Supreme Lord

Chapter 949

“The princess, what is Peng Jia staring at there?” Shuier found that such a fairy prince like Peng Jia had been staring at Gu Qingfeng, but he was indifferent, and asked in confusion: “He looks very jealous of Gu Qingfeng Don’t you really believe that Gu Qingfeng is the king?”

“He’s not a fool, how can he believe it.”

Tang Manqing said softly: “It really makes him jealous It is not Gu Qingfeng who claims to be the King of Chixiao, but Fei Kui Na’s Young Master Ye. Don’t underestimate the meaning of this phrase. Fei Kui is a member of the Black Buddha Lord. He called Young Master Ye over. , Gu Qingfeng’s identity and background immediately became confusing and confusing. Perhaps Peng Jia could not be frightened, but it would definitely make him afraid to act blindly without thinking.”

“This guy’s luck is really good. He unexpectedly met Fei Kui, otherwise he didn’t know how he died today.”

Shui’er hasn’t forgotten the situation when he was driven out by Gu Qingfeng just now. When he thought of this, his anger couldn’t help rising. He said: “I originally wanted to see this guy being repaired by Peng Jia, and see if he dared to be so horrible, didn’t expect to kill Fei Kui halfway.”

Kui, Shui’er said angrily: “This fatty courage is really big enough. For Gu Qingfeng, he almost started with Peng Jia just now. He is not afraid to make things worse. Not only will he not be able to save Gu Qingfeng, but on the contrary. Has his identity been exposed? If Gu Qingfeng’s identity is exposed, will Fei Kui suffer too? When the time comes, Black Buddha Lord will not be able to save him.”


Is Fei Kui not afraid at all?

Tang Manqing still does not understand this question.

In the field.

Peng Jia stood with his hand shouldered, staring at Gu Qingfeng under the attic window, and Divine Consciousness also probed.


Nothing can be detected.

Because Gu Qingfeng has nothing on him.

He just stared at it, trying to see some clues in Gu Qingfeng’s eyes, but it seemed that he could not see anything.

Then Gu Qingfeng was so lying on the windowside, eating Spirit Fruit, drinking a little wine, leisurely and at ease, free and easy and meaningless, not at all, there was no panic in his eyes, everything Everything is natural, which makes Peng Jia, who was originally somewhat dreaded with Gu Qingfeng’s identity and background, even more afraid to move.

“hehe, the surname is ancient, the name is Heavenly Wolf, the name is Chixiao…”

Peng Jia said with a sneer: “Good name, really good name!”

Beside, Wei Lao has been frowns, seemingly helpless at this time.


He just wants to quell this incident. He doesn’t know if Gu Qingfeng is a descendant of the emperor, or what he wants to do when he claims to be a emperor. He only knows that this guy has killed many immortals in the northwest. The prince, his identity is very sensitive, and he will suffer a killing disaster at any time. He doesn’t want to let this kind of plague stay in the villa. Otherwise, once his identity is exposed, people from the immortal court will come over, and if Fei Kui calls a group of experts again, it will be inevitable. Cause a large-scale fight, the business of the villa will also be greatly affected.


He also knew that if this matter wanted to calm down, it might not be that simple.

Unless Gu Qingfeng is willing to give in and return all the resources he won yesterday.

Is it just possible?

Look at that kid’s virtues, eating Spirit Fruit, drinking a little wine, looking like it’s not too busy to watch the excitement, his leisurely energy, those who don’t know really think him Just like King Chixiao, how could it be returned.

Look at Fei Kui again.

This man is not tall, but at the moment he is standing there with his hands up, his head held high, glare like a tiger watching his prey, the solemn look, very ruthless eyes, just like peng If Jia Gan acted on Gu Qingfeng, he would really dare to kill these immortal officials.


Wei Lao really can’t figure out why Gu Qingfeng and Fei Kui dare to be so fearless.

Can’t figure it out.

Lao Wei secretly sent a secret sound transmission to Fei Kui, saying: “Fei Big Boss, if you think you can bluff Peng Jia by doing this, I advise you to give up.”

“Your Young Master Ye did make Peng Jia somewhat dreaded about the identity of the ancient Young Master, but it was just jealous. Peng Jia would never give up. He is a face-saving person. Since he is here today, Will not leave easily.”

Fei Kui sound transmission responded: “Sorry, my Young Master Ye is also a face-saving person. If he says he doesn’t pay it back, then he will definitely not pay it back.”

Wei Lao was taken aback, and he was very puzzled. The time he and Fei Kui knew each other was not too short. He clearly knew that Fei Kui was very smooth before, and he would not offend or offend anyone. After meeting Gu Qingfeng today, he has become so horizontal like a different person?

“Fei Kui, Fei Kui! This Gu Qingfeng killed a lot of Xianjue when he was in the Northwest. Now that no one knows his identity, you still don’t settle this matter as soon as possible. It’s really a big mess. When the time comes, you won’t be able to eat, and the black Buddha Lord can’t save you!”

“No need to worry about you.”

Fei Kui’s The voice came again, and the angry old man was a little bit about bullshitting, and said angrily: “Do you really treat this kid as the heir of the emperor, or as the emperor himself? Are you stupid or crazy? Are you okay?” /p>

“Whether Young Master Ye is a descendant of the king or the king himself, it doesn’t matter to me.”

“Then what is important to you?”

“He is the Young Master Ye of this Fei. That alone is enough.”


What reason is this?

Wei Lao even wondered if Fei Kui was really stupid, otherwise, how could he say such absurd things, is it possible that In Fei Kui’s eyes, the existence of Gu Qingfeng is better than the emperor’s successor , Even the king himself is stronger?

This is indeed the case.

Fei Kui is not fooling Wei Lao, but tells the truth.

He really doesn’t know what Gu Qingfeng is, and doesn’t care.

I only know that Huo De once said to him very seriously, if you are lucky enough to see Gu Qingfeng again in the future, then follow him, as long as he is by his side, even if he is just a small driver, he is also the king of heaven. The coachman who didn’t dare to gasp loudly when I met!

Fei Kui always remembered this sentence.

Fei Kui originally thought that in this life there was no chance to meet Gu Qingfeng again.

But I just met today.

This is a good opportunity given by God.

Fei Kui is a smart man and he will never waste this rare opportunity.

At the same time, he is also a grateful person. Even if Gu Qingfeng does not recognize him as a servant today, he will be willing to do what a servant should do at all costs.

In the attic.

Gu Qingfeng doesn’t seem to have much interest in Peng Jia and these immortal people. Instead, his eyes are always on Lin Xianger who is on the high platform. He has a glass of wine, said with a smile: “Sister Xiang’er, why don’t you continue? The tune you just played, I haven’t listened to it to the fullest. Can you play another one?”

“Is it true that I can get praise from the king? Let Xiang’er be flattered…”

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