Supreme Naruto

Chapter 128

Shukaku younger brother ……

God’s Shukaku younger brother!

At the moment when the sound of the nine tails appeared, Shukaku felt that the whole civet cat was not good.

MMP, is it Galat that Illusion Technique in Brat? I am also affected? How did you hear this disgusting voice?

Shukaku looked around in a whisper, watching out that the nine tails suddenly got into the cage.

I saw the cage outside… Gaara was in a daze…

Shukaku’s eyebrows crowded together and it didn’t feel right.

Start to talk asked: “Have you heard anything brat?”

Gaara is still in the shock of loss, the subconscious Kaidō: “Shukaku younger brother…”

Nested a grass!

Also TM’s Shukaku younger brother!

It was called a younger brother by Jinchūriki, and Shukaku felt that the whole civet cat was about to blow up.

The originally soft hair of the body immediately erected.

The terrifying breath is hard to breathe Gaara.

The violet aura of totem on his body is also distorted at this moment, and it seems to be erupting.

Just then, the sound of the nine tails came again.

“That is, Shukaku younger brother is also called this brat?”

A glimpse of the nine-tailed Chakra drilled into Gaara’s body, and then the nine-tailed mouth appeared on Gaara’s side.

Senbai’s teeth, dark lips, and the throat that couldn’t look like an abyss, the nine-tailed mouth glared at Gaara, and Gaara was scared and retreat. When the shock was undecided, after the mouth closed, I saw one. The hair is like a huge fox face with dark red plasma, and a pair of scarlet eyes on the fox face are still staring at him.

Looking up, the nine mad tails are dancing slowly, as if lurking on the side, ready to pounce on.

Nine tails… nine tails!

The rumors in Konoha were true! Naruto is really a nine-tailed Jinchūriki!

“Nine Lamas…”

Shukaku lowered his voice and snarled in the cage.

Nine tails shifted their sight and looked into the cage, looking at the chubby big tail fat civet cat with a violet totem.

Then I looked up and sealed the seal of Shukaku’s cage, taunted: “Is my illusion or really, how is your cage so small, how many physiques can you turn over? Or do you finally lose weight recently?”

Nine-tailed tone is like a bitter woman, suddenly came to the boring squad leader’s home when she was young, and then dig the house on the opposite side.

At this time, Naruto’s Spiritual Force also squeezed in with the nine tails, and then looked at Shukaku’s seal with the eyes of the nine tails.

Nodded in agreement: “It’s a small one, and this cage is less than half of you compared to yours.”

Nine-eyed eyelids turned and looked at Naruto. “Is it supposed to be proud of the cage?”

Naruto really wants tsukkomi. You just seem to be very proud. But when you think that you are going to ask for the nine-tailed service, don’t hit the opposite side. If you want to fight, you have to wait for the matter to finish.

So I changed my mind: “When I go back to research and study, I will decorate your mansion and see if you can change the style. After all, the cage is not my intention, and then I will give you the key.”

Shukaku in the cage heard this and his face was dark.

GodTM’s mansion! GodTM’s decoration! GodTM’s matching key!

Do you think you are in a house? what?

and also! Don’t suddenly linger in front of me! What did you suddenly come out of! what? It’s the teasing of the four-tailed monkey! what?

Shukaku felt that she was mad, and her stomach was extinguished. A round of hair bursting out of her face seemed to suddenly melt three times.

“Nine Lamas…” Shukaku gnashing teeth stared at the nine tails with a pair of diamond-shaped raccoon cats.

Nine-tailed raised the head and looked at Shukaku. The unexpected polite greeting: “Oh, Shukaku long time no see.”

Shukaku’s mouth is twitching…

What exactly is this unfolding…

However, it is a good choice to reach out and not to smile. The most important thing is that you really want to play and you can’t beat it.

Ever since, the hair that was originally blasted in the next second has fallen softly for the next second.

Sitting in a cage, a big belly squatting on the wall. Kaidō: “Ah… long time no see… Are you here to say hello?”

The nine lamas sit on the outside of Shukaku’s cage, raise their right paws, and squat on the thighs, dragging the gangsters: “The door is one side, and the other is to point you to something.”

Nine tails to ask for something?

Do you have something you need nine?

Shukaku in the cage said that now it is not his own except for his own nest… This is actually a very painful fact.

The head doesn’t look up and says: “Just kidding, how can I have what you want? I still don’t want to accept me as a younger brother. I advise you to die of this thought. If you come up again, be careful with me and you. Turn your face.”

Jiuwei wants Shukaku to be a younger brother?

Naruto’s soul of the gossip is burning, and my heart is not a loss of my fox. This temper is very popular with me.

What did you say in that sentence, what kind of 爹 has what kind of son… Hey! No, what kind of pets are there?

At the same time Look at Gaara.

Gaara also calmed down from the accident and saw Naruto look at his face.

Coldly shouted : “I won’t call you big brother.”

Naruto eyebrow raised, the heart really has what kind of pets the master has, Shukaku and Gaara are also very good.

Calling big brother will not be a piece of meat. Come to Konoha, I can follow you.

Really won’t come.

Nine tails then returned to Shukaku and said: “I want something you have, that is, the Fūton (Wind Release) 100 that you researched can’t escape Ninjutsu.”

Fūton (Wind Release) 100 can’t escape Ninjutsu?

Is this the name of GodTM? Do I have to learn this kind of thing?

Naruto is eager to look at the nine tails.

Shukaku’s hair froze and said: “Bastard! Don’t give me the name!”

Nine tails raised his little finger and rubbed his ears, lazily said: “Is this name not good? But in fact, I remember that you tried to use this trick to escape 100 from my hands eight or eight times, but did not escape every time. Go out, hehe…”

Naruto blinked after listening, and looked at the big civet in the cage with some pity.

A move to escape 100 eight or eight times? What a miserable past…

poor thing……

Gaara also looked back at Shukaku.

Normally, Gaara only feels that this Ferocious Beast is extremely murderous very ruthless… I didn’t expect this kind of past.

Pity sight + 1.

Naruto, Gaara, Gaara, three people with mercy looked at a cat in the cage against the wall.

This scene… It’s really the heart of the old cat.

The hair could not help but blew up again. gnashing one’s teeth said: “Nine Lamas…”

Nine-tailed pendulum waved: “But it’s a matter of time, if I have been prepared for a few times, it will really make you successful, so your moves still have great merits.”

Is this a big stick and then stuffed into a sweet date?

Naruto blinks… This mentally handicapped trick is useless to Shukaku…

I am afraid that Shukaku has been provoked… This consultation is over…

However, what made Naruto stunned… the civet cat inside… The hair fell soft and fell off.

And some self-satisfied words: “That is… I don’t see who developed it. Although it is not as good as the old guy in the feather coat, there is absolutely no one who surpasses me in the blink of an eye.”

Naruto eyes turned into a beanie, and my heart, brother, you are a virtue. If you change my words, don’t bully you. I feel sorry for you.

Innate’s proud and pampered.

Today, on the shelves, Xiao Zhao will send out a chapter every time he writes a chapter! How many outbreaks are currently unpredictable, but with a chapter sent in the early hours of the morning, this is already the second chapter, and there will be more! So take all the tickets in your hands! Whether it is a referral ticket, a monthly ticket or a reward ticket! Everyone cheers for Xiaozhao! Today is only for the outbreak!

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