Supreme Lord

Chapter 954

The mind is broken, it is not at all harmful, and it will not cause any harm, but this thing is like the soul is frightened, and it will be impossible to recover for a while, and during this period, the mind, Divine Consciousness, Consciousness is affected and very fragile. If you run spirit strength and use Magical Powers at this time, there is a danger of cultivation deviation, and one who is not good will be backlashed.

In the splendorous and majestic luxurious venue, there is silence at this moment.

There were 700-800 people in the audience, each one, all paralyzed on the ground like a puddle of mud.

The cultivation base is weak, looks groggy, and has a dazed face, and I don’t even know what happened.

The cultivation base powerhouse, after the consciousness reacted, it was deeply frightened, as if it had suffered a catastrophe.

Only two people stood still in the audience.

One of them is Fei Kui.

Fei Kui has always stood beside the table, bowed, head down, holding a hip flask in his hand, ready to pour wine at any time, he looks like a Like a loyal servant, as what happened here has nothing to do with him. His only task is to serve Young Master Ye well and be a competent servant.

Besides Fei Kui, the other standing person is Gu Qingfeng.

It is still dressed in clean white clothed. There is no ornamentation on the white clothed. The white cloth is like snow, in sharp contrast with the three thousand black long hairs like ink.

He stood, standing with his hands behind him.

Like a lonely mountain standing between Heaven and Earth.

He is still him.

But not the previous him.

Before, he was cynical, laid-back, free and unrestrained, like an irreverent and incompetent dude.

He is now, lonely, calm and domineering, not angered or prestigious, like an overlord who looks at the world.

Previously, he looked weak and fragile, just like the twilight dusk, without any vitality.

Now he is still weak, and the same can not help the wind, still like dusk, but not the dusk of dusk, but the dusk of the sun falling, there is no vitality, and some are just twilight, endless twilight.


The boundless silence.


It is also boundless silence.

On the opposite side, Wei Lao sat slumped on the ground.

At this moment.

He looked desperate, sitting on the ground, unable to move, but struggling to support his upper body with his arms, just as if his Essence, Qi, and Spirit were hollowed out. He bowed his head, dare not say a word.

Wei Lao’s cultivation has been thousands of years old, and his cultivation base was completely relied on his own step by step. I don’t know how much sweat, blood, and injuries he has made. In the past, when I was in Ancient Era, it was also the face of Earth Immortal in this world. It’s just that in the past few thousand years, too many people have been seen dying on the road to immortality. Therefore, many things have been looked down upon. Then I chose to work in the villa.

Speaking of which, Wei Lao is also the experienced master, large and small scenes, experienced a lot, and all kinds of weird people have seen a lot.

However, he has never been so embarrassed, panicked, or feared as he is today.

He can’t figure out a person who doesn’t have any cultivation base, no good fortune, neither samsara reincarnation, nor god-given destiny, nor is he a person who uses spirit strength, nor does he have any Magical Powers. In Xianyi’s situation, just relying on a sheer bravery, how did he shatter the heart that he has always been proud of.

He also couldn’t figure out how, just now it looked like a leisurely dude, how suddenly it became so terrifying.

That’s really terrifying.

Although Gu Qingfeng standing in front of him didn’t say a word, did not show any murderous intention, let alone any power, but for Wei Lao, he still felt a deep fear.

It is a kind of fear of the sun falling and dusk coming.

It is also a fear of boundless silence.

Feeling this kind of fear, Wei Lao dare not move, speak, or even breathe.

The opposite.

Gu Qingfeng looked at these people who were paralyzed on the ground, but only took a look, then shook his head, and sat back on the chair. At the same time, Fei Kui, who was next to him, immediately poured the wine A cup of cautiously handed over.

I don’t know why.

When Gu Qingfeng sat down, the fear of the sun falling and dusk falling over Wei Lao gradually disappeared.

At this moment, Wei Lao seemed to be relieved, unable to support it anymore, completely paralyzed on the ground, panting heavily, but at this moment, Gu Qingfeng’s voice suddenly came.

“How is it, how do you feel?”

The momentum is no longer vast, and the prestige is no longer billowing. It just spreads into Wei Lao’s ears, but it makes him fall into mountains. Of daggers and seas of flames, the whole body, from the skin, meridian, blood, and Purple Mansion, all have an unexplainable uncomfortable feeling, which made him miserable.

“old man, no…”

When Wei Lao spoke, his voice was not only weak, but also hoarse. He said two words and quickly said: “Under… Under…”

It seems that Wei is really scared, and he doesn’t dare to call himself an old man, and humblely claims to be under him.

“lifts the head.”

Wei Laocheng lifts the head in trepidation, and his face was already pale with fright. When he touched Gu Qingfeng’s eyes, it seemed to fall into Like an endless abyss, he felt a breath in his soul, and he lowered his head quickly.

“I ask you, can the spirit of the Lord be abnormal now?”

Gu Qingfeng’s voice came, and Wei Lao wanted to cry without tears, even the heart of death.

“Look at you, the boss is not young anymore. I’m afraid that the time of cultivation is not short, right? You don’t even have the eyesight of motherfucker? And motherfucker said that the father is insane? Why, all these years have survived to a dog I’m on it?”

“Under the next…I know the wrong under the next…With eyes and no beads, it offends Young Master…”

Cultivation For thousands of years, Wei Lao felt the deepest feeling. Put away the so-called self-esteem, don’t be ashamed of mistakes, and always know the word humble in front of powerhouse.

Gu Qingfeng did not look at him, raised a glass and drank, saying: “I’m asking you, do you know the identity of the master?”

“Young Master’s last name is Gu, first name… “

Speaking of this, Wei Lao stopped suddenly and was afraid to continue, because he suddenly realized that Gu Qingfeng had killed the dozens Xianchao in the northwest. If it was exposed, the consequences would be very serious. He I don’t want to expose Gu Qingfeng’s identity personally.

Furthermore, he didn’t think that Gu Qingfeng asked the meaning of this sentence. He remembered that Gu Qingfeng claimed to be the King of Chixiao before, and said that he would use this to let others know about his existence as a king. Even though Mr. Wei didn’t know why he wanted to do this, he didn’t dare to think about it at this moment and quickly responded.

“Young Master’s surname is ancient, his name is Heavenly Wolf, and his dao name is Chixiao. It is… the King of Chixiao.”

“Very good, yes, you are an old fellow. It’s interesting.”

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