Supreme Naruto

Chapter 102

After the funny game of Xiao Li, Naruto didn’t dare to make a bet with Sasuke.

There is a saying that it is good to receive.

After all, Shikamaru’s shadow imitation is also a very difficult Ability. Once it is tied, even the Hyuga family may have a big loss.

But…Sasuke doesn’t give up…

“Naruto, who are you betting on this game?”

Naruto blinked and pretended to be awkward: “I want to watch a game quietly in this game.”

Sasuke looked gloomy. “So… I just remembered what I used to be a shield.”

Naruto smelled the threat…

record? What did you write down? When there is no outsider, suddenly come back?

Do you have to add another Sasuke when you are wary of Kakashi in the future?

Can I still have a good road with Hinata in the future?

No! A Kakashi is enough for him, and definitely don’t add a Sasuke!

Naruto decided decisively, “Would you like to beat a bet if you win this game?”

Counting you to win… is it…

I don’t want Sasuke to look more sharp after listening. It seems to be carrying a glimpse of … in the Legend… murderous.

It is the kind of eyes with temperature.

A bit of a bottom of the heart will be a cool one.

There is even a hint of chill in the voice: “Do you mean that I can’t afford to lose?”

Finished… Naruto feels that Sasuke looks like he is…have broken…

So gambling? Then choose Shikamaru to take the initiative to lose a game?

Sasuke has increased the weight: “This time let you choose first.”

First choice! This is a good step, as long as you lose a game, Sasuke is back to normal…

But there is another voice in his head that screams: “Let him lose another game and see what he can break down!”

The thought of dying is beginning to work again…

The kind of impulsive impulse from the bottom of the heart, like the high tide of the sea, rushed up and down again and again, trying to drown him.

Naruto is holding on to his will.

No! This time, if you win Sasuke again, maybe Sasuke will cramp his head like Kakashi, and if he is stimulated, he will use electric shock Attack himself!

But the voice of the bottom of the heart is stronger: “Afraid of hair! Sasuke is not Kakashi, he dares to call you back! When he takes a shower, he freezes his whole person into ice sculptures and stands at the crossroads of Konoha!”

Nest grass! How can I have such a vicious idea!

Naruto was slammed by the sound of his bottom of the heart.

But… just think about it and stimulate it…

I couldn’t help but think of freezing Sasuke into a popsicle at the intersection of Konoha.

Step 1: Learn about Sasuke’s bathing rules.

Step 2: Dive into Sasuke’s home.

Step 3: Open the bathroom door.

The fourth step: frozen rays! Huh? The style of painting is not right. I don’t seem to be the one. I will call it the extremely cold field. But that doesn’t matter.

Step 5: Pick up Sasuke frozen into ice sculpture.

No… If you are seen by someone, it will be treated as abnormal.


Step 5: Use multiple shadows to transform into Kakashi.

Step 6: Let the Kakashi avatar take the ice sculpture Sasuke of the red fruit to the crossroads of Konoha.

Step 7: Take a photo.

Step 8: Trigger the detonator in the vicinity, attracting countless viewers.

Wow Hahahaha Hahaha!

That kind of scene, just thinking about it is beautiful.

Then… just take Hyuga Neji!

At this time, only a little bit of reason in Naruto’s mind suddenly shouted: No! Resolutely not!

This plan is really too dead!

Afterwards, Kakashi pursued it without electric shock.

Sasuke is likely to come directly to a Lecce!

Are you ready for death?

I am not ready to do it now!

Choose Nara Shikamaru!

Who must choose!

When Naruto was preparing to rest on the cliff, the voice in his heart reappeared: “What is the difference between a person who does not die and a salted fish! The true meaning of life is to challenge the excitement! Choose Hyuga Neji! Let him lose three more! See what he can break down into. kind!”

When Naruto was in a dilemma, Sasuke asked, “Who are you going to choose? You don’t really have to wait until the game is over and choose again?”

Naruto bit his teeth at the urging of Sasuke, “I chose Hyuga Neji!”

It’s over… it’s dead again…

But the excitement and happiness from the bottom of the heart is really intoxicating…

Sasuke frowned. “Isn’t Hinata not having a bad relationship with Hyuga Neji?”

Naruto 眨巴眨巴eyes, “That is a personal grudge, not related to the bet.”

“Oh… you don’t want to repeat the last scene you took Lilock?”

Sasuke didn’t talk, but Naruto saw that Sasuke’s face was black.

Oh… It turned out that let me choose the first choice.

This is the scene of a car accident that is forced to fail…

Naruto didn’t get cheap and sold, and continued to stimulate Sasuke, but instead turned his eyes to the game.

He was afraid that Sasuke and he would come directly to a live PK.

To say that Nara Shikamaru also has a winning percentage, if Hyuga Neji is caught by shadow mimicry… the result is really hard to say…

On the court, when the two men talked about betting, the referee announced that the game had begun.

The first time they played, Nara Shikamaru hurried retreat and Hyuga Neji opened the distance and threw the shuri in the same time.

Very suitable for the start of shinobi habits.

However, Naruto is more concerned about the place of Nara Shikamaru retreat, which is a whole area of ​​cracked ground.

It is the location where Ding’s meat bombs collide with the teeth of the dog’s fangs.

Sure enough,

This guy must have been hiding the shadow in the crack and then launching a raid when Hyuga Neji launched the close-up Attack.

Because shadow imitation once it appears on the bright side, it is sure to avoid it with Hyuga Neji’s eyesight.

But the shadow hidden in the crack is not so well grasped.

Will Hyuga Neji fall into a trap? Hyuga Neji should know the technique of Nara Shikamaru…

“Hinata, do you know the Nara family?” Naruto asked suddenly.

Hinata’s index fingers of both hands are pressed together, and the small fists collide from time to time. “Know, the Nara family is also a very famous family in Konoha. Most of the medicines Konoha needs for medical treatment are provided by the Nara family. It is said that… ”

Naruto interrupted: “I am not asking this, I am talking about combat.”

Hinata’s little action paused. “Oh… this one… I know something. I’m said to be good at a mystery that controls my shadow to control the enemy.”

Hinata knows… Hygua Neji has no reason not to know…

But… Why did this guy still sway and continue to attack Nara Shikamaru?

Is it… there are other preparations.

On the court, Hyuga Neji escaped from the attack of Nara Shikamaru’s four-handed swords, while avoiding and approaching quickly.

Looking from the top down is like a zigzag lightning, speed is fast, the pace is light, and the long hair behind it is floating, there is a ten-step killing.

Five meters, three meters…

Nara Shikamaru started the hand seal on the hand, the speed was very fast and smooth, and the at the same time body bounced backwards. When the handprints were formed, Nara Shikamaru landed, and Hyuga Neji was only one meter away from Nara Shikamaru.

Shadow imitation!

Shikamaru’s shadow at the foot is moving! Directly in a straight line on the bright surface, Hyuga Neji is close at hand.

This Attack is certainly not that simple, and there may be another hidden secret in the dark!

Naruto 瞪big eyes, ready to witness a historic moment!

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