Supreme Lord

Chapter 952

Lao Wei also felt that this Gu Qingfeng was based on the rules of the villa and concluded that Peng Jia did not dare to do anything here, so he dared to make such unscrupulous provocations. He really couldn’t stand it, so he stood up to stop him and hinted that Gu Qingfeng can play, but don’t overdo it.

But what he didn’t expect was that in the face of what he meant, Gu Qingfeng said it was just right.

What is right?

What do you mean?

Lao Wei doesn’t understand.

However, Gu Qingfeng’s next sentence really shocked him.

“My master has been sleeping for eight-nine years, and his body has been itchy for a long time. I took advantage of this opportunity to move his hands and feet.” Gu Qingfeng picked up a glass of wine, looked at Wei Lao, and said: “However, your old fellow doesn’t seem to have been beaten very much. Let’s go and call all the experts of your villa to your master, and stretch your muscles and bones with your master. Don’t worry, when the time comes, something is ruined. I will not miss you, how much do you want, the Lord will compensate you ten times, how about it.”

Gu Qingfeng’s words are really amazing and endless.

The audience was stunned.

No one would have thought that this guy would just provoke the Peng family, the prince Xianchao, that’s all, and now he… provoke Wei Lao?

Who is Wei always?

That is the head steward of Exquisite Mountain Village.

In the ancient times, it was the Earth Immortal cultivation base, and his Earth Immortal cultivation base was not like the Earth Immortal in the modern and ancient times that was raised by the spiritual transformation of nature, but the barren one in the ancient times. In the era, the Earth Immortal was born with Spiritual Qi forcibly cultivation one by one.

The strength of this kind of Earth Immortal is extremely terrifying. After all, antiquity is a cruel era. It is not easy to live. The cultivation of Earth Immortal is even more comparable to heavenly ascension. The most terrifying thing is that of Ancient Era. The people of cultivation, the fairy art of cultivation pay more attention to killing, while the people of cultivation of modern and ancient times, the fairy art of cultivation pay more attention to mysterious. In other words, the people of Ancient Era’s cultivation don’t do it, and it means killing. trick.

Peng Jia has more than one hundred major natural color spirits, and he is not afraid of the Earth Immortal of modern and ancient times, but he is very much in the face of the Earth Immortal of Ancient Era. fear.

Even so.

This guy who pretended to be King Chixiao, even said that Mr. Wei didn’t fight?

Also let him call all the experts in the entire villa?

It’s not that everyone present has never seen a bluff, but it is the first time they have seen such an outrageous bluff.


This is not a bluff anymore, it is just like boasting other people as idiots, and what you are blowing is the kind of leather with extremely spicy eyes and ears!

“What the hell does this guy want to do? Is he a fool? Or is his brain pretty funny after some stimulation?”

The loft room.

Shui’er said angrily: “With the help of Exquisite Mountain Village’s rules, this guy bluffs and provokes Peng Jia that’s all. After all, Peng Jia is afraid of Sister Hong’s troubles and dare not do anything in the Village. Why act recklessly provoked Wei Lao? Peng Jia didn’t dare to do it in the villa, but Wei Lao is the head steward of the villa, he dare to do it in the villa!”

Under the window.

Tang Manqing is also staring at Gu Qingfeng, and Shui’er’s words are exactly the doubt in her heart.

Tentatively believe that Gu Qingfeng relied on Exquisite Mountain’s rules to bully people by flaunting one’s powerful connections, but why did he provoke Wei Lao?

Since this way, how has he bluffed?

Tang Manqing even began to wonder whether this guy was abolished because of his cultivation base nine years ago, and how was his spirit stimulated? Otherwise, how could it be so impossible to tell good from bad act recklessly? After much deliberation, it seems that only this reason can be explained.

At this time, Wei Lao came in a secret sound transmission: “Princess, did this person get any stimulation? His brain is not very bright?”


Wei Lao also began to wonder if there is something wrong with Gu Qingfeng’s spirit.

“This…it should be, his original identity is Gu Qingfeng, and he used to claim to be the descendant of the emperor, and now he claims to be the emperor of Chixiao himself, contradictory, it should be something wrong with the spirit.”

“More than contradictions, you have heard what he said, what nine days of immortal, what Nine Nether’s Old Demon, and now let the old man call out the people in the villa to stretch his muscles and bones with him , As long as the mind is normal, I am afraid that will not do it?”

“Old Wei, what do you plan to do with him?”

“No matter what you do, you can’t let him here Is it troublesome? The old man should take him back and put him in custody first. It’s really a headache… The old man has lived for most of his life, and this is the first time he has encountered this kind of thing. Let alone, this kid’s acting skills are really top-notch, almost. Fiddle with the old man. The old man has played with the eagle all his life. This time he was played by the eagle. Hehe……”

Wei Lao sighed.

He is indeed very emotional, because for a moment, he really thought that Gu Qingfeng had some ability, otherwise, how could he be fearless and dauntless, especially that laid-back attitude, bohemian The look and the arrogant words made Wei Lao even wonder if this guy is really the King Chixiao?

Now that I want to come, it’s really funny.

Fortunately, this guy has a mental problem. Otherwise, the acting skills are absolutely matchless in the world. If you are not acting, then…

Wei Lao No Thinking about it, walked forward, and said to everyone, “Everyone, this ancient Young Master had setback in the cultivation a few days ago, and the cultivation base was lost, causing insanity. That’s why I was talking nonsense. Oneself to somebody’s level with him.”

When I heard Wei Lao’s explanation, everyone in the field was first taken aback, and then they all realized that they were nodded.


A cultivation base without a cultivation base, good fortune and no good fortune, not only claiming to be the King of Chixiao, but also a fairy demon who is full of mouths. It’s even louder. This is not something that a normal person can do at all, and only a mental disorder can do such an act recklessly, right?

Look again at this guy who really doesn’t have any cultivation base, and he looks extremely weak. I think it should be because the cultivation has setback, and he is really out of mind.

This kind of thing is not uncommon.

Since ancient times, there have been many setback cultivation deviations due to cultivation, insane, madness, madness, gods and gods, especially nine years ago, a natural transformation, which made many people a cultivation base The Primordial Spirit has been soaring. Due to the unstable foundation, the conceived Primordial Spirit cannot be controlled at all. Many people have lost their lives. Even if they save their lives, they have to abolish the Primordial Spirit. If the Primordial Spirit is abolished, the mind will inevitably be affected. Mind and mind are affected, and their consciousness is affected. When consciousness is affected, their minds are also unclear, and many people suffer from mental disorders.

It looks like this is the lord who pretends to be a king.

At this moment, there was a laughed heartily sound in the field, and everyone looked over. It was the guy who pretended to be the king. At this moment, he raised his head, laughed heartily, and leaned forward and backward with a smile. It’s like hearing the funniest joke in the world.

If anyone had doubts just now, then seeing Gu Qingfeng laughing so frantically, the only trace of doubt also disappeared, thinking that this guy must be mentally stimulated, thinking about it, Many people looked at Gu Qingfeng’s eyes. From the shock at the beginning, to the doubts and curiosity later, they gradually became pitiful…sympathizing for this mentally disordered guy.

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