Supreme Lord

Chapter 992

Whether it is Fengxu Old Master, Luo Yi Great Elder, Heng San, and others in Chixiao, everyone firmly believes that the only person in the world who can make the fierce bloody dragon elephant become docile, and only The king will make the brutal and violent blood dragon elephant lower its proud head.

They can clearly feel the awe of the bloody dragon elephant facing Gu Qingfeng.

The appearance of the king can be imitated.

The character of the king can be imitated.

The king’s ability can also be imitated.

Maybe everything about the king can be imitated.

However, it is impossible to imitate the Blood Fiend Dragon Elephant with meekness and awe.

He must be the king.

The king is back.

At the thought of this, Fengxu Old Master and the others could no longer help crying.

It is the painful cry of excitement, the pain of missing, it is also the pain of crying with joy, and it is the emotional pain that has been suppressed for 300 years.

On the contrary, Liuyue sat alone on the ground alone.

Although she has a bloody dragon elephant, she is not a person from Chixiao, and naturally she cannot understand what kind of emotion Chixiao people have towards the king.

Although she can also feel the awe from the Blood Fiend Dragon Elephant.

I also believe that besides the king, there is absolutely no other person in the world who can do it.


Will he really be a king?

At the moment Liuyue is still sane, she doesn’t know whether to believe it or not.

When she thought about it, if this person is really a king, there are many things that can’t be explained at all. For example, the king was tried by immortal dao 300 years ago, and many people witnessed all this. In other words, the emperor really died that year, and even if he returned, it would have to be samsara reincarnation.

But the point is that this person is not at all any breath of reincarnation, not even Seize Body For Rebirth.

Even if the king was really not dead.

Where did he go?

How did you escape the ancient calamity.

You must know that at the time of ancient calamity, Heaven and Earth judged all the sins in the world. Sinners like kings could never escape ancient calamity. If immortal dao didn’t put him on trial, wouldn’t it be okay to stump Heavenly Dao? If Heavenly Dao doesn’t work, it won’t work to stump the Heaven and Earth trial?

This doesn’t make sense at all!

Take ten thousand steps and say that even if the king escaped the ancient calamity back then, what about his Immortal Warriors Throne? Why is it gone? And there is no cultivation base, what is this?

The king aspired to the Immortal Demon Warriors Throne in those days. It can be both a fairy and a demon, and also an Immortal King and a Demon King. Even if the cultivation base is abolished, the immortal and demon Wushuang body should be there, no matter what impossible is a body of flesh and blood!

Should you say that he is not the King of Scarlet Clouds, why does the Blood Fiend Dragon Elephant awe him?

Liuyue has too many doubts in her heart, and she feels that it is really wrong to blindly regard him as a king.

She wanted to persuade and let Fengxu Old Master and the others clarify the matter before speaking. In case it was a fake again, it would be too bad.

Just looking at the tears of old wind, Liuyue really couldn’t bear to speak. She also knew that even if she persuaded herself at this time, I’m afraid Feng Xu Old Master would not listen.

The opposite.

Gu Qingfeng didn’t say anything, just sat on the chair and looked at Feng Xu and the others crying bitterly.

After a long period of time, after Fengxu and the others’ emotions gradually stabilized, he said, “Come on, they are all getting older, and the boss is not young. Why cry? It’s so crying.”

Fengxu Old Master stopped crying, but still choked a little, wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, with red eyes, respectfully asked: “The king, you…when did you come back… …”

“When did you come back?” Gu Qingfeng thought for a while, and replied: “It’s been almost a few years, and it’s been ten years after careful calculation.”

Ten years?

So long?

After hearing this news, Fengxu and the others were shocked and said: “For so long, why I didn’t know at all, and I never heard any other Chixiao brother mention it. , He didn’t even talk about the Black Buddha Lord.”

“Ten years don’t sound too short, but nine of them I slept in. It’s normal if you don’t know it. That’s because After I came back, I haven’t looked for you, so I can’t say that. I didn’t look for you… But the point is that no one believes it.”

I remembered those years in the Northwest, in order to prove myself It’s himself, he hasn’t been tossing less, now that I think about it, it really hurts. Looking at Fengxu, he said: “You don’t dare to believe that I am Gu Tianlang now?”

Gu Qingfeng really stopped the wind and the others in one sentence.

They believe in their own feelings, and believe that the person in front of them is the king.

But I just believe, nothing more.

What is true or false, they dare not say that it is absolutely true.

After all, they have seen too many swindlers claiming to be kings over the years, all kinds and everything, although they all think that only the real king in the world can make the blood evil dragon elephant awe , But no one of them can guarantee that the one who awes the Blood Fiend Dragon Elephant must be King Chixiao.

They are all afraid of being deceived. How can they not be wary of anything in their hearts?

“Come on, I don’t expect you to believe it completely.”

“I’m just waiting…”

Feng Xu was about to explain, but was Gu Qingfeng interrupted and said: “Needless to say, I can understand it completely. Don’t say you don’t believe it. Sometimes I don’t believe that I am myself. I will talk about this kind of thing later. Get up first. I will ask you something. “

What does it mean to not believe in yourself?

Gu Qingfeng’s words made Fengxu and the others couldn’t understand. They didn’t think much, stood up and asked: “I wonder if the king wants to ask me what I am waiting for?”

“Just now I heard you talk about some things about deficit heads. It seems to be bad. Tell me, how bad are the deficit heads now?”

This question is very complicated, and Feng Xu doesn’t know what to do. From where to talk, he thought for a while, and responded cautiously: “The current situation of the deficit head is indeed very bad. It can be described as internal trouble and outside aggression. If it is not rectified, it will go on like this in the long run, within ten years, it will surely perish.” /p>

paused, Fengxu looked at Tantong lying in a pool of blood, not knowing whether it was alive or dead, and continued: “Although I don’t want to wait, I have to admit that Cai Tantong was right. Since nine years ago After the destiny came, the situation in this world has begun to be chaotic. Major sects and families, major countries are competing for you and me, even the fairy dynasty, and our deficit head is no exception.”

Speaking of this, Fengxu’s expression can’t help but feel a little sad, saying: “Until now, our deficit heads are all scattered sand, and all the rulings are overseeing a area, and they are independent. When there is rarely unity, some even become enemies for profit. In addition, the people of the immortal dynasty have been arguing in these years, drawing in to buy the major rudder. After the destiny came, the world situation was chaotic, and many of the rudder turned to the immortal dynasty.”

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