Supreme Naruto

Chapter 120

Jiraiya is stupid for a while…

Someone will refuse him?

He is the great Mount Myōboku 蛤蟆Sage (Sennin) Jiraiya? Jiraiya of one of Konoha Sannin in Legend!

“Must be that Smelly Brat doesn’t know who I am!”

Jiraiya whispered to himself, and the hand seal that was flying fast, “The sky cover, expand!”

Level 1 A spherical sensing barrier centered on Jiraiya, rapidly expanding.

Then Jiraiya disappeared in place and chased Naruto.

Naruto came to the side of the three Anbu Ninja who had just received the service.

At this point the three shinobi have already solved the other two.

Naruto looked at the two shinobi who were stripped and tied to the ground, and looked at the three people who had grabbed other people’s clothes and wore them on their own. They praised: “Well, just followed me, the style of doing things has my style.” “”

When the trio listened to this sentence, don’t mention how tired it was.

However, due to threats, they did not dare to be too obvious. They were silent.

Naruto turned to the two twilight shinobi roads: “Put your tongue out.”

The two shinobi didn’t react too much, and they extended their tongues.

There is no unique mark on Danzo’s hand.

guessed wrong? So is Danzo’s person one of the other two?

Thinking of the other two being seated by Jiraiya as a chair, Naruto gave up the idea of ​​going to find out.

Summon the camera from the seal Scroll.

But the next moment the camera was taken away by the dog face Anbu Ninja.

Naruto looks at the dog face mask shinobi, said with a sneer: “Do you think the camera is ready for me?”

Then another camera was summoned.

The dog face mask shinobi blinked, but this time the three did not shoot.

Naruto supported the tripod and patted the two men who had been tied to the ground by the light.

“Give you two people a choice, and the same as these three, when I am fine, I will pour water on my end-to-end tea. When I have something, help me to pick up a few people who are too lazy, and promise me to give you an antidote. There is…” Naruto patted the camera in his hand: “The photo here.”

“How? Choose your own.”

These two people think that the three shinobi are much faster than the cats and dogs.

Then one person sent a blue pill.

Dog face mask start to talk: “What about our antidote?”

Naruto pulled out a deep blue pill and handed it to the dog face mask shinobi.

Dog face mask shinobi opened the mask Ikkaku swallowed.

The other two are also at look at Naruto, “What about us?”

Naruto shrugged: “What was given to you before was the antidote, and what antidote?”

The two men wearing the cat monkey mask looked at the dog face mask shinobi.

The dog face shinobi body is stiff and points to himself: “What did I just eat?”

Naruto taunted: “It’s a dog. If you give it to you, you will eat it. Since you just started to me and smashed my camera, the pill given to you is naturally puniment.”

“Reassuring, not diarrhea, is just a small pill that will produce a lot of gas in your stomach.”

“then you……”

Can’t be finished with Naruto, the dog face shinobi has already broken out.

Because it took five or six hours during the day, this one of the fart collapsed his chrysanthemum pain.

Naruto added: “The deep blue pill is blueberry, you deserve it.”

At the same time Take out a yellow and a red question to others: “There are durian and apple flavors here, are you interested?”

The cat monkey two shinobi simultaneous retreat a step.

Naruto looked at the two men who were tied, and their heads had been turned into rattles.

That kind of thing, a fool will eat it…

Thinking of this, it is simple to look at someone who has a blueberry flavor.

How invented by such a person, how sorrowful…

Just thinking about it makes people desperate…

Everyone has made up their minds in their hearts, and after seeing Naruto go around, they can’t afford to hide.

At this time Jiraiya rushed over and shouted: “brat, do you know who I am?”

Naruto only felt that the scalp was numb.

Stiff turned around.

Several others also looked at Jiraiya.

I exchanged a look at each other, the voice of this person… seems to have heard it…


In the toilet during the day!

The memory of shinobi is naturally not the memory of the fish, and I soon remembered where I heard it.

During the daytime in the toilet, they heard the person urged them to let out the pit.

A few people who want to understand exchanged their gaze, and all the eyes are bright, it is a helper!

However, after a dark, with the style of that person, it is possible to use photos as a threat to push them out as a shield…

The two men with the cat monkey mask sighed secretly, and the two men tied to the ground were getting brighter and brighter.

They looked at the man’s clothes…

They also thought that Naruto might let them shoot, so they could learn their Senior, three dogs, cats and monkeys, and smashed their clothes and put them on themselves!

There is a saying that is good, the old bully newbie is justified.

There is another saying that the dead friend does not die this poor Daoist. (Don’t ask me if the Japanese know this sentence, I don’t know.)

“Do you know who I am?”

Jiraiya stared at Naruto and asked again.

Naruto listened to this sentence and had a liver pain…

Suffering with a smile : “I don’t know…”

Jiraiya suddenly gestured: “Then you listen!”

“I am one of Konoha Sannin, the white-haired boy of Mount Myōboku, Sage (Sennin), the handsome guy who can make the crying child immediately shut up, Jiraiya adults, referring to this handsome guy is also!”

At the same time, the spirit of the spirit was launched, and at the foot of Jiraiya there was a huge cymbal wearing a “loyal” necklace.

The big thing is that the huge cockroach is actually the same shape as Jiraiya… funny…

Naruto looks at Stupid Jiraiya has a liver pain.

The other five people are like a donkey.


Jiraiya, one of Sannin?

Look at the shackles of the white-haired man, the five people believed.

I saw the light in a flash!

If this person is Jiraiya, then he will be able to teach the bear child who has toss them up!

For a time everyone seems to have found the main bone, which is intuitively away from Naruto.

The two naked people also put out the idea of ​​grabbing newbie clothes.

What old man newbie, now no longer exists.

The next lesson is definitely the bear child.

However the next moment…

What they imagined in their minds, Jiraiya Daihatsu Kamui, did not appear on the scene of the bear child’s local law.

Even they thought their ears were broken…

Jiraiya Nashouted to Naruto: “brat, this Sage (Sennin) is very optimistic about you, be my discipline!”

After hearing this sentence, the world view of the five people collapsed…

My ears are broken…

Why is it a collector!

Why not smash it!

Uncle, you are also calculated!

You have also pulled your stomach for a day!

What makes you put down your hatred to collect such a small beast!

Also, even if you want to accept the apprentice, you have to slap it!

What is the scene of this and the airy apprentice!

The hearts of the five spectators were mad.

But what makes them even more dumbfounded is that the bear child in their head said to Jiraiya coolly: “Oh… I know, but I still don’t want to worship you as a teacher…”

“ka-cha ……”

Five people feel that their World view has collapsed again…

The broken one can’t be broken anymore.

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