Supreme Lord

Chapter 968

This luxurious and imposing two-headed liger is now Fei Kui’s exclusive lion, but at this moment, he is not at all riding in it, but standing in a regular manner. Ahead, driving a car.

Another person who really rides in this two-headed Liger is a white clothed Young Master.

This white clothed Young Master lay on his back at will, with his backrest lying on his back, Erlang’s legs tilted, and a hip flask in his hand. It is not someone else but Gu Qingfeng.

It’s just that.

Gu Qingfeng here is a bit less leisurely and a bit less lazy. The handsome and elegant face is more of a kind of loneliness, a kind of quiet loneliness.

It’s not the setting sun, nor the sunset.

But the sun fell, and darkness fell.

He lay on his back, drank the wine without a sip, closed his eyes slightly, and only then listened to Fei Kui’s recount of Fengxu’s experience, which made his mood even less high. stand up.

His life has been extremely bumpy. He has gone through life and death several times, and several reincarnations. It can be said that he has experienced everything that should be experienced in life, and also everything that should not be experienced. Experienced, it is no exaggeration to say that the things he has experienced in this short 500-year life are richer and more colorful than some Old Monsters who have lived for thousands, tens of thousands of years, and even hundreds of thousands of million years.

He is definitely an experienced person who has seen winds and waves.

Added to the cultivation is the great freedom of the Buddhist Supreme.

To speak of which, one’s heart should be as calm as water. This worldly thing should hardly affect his mood.

It might be the case if you change to someone else.

But this person is Gu Qingfeng.

He is a layman.


And he is also a very vulgar temperament.

It used to be, it is now, and it will not change in the future.

The world is in chaos, he may not bother to take care of it.

The battle between immortals and demons, he also disinclined to pay attention to.

Even if the sky collapses, he won’t frown.

However, if someone dared to insult Brother Chixiao, who was born and died together, he would never be indifferent, let alone wash his hands and watch.

This is his principle and his bottom line.

He does not allow and cannot tolerate anyone trampling on Brother’s dignity.

The two-headed liger and tiger passed through Shanhe City and drove to a mountain range outside the city.

The mountain is named Fengxu Mountain, named after Fengxu Old Master. This mountain was just a barren mountain in the past. In the ancient times, after the disaster was calmed down, Old Master established on this barren mountain The mountains and rivers divide the rudders. In order to make the discipline of the divide rudders better cultivation, the Old Master will also grow the most precious one after another rare blue cloud seed in the mountains, and cultivate a fairly good blue cloud Spiritual Veins.

The end of the ancient times, the opening of the present and the ancients, nature nourishes the earth, and all things revive.

The Blue Yun Spiritual Veins of Fengxu Mountain benefited the nature and sublimated into the Blue Yun seeds, which not only made the Blue Yun Spiritual Qi more pure, but also began to nurture many blue Yun spar and many blue clouds on the mountain. Flowers and fruits.

Nine years ago, the destiny came, and nature was in full bloom.

The Lan Yun seeds of Fengxu Mountain are sublimated again and become Lan Yun Yuanjing.

The existence of Yuanjing is absolutely rare. Even if everything is revived in modern and ancient times, even if nature blooms nine years ago, Lanyun Yuanjing is definitely a rare gem among Profound Level resources.

Fengxu Mountain has changed from a barren mountain range to a famous mountain in Splendid Domain and even Yanluo Country. Everyone knows that this is the credit of Fengxu Old Master’s careful care.

In the past, as long as the character is not bad, you can cultivation in Fengxu Mountain.

Now Fengxu Mountain contains a strong blue spirit Spiritual Qi, and as long as you pass the test, you can still enter the mountains and rivers to divide the rudder and gain the wind of Xushan cultivation.

“Is that the Fengxu Mountain?”

Gu Qingfeng stood up, opened the curtain, stood outside the big lion, and looked at the mountain range not far away, faintly Asked.

“Yes, Young Master Ye, the mountain is divided into rivers and mountains.”

Fei Kui’s voice came, and Gu Qingfeng looked over, the whole Fengxu Mountain was heavily formed. Shrouded, the mountains are full of various buildings, the mountains seem to be very lively, there are many people, even people coming, people going down the mountain.

“So many people?”

“There are many disciplines in the mountains and rivers, and the Old Master does not set a threshold. The discipline is more casual to go up and down the mountain.”

“I think these people are in a hurry with their expressions, all of them are preoccupied, and the Protection Formation Law covering the mountain range is all turned on, and there are so many discipline guards under the mountain. Is something wrong?”

“This…the small one is not too clear.”

Although Fei Kui manages business for the Black Buddha Lord, he is only managing business. He is not a deficit leader himself, and he is The fact that he has not been involved in the deficit head is precisely because he manages the business for the black Buddha Lord, so he has more contacts, and all the people with the deficit head are also known.

I glanced at it and couldn’t help but secretly startled.

Something may have really happened to Fengxu Mountain. Not only are all Protection Formation Laws turned on, there are also many disciplines that guard the mountain gates, and the leaders are all deacons that divide the rudder, among them Several Elders.

When the two-headed liger appeared at the bottom of the mountain, it immediately attracted the attention of the people who guarded the gate. They were first surprised when they saw the two-headed liger. Obviously, they all knew this head. The origin of the two-headed liger, I also know that Fei Kui is now the head steward of the black Buddha Lord.

At the moment, a group of more than ten people galloped here, and the headed Elderly Fei Kui also knew him, and he was an Elder Huang from Shanhe Branch.

“Fei head steward, why are you here?”

Elder Huang cup hand to hold fist, treat Fei Kui with courtesy.

Fei Kui also cup one fist in the other hand in return, saying: “I came here to see the old master.”

“See the old Branch Lord?”


There are some doubts and hesitations between the Elder Huang expressions. Fei Kui carefully asked: “Elder Huang, is it not convenient now?”

“Frankly, the upper and lower sides of the rudder are all under martial law. , The old Branch Lord and the Chixiao Old Seniors and a group of Elders are discussing things.”

Fei Kui asked: “Did something happen to the branch rudder?”

Elder Huang nodded, with a serious expression.

Fei Kui is not a deficit head, and it is not easy to ask in detail. Elder Huang doesn’t seem to mind this question. He also trusts Fei Kui. After all, Fei Kui is a member of the Black Buddha Lord, so he said “Fei Guan has something to do with things. Today, Mingyu Fenruo sent someone to send an oral message, saying that he would come to our Shanhe Fenruo to meet the old Branch Lord tomorrow.”

Mingyu Fenruo is the country of Yanluo. Within the territory, the largest and most powerful Oita rudder among the more than fifty-point rudder in the deficit is known as one of the seven hegemonic rudder under the seat of the black-hearted Lord.

Although the number of disciplines in it is not as large as that of mountains and rivers, it is full of talents. Expert as clouds, there are both old Chixiao people from the ancient times and Heaven’s. Chosen, Earth Immortal alone has more than a dozen, and the Dharma Master is countless.

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