be much slower than your blink. Of course, if you can take that trick completely. Mastering, making up the damage of the damage itself, the trick is very terrifying.”

Naruto nodded in teaching.

Tsunade had a heart and finally managed to teach Naruto with peace of mind.

Or she always worried that Naruto would kill herself.

Tsunade took out a roll of Scroll and handed it to Naruto. “The above is some of the transcripts I made. It records some of the reactions of the human body after being stimulated by Chakra. Look at them and write them in your mind. Then, with the above records, ordinary After Chakra broke out ten times of Strength, I will teach you strange powers.”

Ten times Strength? Seven or eight times is not the limit of the ordinary person?

Naruto blinked, unbelievably raised the head: “Ten times?”

Tsunade patted Naruto’s brain. “Yeah, ten times, Talent, are you not missing?”

How can Naruto’s narcissistic person think that he lacks Talent?

The shook head was shaken at the moment.

Then Tsunade continued to ask: “You are not lacking in hard work?”

Well… I have been lazy for a while, but I am very diligent recently!

So Naruto shakes the shook head again.

Tsunade finally said: “You are also medical shinobi? And still very good medical shinobi.”

Naruto fangs, proudly said: “Must be.”

Tsunade licked Naruto’s brain: “Ten ten times you can definitely reach.”

Naruto cheerfully nodded, affirmative Kaidō: “Must be reached!”

Tsunade and quietly left, leaving Naruto to practice alone in the woods.

Silence to the side of Tsunade, whispered: “Tsunade adults, are you kidding?”

“The limit of ordinary people… up to seven times is already the limit. The only one that has surpassed this limit is Raikage, but you said that Raikage is only eight times…”

After talking about the mute, I said: “Do you want to teach him? Is it right? He can do it now, it is very troublesome now, so you came up with this method?”

Tsunade raised his hand to mute a big neck and scolded: “What do you think of in your head? I will teach him seriously if I take Naruto. How can I make a mistake?”

Silent and painful, since I was 13 years old, this time Tsunade took her for the first time.

At the moment, a lot of convergence, revealing the expression of Taipa, weakly asked: “But ten times he simply can’t reach it, you are not saying, you are the granddaughter of the first generation.”

Tsunade turned over Byakugan (roll eyes), “I will tell you that Naruto’s mother is a whirlpool 玖 奈 ?? The body of the vortex family is missing?”

Silence suddenly realized: “It turned out to be a vortex family. It’s no wonder that such a small one is the nine-tailed Jinchūriki…”

Then complexion changed, 瞪big eyes, dare not set the channel: “What? Vortex 玖 辛奈! Is that vortex 玖辛奈?”

Tsunade raised his hand and muffled it. It was so silent that it was too loud.

Silently grabbed his mouth and whispered, “Isn’t that, Naruto’s father is…”

The sentence was not said, and the fingers crossed four fingers.

Means four generations of Hokage.

Tsunade nodded, exclaimed: “I was shocked when I knew it. Jiraiya, the guy until the first few genius told me that this damn guy, when he learned so cunning, I said how he died to collect Naruto For the apprentice.”

“But think about it, only the child of that person will make him so hearty.”

“After all, that person didn’t give him a long face, but it’s a pity… It’s too hasty to leave…”

Tsunade took a few steps in silence and sighed: “I always think that Hokage is a cursed position, no matter who sits up, or who is ideal for it, eventually…”

“There is no good end.”

After listening to the silence, I was shocked and said: “Tsunade, how can you curse yourself? You are now Hokage…”

Tsunade looked bleak and laughed at himself, starting to talk: “I don’t have a good end…”

Silently heard this sentence, the heart could not help but tremble.

Yelled: “Tsunade! You don’t look like this! You are like this… you are like this…”

Mute is very worried about Tsunade, Tsunade’s words make her feel that something bad is happening.

That feeling was very strong in the moment when I saw the look of Tsunade.

“You will not be happy with Uncle!”

This chapter began to write at ten o’clock, very hasty, first passed, and then changed the wrong word. Thank you, say tomorrow,

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