Supreme Naruto

Chapter 107

Has Naruto been in the air for three days?

Fart, he is leisurely sleeping in a sleeping bag for three days. As for eating, snakes, roasting rabbits, it is very generous and nutritious.

But this sentence Hinata and Sasuke believe.

After all, it seems to them that Naruto is a loneliness to sneak into the enemy’s position, and that day is bound to hide and hide.

It’s even harder to find the Scroll.

Hinata looked at Naruto Jun with a distressed heart: “Naruto Jun…”

Kakashi looked at three people. Did the three little guys have a bad time in the game? The clothes of the three people were spotless.

It’s just that the clothes of Sasuke and Hinata are obviously not the ones when they entered the competition.

When you think about it, when are you not please?

“That’s good today. After a while, you go home and wash and change clothes, and we gather at night.”

Very good… This meal looks like it won’t be yellow…

Naruto is very happy with this.

The second exam of the Chunin exam is over.

Konoha Ninja’s martial law on the examination room has also begun to withdraw.

Three generations of Hokage and several examiners discussed about Orochimaru on the tower and then left soon.

No one noticed that one of the guys in the examination room did not leave.

No, it’s accurate to say that he can’t go anymore, or that he’s not in a smooth sense.

Death forest, under a large tree surrounded by bamboo forests, spacious caves, Naruto’s three avatars are holding three bears baby silly at the beak outside the hole.

Five-meter-high behemoth.

It has round ears, a round head, a round body, a white belly and a white head, black limbs, and a black circle of eyes.

This is a panda that Naruto understands, but it is not a panda understood by Naruto.

It has the appearance of a panda, but it is too big…

Naruto saw a huge panda, and the three little babies in her arms saw it.

The voice of the milk was called.

The giant panda extended his hand to Naruto, and the little panda took the panda’s claws and climbed up.

When the three little pandas climbed onto the giant panda.

Then the three avatars of the panda move towards Naruto snarled a scorpion and then took a paw.


A avatar was shot.

The ontology command…1. It started to move when it was dark.

Ontology commands…2. Prohibit any fighting in the death forest to avoid being discovered by Konoha Ninja…

The ontology command…3. can only escape with the bear, and can not let the bear bear the damage…

Ontology command…4. If the bear is gone, don’t come back and let it go…

So… the other two avatars were released after the first avatar was smashed and “bang! bang!”

Before the disappearance, only one thought flashed in their hearts. Why didn’t the idiot of the body say that we met the parents of the bears?

The detachment was released, and the news before the death was passed to the ontology.

Naruto, who has been sitting at the table and preparing to eat Haisai, screamed: “Run! Hold the bear!”

At the table, Kakashi, Sasuke, and Hinata looked at Naruto.

The fire of Naruto instantly turned off and forcibly explained: “Ah… I thought of a tactic just now, I can’t help but boil…”

The stealing plan was made after Naruto saw the bear.

Naruto decided to keep the bear in the garden of the manager’s house because the manager’s family was large and there was a small bamboo forest in the garden.

Do you want to go to the body again?

Naruto has some intentions…

At the end of a meal, Naruto was very full, and he was very hard to kill Kakashi.

Of course, there is also the anger of stealing a bear.

So what about catching the bear?

Bear Mama looks cruel…

“If there is no cub, how good is it…”

He didn’t want to think about it, so how can a little bear who can’t take care of himself even if he can’t take care of himself?

At this same time, just next to Naruto, on another street across a house, there was a Uncle staring at the trumpet and stepping on the raft to the Hokage building.

The Uncle has a white hair that looks like a needle tip, and the hair is very fluffy and long and straight below the waist.

Walking along the road seems to be a tail in the behind glimpse, leading the cat on the side of the road to pick up and scratch.

But Uncle’s aesthetic is really bad, a set of 屎green clothes pants, the upper body is covered with red horses…

Typical red with green, stinky shit.

And, from time to time, there is no image of the nostrils with small fingers.

His eyes are free, his face is swaying, and the look at the big breasted girl.

And… his protection is a non-mainstream “oil”.

The overall image… Let Naruto evaluate it as a shinobi version of killing Matt.

Naruto and the Uncle passed by a street…

“Would you like to take the panda back…”

“If you catch it… is it cruel? Whether it is for the bear baby or the bear Mama…”

“How do you like poaching…”

“Oh… tangled…”

“I want to raise a pet…”

“Do you want to catch one?”

Naruto walked into a store and walked out again five minutes later.

Continue to walk in the direction of the home.

Five minutes later, a teenager with a public face walked out and headed to the store manager.

I went home to sleep, and the body went to the store manager’s house. This trick Naruto has already practiced very well.

After coming to the store manager’s house, Sakura Tani, a girl with a short red hair, handed in two letters.

Naruto took it, and the signature one was Chiba, another sound… It was the director.

“Hey? Is the director’s letter sent directly to this?” Naruto asked Chun.

Spring nodded with a smile : “Yes.”

Then Naruto laughed too: “It seems that the director should have seen your big lady, and maybe I have already started working together.”

Naruto opens the letter of the director first.


The beginning of the letter was extremely unscrupulous and expressed deep regret that Naruto could not join his team.

Then I was very satisfied with Naruto’s recommendation.

Appreciating the beauty of the appearance of Chiba flower sounds, being humble and courteous, Sword Technique is superb.

He also said that in the moment of seeing the flower sound, there is inspiration in his mind, and the next work will revolve around the Chiba flower to create a beautiful love story about Jian Ji (Princess).

One page is full, the second page is full, the third page is full, the fourth page is half, and one is for payment.

The star dream of Chiba Huayin is a success, Naruto is really happy for her, but… The length of the letter only shows the regret that Naruto can’t participate in the creative team. Others… are praised Chiba The sound of flowers…and the inspiration of his shit…

Naruto’s dissatisfied mutter: “Fantasy director, are you sure that it’s an inspiration, not a hormone that you are late for 50?”

Then Naruto gave the letter to Spring: “I guess it’s true. I will be a big star when I see your Miss next time.”

Spring took the letter and read it.

Naruto opens a letter of Chiba flower sound.

Thanks in front… behind… The more I read, the more I’m stupid with Naruto’s expression…

After reading the letter in spring, I looked at the silly Naruto: “What did Missy explain to the world?”

Naruto is stupid nodded: “She said she was very grateful to me…so I sent you to me…”

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