Supreme Lord

Chapter 947

“What a big tone!”

Peng Jia stared at Fei Kui, coldly said: “Fei Kui, do you think that with the support of the black Buddha Lord, you can act wilfully in Yanluo Country? I tell you, this prince called Big Boss for your face, and if you don’t give you face, you are just clown in the eyes of the prince!”

Peng Jia may be afraid of the black Buddha Lord.

But it does not mean that he is also afraid of Fei Kui.

As the prince of Xianchao and Direct Disciple, his parents are both immortals, so he is naturally not afraid.

Even if Fei Kui can eat well in Yanluo Country, he will only rely on the black Buddha Lord.

Other people didn’t dare to offend Fei Kui, and it didn’t mean Peng Jia didn’t dare.

“Hehe, this is a private matter of this Fei and has nothing to do with the Black Buddha Lord.” Fei Kui still smiled and said, “So, today, Lord Peng does not need to give the Black Buddha Lord this face.”

“hmph! I want to see if the ancient person is who are you, making you so arrogant and arrogant in front of me!”

With a wave, shouted: “Search for me!”

Besides, Yue Jinghong and more than ten immortal officials were about to start the search. Fei Kui, who was opposite, stood up abruptly, and shouted: “My Young Master Ye is ya Intermittently, who dares to disturb Young Master Ye’s Yaxing today, this Fei will kill him!”


With a bang, Peng Jia slapped her body The table in front was smashed, staring at Fei Kui angrily, shouted: “Fei Kui, you are nothing more than a dog under the Black Buddha Lord. I really think the Lord dare not move you?”

Both sides with swords drawn and bows bent.

No one thought that Fei Kui would dare to challenge the Peng’s family, the prince of the immortal court, and threatened that if these immortal officials dared to disturb the Young Master Ye in his mouth, he would do it. Who died?

Yue Jinghong and the others are all immortal officials canonized by the immortal dynasty.

The charge of killing a fairy official is not something ordinary people can afford. Don’t say that Fei Kui is only a subordinate of the Black Buddha Lord, even those Heaven’s Chosen who are in deficit in the Yanluo Kingdom don’t dare. Kill the fairy official.

In the private room on the second floor, Tang Manqing and Shui’er were also very surprised. They did not expect that Fei Kui would dare to challenge Peng Jia for Gu Qingfeng, and looking at the posture, he was not doing it. It looks so simple. Although the Divine Law phase is not working, but it is already beginning to stir, the murderous intention in his eyes is extremely strong. It seems that if these fairy officials in the field search, he really dare to do it.

“Fei Kui, is this fatty stumped mad? If he dares to kill the immortal official, the black Buddha Lord will not be able to keep him!”

Shui’er muttered in horror, standing under the window Tang Manqing is also deeply frowns. She originally thought Fei Kui came out to quell the incident. After all, Gu Qingfeng’s identity cannot be exposed. Once exposed, he will definitely die. If Fei Kui wants to quell this incident, it’s not difficult. He Some are money, so I paid for myself to return what Gu Qingfeng won to Yue Jinghong.

But she never thought that Fei Kui did not come forward to quell the incident, nor did she mean to show weakness. Instead of not, she had an extremely tyrannical attitude, and the tyrannical person threatened to do it for Gu Qingfeng. Kill the fairy official.


Who gave him the courage? Who gave him the guts.

He didn’t know that Gu Qingfeng’s identity could not be exposed?

Why is his attitude so tyrannical?

Is he trying to protect Gu Qingfeng, or does he want to harm Gu Qingfeng?

Why is this?

Tang Manqing really can’t figure it out.


What made her even more unbelievable was that Fei Kui was about to fight with Peng Jia, and that Gu Qingfeng stood in the attic room and climbed on the window edge while drinking a small wine Er, while eating Spirit Fruit, he watched with a smile, the lazy posture, just like watching the excitement.

If Fei Kui is not here to challenge more than a dozen immortal officials here, it seems that the person Peng Jia is looking for this time is not him, but someone else.

Tang Manqing has never seen such a weird person.

She can’t help but ask, is this guy stumped a bit and is not afraid of his identity being exposed?

Why is he?

Because he is the descendant of the king?

His identity can’t keep him, it can only make him die worse.

If it’s not for this, why?

cultivation base? strength?

Does he have one?


Instead of not having it, it is also very weak.

Tang Manqing wanted to ask why this guy is so fearless and dauntless?

She didn’t know, and Wei Lao next to him couldn’t figure it out.

Like Tang Manqing, when he saw Fei Kui come forward, Mr. Wei thought he was here to quell the incident, but didn’t expect that the situation would develop into this way, and he was also wondering how Gu Qingfeng really depended. Someone who dared to stand idly on watching the excitement, too late to think too much, as the two sides were about to fight, Wei Lao immediately came forward to stop it.

“I also hope that the two don’t be impatients, you are all distinguished guests of the villa. You should know the rules of the villa.”

When Wei Lao came out, whether it was Peng The immortal officials such as Jia and Yue Jinghong didn’t do anything, and the murderous intention in Fei Kui’s eyes also converged.


They all know the rules of Exquisite Mountain Village.

That is, even if you have great grievances, you can’t do it in the villa.

This is the rule set by Sister Hong.

No one dares to violate.

Because everyone knows that the tables and chairs in the villa are very expensive. If they are damaged, they need to be compensated.

The value of this compensation is definitely far beyond your imagination.

Even if it’s just a weed, Sister Hong dare to ask you to pay 800,000 compensation. If you damage the tables and chairs, the damage can be as little as 10 million, and as much as hundreds of million.

Whether you are the Direct Disciple of the Four Great Families, or Heaven’s Chosen with the deficit head and the rudder, even the fairy officer of Immortal Mansion is no exception.

Don’t doubt whether Sister Hong has this ability or the courage. Over the past 100 years, countless facts have proved that Sister Hong absolutely has this ability and the courage.

The Direct Disciple of the Seven Great Families used to act recklessly here. Three days later, his family Sect Elder personally took him to the door to apologize and compensate the Spirit Stone worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

Several unbelieving geniuses who used to lose their heads and split the rudder did their hands here. Afterwards, Branch Lord, who had a deficit and split the rudder, personally came to apologize for compensation.

An Immortal Mansion who once smoked Immortal Mansion made trouble here, and he also personally visited the door to apologize and compensate.

There used to be a few act recklessly masters from other places who worked here without money, and ended up doing handyman here for more than 30 years.

There used to be a few Loose Immortal troublemakers here, and then…no more…because they all disappeared as unfathomable mystery…

What exactly is Sister Hong? What background?

People who don’t know dare not ask.

People who know don’t dare to say.

I only know that Sister Hong’s face is so big that it is as big as Four Great Families Seven Great Sects, the deficit head and even Yanluo Immortal Mansion and Yanluo Imperial Family dare not give her this face.

“Manager Wei, I know the rules of the villa, and I don’t want to make trouble here.” Peng Jia stared at Fei Kui, coldly said, “I just want to meet the Young Master who is surnamed Gu, that’s all. , Is it difficult to even give this prince the face?” Lao Wei pondered for a moment, and the corner of his eye looked at Gu Qingfeng in the attic. After thinking for a while, he said: “The ancient Young Master has been Under the attic window, if Dajue Peng wants to see him, he will look up, why bother to fight like this.”

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