Supreme Naruto

Chapter 166

There are five stores, and the two are combined to open the store, which is more than double the size of the past.

A cherry blossom shop in the summer of Sakura, and the same large store as the original ninja store!

The two opened the casino!

And according to Naruto’s design, the casino must build Level 3 at least.

Level 1 Lottery Station, Level 2 Entertainment, Level 3 Casino.

This time, the Sakura Valley sisters were inspired, so the Shinobi store also covered Level 3, and the pastry shop Level 3 was exaggerated and changed into the theme coffee cake shop.

Level 1 flowers, Level 3 Choose pastries, Level 2 Great Hall Two rooms, all seats are used for dating pastries.

Seeing this Naruto slogan: “It’s better to get through some of the two Level 3, and set up a projection to open the main cinema.”

So the shop has more tricks.

Sakuriya Chun and Sakura Valley Summer are busy, and there are Konoha helpers in construction.

Of course, these five stores are not free forever.

The five stores were given to the store manager in the form of land, and the ten-year free trial right was converted into 50 million compensation.

The remaining 50 million are to be liquidated, either by issuing a Quest or by other styles, including construction.

After a week of work, Naruto’s hair grew an inch long.

This is a very pleasant growth speed, but what makes Naruto desperate is… the hair that grows… is colored…

“Tsunade elder sister…and have to watch it?” Hokage office Naruto looked desperate.

Tsunade held Naruto’s chin while holding Naruto’s chin.

Thinking for a long time and surely: “Naruto, I think it looks so good…”

Naruto cried: “Tsunade elder sister, even if you change a color… but… what is colorful?”

Tsunade resisted and smiled and looked at the mute.

How can she not see it is mute in her formula.

Silence, don’t look over the sky, the smile of the eyes has long been hidden.

This can be seen from the frequency of cockatoo on the hand, and my heart is absolutely blooming.

Tsunade is right: “Don’t really color?”

Naruto’s watery big eyes shone with tears and turned his head into a rattle.

Tsunade licked Naruto’s head for a while, said with a smile: “What color do you want to change?”

Change color?

Naruto thought for a certainty: “It’s good to change back to the original color.”

So… After a week, Naruto’s hair became Jiraiya’s dog white…

Naruto super desperately said: “Tsunade elder sister, my original hair is yellow, golden and golden…”

After another week…Naruto’s hair turned beige…

With Naruto’s now white skin… It looks like the younger brother of Ino…

The cannon that can’t be said is weak and beautiful.

Tsunade asked: “I don’t like it?”

Naruto looks at the mirror, he feels he doesn’t know himself…

Then shook his head desperately.

After another week… the face became cherry red…

Naruto is not by tsukkomi: “This time is Sakura’s younger brother? It’s not a big brother.”

Then change it… then the hair is not long…

Naruto, Hokage’s office, screamed: “Tsunade elder sister… It’s been a week… the hair didn’t grow up…”

Tsunade carefully checked Naruto and said seriously: “It seems… hurts the roots…”

Naruto asked in a dull way: “I won’t have long hair in the future?”

Tsunade said seriously: “As far as my observations are concerned… I am afraid you have to learn my creation and regeneration to rehabilitate the cells…”

Naruto is dead…

Weak weak question: “How long will it take?”

Tsunade thought about Kaidō: “You must learn the Yin seal before you learn to create regeneration.”

Speaking of the purple diamond mark on the forehead: “This is because the creation of regeneration requires a very large Chakra to launch a complete Strength.”

Chakra? The most important thing for me is Chakra.

Naruto’s eyes lit up, probed: “My Chakra is a lot! Can you skip the step of the Yin seal and learn to create regeneration?”

Tsunade’s resolute shook head said: “This is not the case of Chakra. The Yin seal is formed by the aggregation of the Attribute Chakra. Only the Chakra of the Yang Attribute can make the creation of regeneration work.”

That is what must be learned?

Then learn it…

However, Tsunade said another sentence: “If you want to learn the Yin seal, you must first learn the seal, because the seal seal is used in the seal.”

“If you don’t learn… Once you make a mistake, Chakra gathered in the forehead will explode!”

Naruto’s eyes lost their light…

He seems to see his hair waving to him goodbye…

At this moment the door of the Hokage office rings.

It is a teacher of Huayue, followed by a man with tears in his face.

The wind between the moon and the moon saw Naruto surprised and said: “Naruto, you are here, I am looking for you, our first case is successful!”

The first case?

Well, this case is the main thing that Naruto’s hair grows this month.

It was also the prosthetic plan that was said to the wind in the Chunin test.

It is to install a controllable artificial prosthesis for the disabled.

Inspired by martial arts.

Therefore, it is currently only useful for shinobi with Chakra.

Naruto looked at the man who burst into tears. The man’s right hand was made of wood, and the pieces were like pieces.

The man saw Naruto looking at himself and couldn’t control his tears.

If you have a soft knee, you will have to kneel down.

However, Naruto dragged it up with Fūton (Wind Release). “Don’t yell at me, it will make me think I have hung up…”

Not a funny joke, but the man cried and laughed again. “I thought I couldn’t walk like an ordinary person anymore… I thought…”

When the tears are screaming, the words are unclear.

Naruto looks at the man’s left foot, and Naruto knows that the foot is also a prosthetic from below the calf.

Tsunade and mute also walked over.

Tsunade looks at the man’s hand, although it is wood-carved, but each section is very fine. If you add Level 1 forged skin, I am afraid I can’t see the true and false.

Tsunade said to the man: “You open your hand, punch your fists, open your fingers, and close your fingers…”

The man ran tears and manipulated his hands to do various movements.

The mute next to it exclaimed: “It is as good as a real hand!”

Naruto proudly said: “It’s just the applicable version. If you want to use the official version, I can install various kinds of hidden weapons on it. I am afraid it will be more flexible than the real hand.”

After listening to Tsunade, his eyes lit up.

If that is the case, then it is not the innovation in the medical field, but also the reform of the battle and the ninja!

Some of the trembling voices are excited: “Naruto, do you know what you did?”

Naruto sed with a smile : “Smaller sacrifice, more formidable shinobi.”

Is the prosthetic only disabled? Do not! Naruto intends to create an exoskeleton-like armor!

When is it… oh… oh… oh… oh…

Four more! Catch up! (I really mighty Haki (domineering)!) Shuai stayed! Awesome! (Immersed in narcissism, Xiaozhao’s thoughts…)

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