Supreme Lord

Chapter 966

It’s quiet at night.

Exquisite Mountain Village has returned to the bustle of the past. It is time to listen to music, drink to drink, and things that happen during the day are still talked about, especially when Immortal Mansion comes. When Peng Jia’s self-proclaimed king was apprehended and scrapped, Guan Shi Wei said that the servant had already left.

How did you leave?

Said that he left top secret quietly and without interest.

Although Guanshi Wei said that, many people expressed disbelief.

The entire Exquisite Mountain Village was shrouded in Formation. Even the fairy could not leave at will. The only place to go out was the gate. At that time, many people were guarding the gate and did not see the liar leaving. .

Is it difficult for Sister Hong to shield the liar?

Thinking about it carefully, it seems unlikely.

The liar abolished Peng Jia, the prince of Xianchao in the villa, and broke the rules of the villa. How could Sister Hong protect him.

Many people have guessed that maybe the liar is dead…said by Sister Hong.

true or false, no one knows.

Different opinions.


Imperial Tutor Garden.

Tang Manqing and Lin Xianger have also left.

Only Chu Jiaohong is still lying on her back in the Imperial Tutor chair, her eyes closed slightly, and she is silent. A charming and charming face is even more evil and more demon under the faint moonlight. different.

She has been thinking about a question, how did that guy come in quietly, and how did he leave without knowing it.

She has been thinking about this problem for several hours, but she still hasn’t figured it out yet. Instead, the more she thinks about it, the more chaotic she gets, the more she thinks about it, the more she collapses. This is fundamentally impossible when she thinks it, but it’s just that. That really happened.

“Grandma Lu, what do you think…how did this man do it?”

Chu Jiaohong reached out and slightly clasped her forehead, very depressed.

Beside, Granny Deer bowed, shook her head, motioned that she didn’t understand, and said, “This is the first time that the old man has met such a weird thing.”

“Ben Gong was puzzled, why are there so many people in this world pretending to be the kid with the surname Gu, and one of them is stranger than the other. Why is this?”

“Maybe they are all like Empress, for Look for him? Didn’t you also pretend to be the thief with the surname Gu?”

When it comes to this, Chu Jiaohong’s charming and charming face can’t help but show a bitter smile.

She did pretend to be King Chixiao.

And the purpose is to find the true King of Scarlet Heaven.

And her purpose of looking for Gu Tianlang is very simple, just for revenge.

Report the hatred of being cheated and deceived by Gu Tianlang, and also report the hatred of provoking indecent assault.

Speaking of which, that was a long time ago.

For a long time, Chu Jiaohong was still in a weak and deep sleep. She didn’t know what happened back then. The Cave Mansion unfathomable mystery was opened, and a group of people broke in without authorization.

Although she was very weak and in a deep sleep state, and the power she can use is limited, but not at all puts those people who break into the cultivation without permission, but the world is unpredictable. Among the people who entered, there was a Little Brat who was not only strange, but also extremely cunning. Not only did she lay traps to fool her, but also used false images to deceive and deceive, and finally provoked when she was weak. It is also a humiliation, and it is even more frivolous.

To this day, Chu Jiaohong will never forget how mean, insidious and cunning that Little Brat is, let alone how that fellow humiliated herself, and how frivolous and indecent she was.


At the time, Chu Jiaohong was weak and sleeping, and was deceived and fell into a lot of traps. She couldn’t even move. She could only let the Little Brat slaughter him. In the end, she was not only assaulted by that guy. , Cave Mansion’s magic weapon was also collected, and even the most important token to her fell into that guy’s bag.

Back then, Chu Jiaohong swore that when she wakes up, she must chopped up that Little Brat ten-thousand times by a thousand blades.

When the ancient times ended and the present and ancient times opened, everything recovered, and she finally woke up. The first thing she did was to investigate the people who broke into the Cave Mansion that year. She killed everyone. I finally learned that Little Brat, who humiliated and assaulted himself, had his surname Gu, Heavenly Wolf, and the name of Chi Xiao.

I thought I could take revenge.

What Chu Jiaohong didn’t expect was that that guy had already been tried by immortal dao two hundred years ago as scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

But she did not give up.

Because of the rumors, that guy is probably not dead.

Afterwards, Chu Jiaohong also investigated all the deeds of Gu Tianlang in detail, and some doubts that the guy might really not die.

For this.

She has been looking for Gu Tianlang all these years.

However, what made her absolutely unexpected and extremely collapsed is that this World not only has many scammers who pretended to be the descendants of Gu Tianlang, but also many scammers who pretended to be Gu Tianlang himself. She found one that was fake. I continued to look for it, but it was fake. After searching for so many years, she almost had a nervous breakdown when she looked for it, because she didn’t find any of them, all of them were fake motherfuckers.

This is not the real reason for her collapse. What really makes her collapse is that those guys who pretend to be the King of Scarlet Clouds have a more mysterious identity and a stronger strength. She tentatively When I hit a wall everywhere, some of them were so powerful, even she was endlessly afraid.

As for whether those guys posing as Gu Tianlang are true or false, she doesn’t know. After searching for so many years, she feels that the existence of that guy is more and more extraordinary. If not, it is impossible to have that many mysterious A strange and powerful person is looking for him.

After so many years, she has stopped actively searching.

The reason is simple.

She is tired.

Looking for physical and mental exhaustion.

The most important thing is that the more she searches, the more she feels that the guy’s existence is not simple. It’s like stabbing a big basket, offending a lot of terrifying existence.

Even so.

She still did not give up.

Not only to repay that guy’s indecent and frivolous revenge, but also to want to return the token that was taken away by Gu Tianlang back then, which is very important to her.

It’s a pity.

fortune plays with people.

There are counterfeit goods all over the world, and there is no real Gu Tianlang.

She can’t distinguish the Gu Tianlang who are difficult to distinguish between true and false, and she doesn’t want to try again.

For these years, I had to dormant in Yanluo Country, and finally figured out the identity of the Chixiao King in Yanluo Country, didn’t expect another Gu Tianlang appeared now.

To be honest.

Now, as long as she hears the name Gu Tianlang, Chu Jiaohong will have a headache. After so many years of searching, she has begun to have a shadow of the name Gu Tianlang.

“Empress, do you still miss the things of the year?”

“That is the biggest shame I have suffered in my life, how can I forget it!”


Grandma Deer sighed then said, “If it is possible, I hope Empress can let go of that obsession, then Gu Tianlang, whether it is life or death, his existence It’s more complicated than we thought. Otherwise, there won’t be that many mysterious people in the world looking for him.”

“My palace knows.”

Deer The mother-in-law sighed then said, “As for the man today, although he has never seen him before, but he has no cultivation base and no good fortune, but he can shatter the minds of Wei Guanshi and the others with a loud shout, even more so The top secret free entry and exit of the eight mysterious heavenly formations arranged by the mother’s hands, based on this, the old man also feels that this person is not trivial, and I hope Empress will not try it at will… These years Empress has been riddled with scars in order to find him. I’m really afraid of Empress…”

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