Supreme Naruto

Chapter 168

At the end of the medical shinobi meeting, Naruto, Tsunade, Silent, and the Winds spent four months leaving.

Everyone got up and walked in the eye.

After Naruto left, many people took pictures of the shoulders of the person who was looking for swearing sad with a smile: “brother, seeing colleagues for so many years, pity under the brother, will your wife borrow me to play?”

The man’s face is green.

Then someone came over and said, “I don’t want to use it. Just lend me your daughter to play.”

The man finally couldn’t help it, angry shouted: “Roll!”

The crowd smashed and the boat of friendship said it turned over.

To say the reason, angered Tsunade’s Discipe, in the eyes of these people, the future of this guy is gone.

Being with this dead person can only be implicated.

So instead of sighing that society is too realistic, it is better to sigh that you are too stupid.

Someone walked and said gossip: “His wife seems to be Sharon Village? No wonder it will be unfair to Sharon Village.”

Next to the person tsukkomi said: “I heard that there is a stepmother in the stepmother, haven’t heard of the wife of another country turning away from the elbow?”

Next to someone tsukkomi said: “All said that the girl is extroverted, is it … his Attribute is actually a younger sister?”

The female physician can’t hear it. “How did our women get you?”

The man quickly replied: “Woman extroversion is an advantage, really!”

The female doctor turned over Byakugan (roll eyes) and asked: “Small __, are you almost forty?”

The man stunned, small __ is his nickname, then nodded.

Female physician taunted: “Live you be single to the present.”

The medical shinobi called Xiao __ almost spurted out a blood.

After the crowd left, the medical shinobi stood still in the place, and the eyes became red, cursing: “A fart! Damn little bald, if I let you develop, kill you!”

A cold air suddenly blew through, silent, a long sword traversed the man’s throat.

“Hey, people will become ugly, but even if you are jealous, you shouldn’t be so obvious. Are you mentally retarded? Or is your head bad?”

Naruto’s mouth was chilling, and the man’s left ear was frozen directly into ice.

When the reaction came, the body had shaken into a sieve because of fear, especially the left ear that had lost consciousness, and the sword that ran across the throat.

I dare not set the channel: “You…you… don’t scare me! Here is Konoha! Even if you are Hokage’s Discipe, you can’t kill me!”

The blue-sleeve sword slips slightly, and the steel and iron can be cut into the blue-sleeve sword of the tofu. On the neck of the person, it is easy to cut a mouth that is not long or short, not deep and shallow, and the red blood begins to overflow. However, the artery was not cut, so the blood was not ejected and the flow was very slow.

The body of the man shook, the wound hit the green sleeve sword and the blood flow was more and faster.

Feel the blood running down the skin, only a little bit of hard air is swallowed up by fear, and crying with a crying voice: “Don’t kill me, I am wrong, beg you not to kill me…”

Naruto calmly said: “Of course not killing you, you are right, even if I am Hokage’s Discipe, I dare not kill you easily. I just want to remind you when I come back. I am very dangerous. You must be awe. Heart, otherwise…”

Jianguang waved, “When!”, it was the sound of the frozen ear falling on the table.

“Even if you don’t kill you, let you have less ears and arms, or no harm.”

The blue-sleeve sword is sheathed, and there is no trace of blood on the sword blade, which is very clean.

Naruto turned and left, waving goodbye: “You are also medical shinobi? It is not difficult to sew your ears back, just be careful of the cold.”

Naruto left.

The medical shinobi cried and grabbed his ear, but at the next moment, the hand was frozen on the ear.

Frightened and began to ask for help.

Naruto returned to Tsunade, and Tsunade turned a Byakugan (roll eyes), indicating the screaming upstairs: “What did you do?”

Naruto said with a smile : “I didn’t do anything too much, just cut his ear down. I can help you refrigerate and keep it fresh before you cut it. If you handle it properly, it will be different from the past.”

Cut it down and refrigerate?

Next to the mute corner of the mouth, the heart is mad, that is the human ear! You thought it was a pig’s ear!

Tsunade sighed: “Can you change the temper that you must report? Isn’t that person showing a little dissatisfaction because of jealousy? Just interrupt a few bones, just cut your ears?”

“Go, put the man’s ear back, Konoha medical shinobi can use a total of this 30.”

Naruto is not saying: “I am going? I just put a swear word, isn’t it a faceless now?”

“But even if his ears don’t go back, I can also give a fake ear, rest assured, and promise to be the same as the real!”

Silently listening to this sentence, the face is black and becomes a briquettes…

Subconsciously touched the ear.

Very good, the ear is still, and it is original.

I am thinking about it, don’t mess with Naruto in the future…

In case one day, this brat head unloads his ear, and then loses a fake…

That scene is really… too cruel…

Tsunade glanced at Naruto and mute the way: “Mute, go see it.”

If it is normal, mute will not wipe Naruto, but today she feels a little cold standing next to Naruto…

Especially the bald head, most of the credit is due to her…

Then, with a sigh of relief, the same hot dolphins with pig ears flew away.

The dolphin thought of the fart that collapsed…

Are the pig ears still there?

The dolphins fanned a pair of fat pig ears and confirmed that, um, still.

After mute re-upstairs, Tsunade spent a long time on the wind: “Is there a Talent in the new generation of Konoha that is worthy of training in medical Ninjutsu?”

The wind is pointing to Naruto, “this.”

Naruto proudly chuckled and laughed.

Tsunade turned over Byakugan (roll eyes), of course she knew.

“Except this?”

The wind and the moon carefully thought about it, then shook the head: “No, the others are too bad.”

Tsunade: “What is the difference?”

The wind and the moon spent serious thoughts and thought, “I can’t compare it.”

Tsunade pointed to Naruto and said to the wind: “Is the ratio in your mouth… is it compared to him?”

The wind between the flowers should be said: “Yes.”

Naruto sneaked a thumbs up to the wind.

The wind has returned to him one month.

This scene naturally did not escape the sight of Tsunade, could not help but turn a Byakugan (roll eyes) again.

At this time, Naruto start to talk said: “There is still a good, the teacher’s request is too high.”

Too high is a fact, and Tsunade also knows.

But this sentence comes from the final statement of Naruto…

The taste is weird…

There is also N Nether, narcissistic spicy eyes.

Naruto continued: “The wild Ninjutsu aspect of Haruno Sakura is still good. The other women’s shinobi of the squad are not as good as Haruno Sakura, but they can train (ing) train(ing). of.”

Finally add a sentence: “Spring wild cherry is the girl who went to the office to find you that pink hair that day.”

Tsunade’s brow raised: “The one because of Sasuke’s business?”

Naruto nodded: “Yes, that’s it.”

Second, continue to write the third more ha ~ right, do you want to roast a pig’s ear? Don’t want 998 now, just recommend tickets, monthly tickets, rewards, full order (funny)

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