Supreme Naruto

Chapter 110

Then… this Uncle followed and followed the Hokage office…

I saw that shinobi handed over the stolen Scroll to the three generations of Hokage.

Then… Three generations of Hokage discovered the Jiraiya hanging upside down the shinobi building…

“Jiraiya, if you come early, you can see Naruto.”

Jiraiya jumped into the office of Hokage from the window and wondered: “Naruto just left here?”

Three generations of Hokage nodded.

Thinking of that stinky brat, the gas of the third generation Hokage is somewhat unsatisfactory.

However, I thought that I had taken the Scroll back again, and that Brat had a slap in the face, and I couldn’t help but feel a bit comfortable.

Jiraiya looked out the window.

Last night, he came to the three generations of Hokage, and learned about Naruto from the mouth of three generations.

Knowing that Naruto has a golden hair, knowing that Naruto is going to take the Chunin exam, and his opponent is Jinchūriki from Sharon Village.

At that time, he raised his mind to point to Naruto. No, not just pointing, he also wanted to accept Naruto.

After all, Naruto is the child of Minato and Cincinna, and… The name Naruto is taken from his novel, and he is still the nickname of Naruto.

In his opinion, he and Naruto have a fate that cannot be cut.

“The young boy I saw just now is Naruto. I just paid attention to the shadow…”

Jiraiya whispered, three generations of Hokage heard a few words, and said: “Have you met Naruto?”

Jiraiya Kaidō: “Yes, pass by.”

Thinking of Naruto, Jiraiya is not so curious about the shadow Ninjutsu.

Now he wants to see the little guy.

As for the three generations of Hokage taking something from Naruto, it is not what he can ask.

At the very least, I asked the three generations of Hokage.

“Then I will leave first, the teacher will continue to be busy.”

Speaking of Jiraiya jumping out of the window, he disappeared without waiting for the returning person.

Sasuke is working with Kakashi.

Hinata practiced Body Technique at home.

Naruto continues to spread on the roof, thinking about what to do…

Go back to the store manager, find Sakuragu sisters to practice Sword Technique, or practice Hyōton (Ice Release) yourself.

The new high-end Hyōton (Ice Release) secret is not to be thought of. The conditions reached above are harsh and irritating in Naruto…

He still can’t reach it, so he can’t cultivate.

“Where are you going?”

“I don’t know if they are at home or in the spring and summer.”

If it is the latter, then his choice is to go home and continue to practice Hyōton (Ice Release)… or practice spiritualization…


Naruto looks in the direction of the death forest in the 44 exam room.

“Or… just steal a panda…”

“Even if you don’t steal… to tease.”

Once this idea emerged, it became more and more uncontrollable.

The look of the little panda’s meat ball is really awkward in Naruto’s view.

He believes that spring and summer will also like it very much…

The bamboo forest of the store manager’s house was last night. He saw a lot of new bamboo shoots, enough for the pandas to eat for a long time.

He can also share his dessert with the little panda.

Even if he even thinks about the name of the little panda, it is called rolling.

Because the last time he teased the panda in the panda tree hole, he pushed the little panda, and then the panda rolled himself a long way.

Then I liked the sport and took the initiative to run Naruto to let Naruto push myself.

And I was still idle on the ground, and I couldn’t stop it.

“It was so decided.”

With the decision, Naruto looked around and walked into a fruit store.

Five minutes later, Naruto took a bag of fruit and went home.

After another five minutes, an insignificant passerby touched the death forest.

The whole process, in one go, moving clouds and flowing water.

But I don’t know Jiraiya, the Uncle wearing a red vest is now kneeling at the height of Konoha, and the right hand Hollow is blocking the sunlight, as if the monkey is high and looking for his trace.

Then locked his avatar… followed up…

Jiraiya did not rush to contact Naruto, but began to observe in the dark.

It seems that I want to take this opportunity to learn about my own discipline.

Naruto rushed back home, put the fruit on the table, and then began to meditate.

Jiraiya met with praise: “It seems to be practicing, um…temperament is good…”

Jiraiya observed the location opposite the Naruto home, on the balcony of a family in the distance.

An hour has passed…

Naruto didn’t move, Jiraiya once again praised: “Small age can withstand loneliness, a meditation for so long, is a temperament calm child.”

“Then his character should be like Minato…”

It’s been another hour…

Jiraiya made a sigh of relief.

At this time Jiraiya heard the sound in his room, it should be that the Patriarch came back.

Jiraiya looked around and there were several flower pots on the balcony, and then Jiraiya turned into a flower pot, which was squeezed with other flower pots.

At this time, the real Naruto… is already deep in the death forest, and touched the big tree surrounded by the bamboo forest.

Very unfortunately, today the bear mother is at home, the huge body is lying under the big tree like a fat mountain, the stomach is swelling with the breath, the bear Mama sleeps very sweet…

On the belly of the bear damn it, the three little bears lay on the belly of the bear Mama and fell asleep on their backs.

It is also very sweet.

A lovely family…

Naruto’s hand couldn’t help but touch her arms and took out a pink mushroom that was tied with her feet.

This mushroom is the mushroom that almost killed Neji.

At this point the head of the mushroom has grown.

Naruto’s hand rubbed on it, thinking about whether or not to kneel down and go to the air.

Then took the opportunity to abduct a bear.

The little mushroom shook with the rubbing of Naruto’s fingers… It seemed pre-feeling that something bad happened.

“I am… is not a poaching…”

It’s really hard to start with such a beautiful and beautiful family.

While Naruto was hesitating, a meat ball smashed down on the bear mother and woke up with a fart.

Maybe the meat is too thick, and the bear does not fall.

I started to climb up, but when I climbed halfway, I shrugged my nose and turned to look at Naruto.

Was discovered…

Cubs will not bear mother cried beat him, right?

After all, the last time the bear mother pinched his avatar in front of the bear… Maybe the bear Mama has educated the bear that he is a bad guy…

But in fact it doesn’t…

The bear twisted and twisted and came to Naruto with his head for Naruto and pulled Naruto’s cuffs by hand.

Naruto understands, this is letting him push it…

Naruto looked at the bear mother who slept very sweetly.

Raised his hand and pushed a small meat ball, and the small meat ball rolled out very far along the thrust.

Then eagerly ran back again.

Naruto pushed another one, the small meat ball rolled away again, and then eagerly ran like Naruto.

Naruto’s eyes lit up and retreat a few steps.

The small meat ball caught up, Naruto retired again, the meat ball rolled away, and then the ran back.

Naruto walked outside the forest.

The small meat ball is followed by hū chī hū chī.

“Little guy, this is what you want to follow me, not that I want to abduct you.”

“But you can rest assured that if you are homesick, I will bring you back.”

Naruto picked up the meat ball and licked the head of the meatball. The meatball was very comfortable with his eyes open.

Then Naruto flew to the manager’s house with a meat ball.

After arriving at the manager’s home, the small meatball was not afraid of being born, and soon got used to his new home. The piece was very green bamboo forest.

At this time, seven or eight hours have passed since Naruto left the Hokage office.

Naruto’s avatar got up from the plate and then went symbolically to the kitchen to make a meal.

Then go to bed.

At this time, the pot that Jiraiya turned into was still on the balcony, and it was observed very carefully…

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