Supreme Lord

Chapter 970

When will I submit to humiliation?

A few other Chixiao people don’t know this question, and Fengxu Old Master also doesn’t know.

“Don’t worry, everyone. We have been with the Lord for so long. When did we suffer? His Senior has always been ghosts and ghosts. If you don’t make a move, it must be heaven- Shaking, earth-shattering, it doesn’t count as once if you don’t kill your opponent. This time, his Senior might just invite our former Lords of the Chixiao Sect. When the time comes, Zhou Taihe can’t eat and walk around.”

Another Chixiao person stood up and hit haha, comforting everyone.

What does his comfort not at all play, because everyone knows that now not only the deficit head in Yanluo Country is facing internal trouble and outside aggression, other countries, and even the entire Divine State The deficit heads of the land are faced with this situation, and some are even worse than them.

Since the end of the ancient times and the opening of the modern and ancient times, most of the reclusive retreats and retreats of the Chixiao people were not related to the world. The deficit head and the rudder are a group of people who are not Chixiao people. The deficit people are in charge, and the behavior of these people is not very good. After taking the helm, how can they stand by themselves? In addition, Xian Dynasty played in secret, which was both threatening and attractive. The deficit was calm and tranquil. In fact, many Branch Lords have already begun to stir and are ready to stir.

Originally, the Chixiao Sect had nine heroes who were able to support both heaven and earth, the eighteen lords of the Megatron world, 36 Heavenly Stars who swept all directions, and 72 Earthly Fiend who guarded the frontier, plus each At the head of the deficit and the rudder, there are various banner owners, incense owners, and other old Chixiao people. Those who begin to stir don’t dare to be brazen.

However, since nine years ago, after a destiny, not only the world pattern has changed, but also the deficit head. Some rudder clamored for independence, and some rudder blatantly showed good wishes to the immortal court. , And even some Fenruo had already accepted the canonization of Xian Dynasty.

This situation has intensified since the destiny came. It is not only the so-called deficit people, but also the Chixiao people back then.

In this case, how does the Black Buddha Lord go to invite other brothers from the Chixiao Sect? How can they even get away because they are too busy to take care of themselves.


If the world’s deficit heads are not facing internal trouble and outside aggression, Zhou Taihe would not dare to tyrannize in Yanluo country so blatantly, because he knows the world’s deficit heads. Only in rising winds, scudding clouds, dare to be so unscrupulous.

“Oh! I wonder how awesome and unrestrained our Chixiao Sect was under the leadership of the king and his Senior. I really don’t know how we…how could we fall into this field. , Whether those people with deficit heads join the immortal dynasty or declare independence, but Brother Chixiao who wandered the world together…really…seeing people’s hearts over time!”

” There is no news of the reincarnation of the king, and the immortal dynasty is getting stronger and stronger. Many brothers of the Chixiao Sect are worried that the immortal will ask them to calculate the account of the year… so they all began to show their favor to the immortal.”

“The people who are greedy for life and fear of death are really in vain.”

“hmph! If the immortals really want to count the accounts of the year, are we still afraid that they will not succeed?”

“We were not afraid back then. What is there to be afraid of in modern and ancient times? Everyone carries one head on two shoulders. Who is afraid of who! We can live to this day. We have earned money and we will not lose money if we die.”

“What I really hate is that the Xianchao motherfucker has not said to deal with us. Some people who are greedy for life and fear of death began to join the Xianchao. It is true that the motherfucker’s conscience has been eaten by the dog, and they have forgotten that they died. Are the brothers in the hands of Xianchao!”

“Yes! even more how, if Xianchao really wants to deal with us, it will never wait until now.”

“We don’t know whether the king will reincarnate or not, nor the Xian Dynasty.”

“Before the king disappeared, he had warned for nine days and made an oath to form a curse of blood. Promise, if you dare to act on the people of Chixiao, the curse of blood will be opened. At that time, it will be the wind and clouds of Chixiao, the blood will fill the sky, the endless dragon elephant will be angry, and Heaven and Earth will be judged.”

“True motherfucker doesn’t know what the traitors who have taken refuge in the immortal dynasty think, whether their heads were kicked by the donkey, the immortal dynasty hasn’t done anything yet, but they have been counseled by themselves! A bunch of widows are not worthy of being the Chixiao people!”

Above the great hall, the Chixiao people filled with righteous indignation and angered those Chixiao people who had taken refuge in the immortal kingdom. When they mentioned this matter, they couldn’t get angry. It was the same every time, and the anger could not be suppressed. .

“If the king is still there, Zhou Tai and those traitors will give them 10,000 courage, and they don’t dare to make a mistake, they can scare him to death!”


The angry Chixiao people in the original great hall became silent again, and their expressions became extremely sad.

They all know that if the king is still there, Zhou Taihe can definitely be scared to death.


To be precise, if the king is still there, the deficit head will not face the situation of internal trouble and outside aggression. Not to mention the deficit head. Now, even the immortal dynasty, who dares to make a mistake?

It’s a pity.

They know better that there is no if in this World.

Although there are a lot of Chixiao Kings in this World, they are only Chixiao Kings who have emerged, true or false? Who can tell the difference?

Perhaps the kings of Chixiao, including the kings dormant in the territory of Yanluo, are all fake.

If it is a real king.

How could you tolerate Zhou Tai and these traitors who took refuge in the Immortal Dynasty?

How can you tolerate Xian Chao step by step trying to eliminate the deficit again and again?

“We are really ashamed of the king…”

“Yes, the king buried the Chixiao Sect back then, and took all the blame alone, just to let us live a stable life In the days when we were so disappointing, we really lost his Senior’s face, and there is no face to see him Senior again!”

Sitting on the top of the great hall, Fengxu Old Master looked down at the dejected ones below. The Chixiao people screamed: “Enough! Give the old man pull yourself together! If you feel ashamed of the king, be dignified and be a righteous person. The king will bear all the guilt back then, let us live a stable life, we absolutely cannot You have let down the king, you still remember what the king said to us!” The Chixiao people in the great hall immediately stood up and shouted in unison: “I would rather stand to live than kneel to die !”

“Yes! I would rather stand to live, never kneel to die. As long as you can support both heaven and earth and have a clear conscience, we are Chixiao people. We used to be, now Yes, even more in the future, in life, and after death, the people of Chixiao have never had a baby!”

Fengxu Old Master also stood up, took a deep breath, and said boldly, “We will tomorrow Let’s take a look at what tricks the people at Mingyu’s rudder want to play. If they can drag it, they can’t. If they really want to play hard, then we will motherfucker and fight them to the end!”

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