Supreme Lord

Chapter 933

72 Earthly Fiend?

Black Buddha?

Gu Qingfeng looked startled, then turned to laughter, a silhouette of a person gradually appeared in his mind.

That is a fatty.

A fatty bald.

A fatty who smiles like Maitreya Buddha.

At the same time, it is also an extremely wretched, base and shameless, and fatty.

“Do you mean the big rich man whose surname is Dong, Hu, or Dong Old Hu, nicknamed Blackheart Buddha.”

“Of course it is the fatty named Dong.” Shui The child seemed very upset, and mumbled: “But that dead fatty is now the richest man in our Yanluo country, with countless assets, and the richest man of an enemy country.”

“You Yanluo’s richest man, yet rich as an enemy country. …Hahaha!”

Gu Qingfeng laughed heartily.

He really didn’t expect that insignificant and dirty fatty at the time has now become a rich man, and motherfucker is the kind of a wealthy country.

However, thinking about it carefully is also expected.

Dong Fatty loved money when he was a child, and he was still a typical example of wanting money without life.

I still remember clearly that when the Chixiao Sect robbed the Spiritual Veins of the Immortal Dynasty, Dong Fatty grabbed the most each time. This servant has a special sense of smell for all kinds of treasures. And doing business well, speculation is even better.

This makes Gu Qingfeng a little bit emotional.

There were not many fattys in Chixiao Sect back then, but they were all human beings.

Not to mention that Fatty Wang was the emperor who founded the country in the South China Sea.

Now a Dong fatty becomes the richest man in Yanluo country.

All are motherfucker, a group of shameless animals!


It is night.

The starlight is bright and the moonlight is soft.

Yunhao Palace.

In a courtyard.

Tang Manqing stood quietly, looking at the bright moon in the night sky, in a daze. After a long time, she took out a picture from the storage bag.

The painting is very ethereal, like smoke and clouds, as if it would change, more like having life.

This is a pair of smart words, but also a picture of spirit.

The painting was left by Yanluo Empress Tang Hengsuo. Tang Manqing found it by chance. She also knew about the aunt and the Chixiao King from this painting, this ethereal and smart painting, Carrying the whole process of aunt and King Chixiao from meeting and owing to acquaintance.

Divine Consciousness feels like a dream and illusion, and more like being on the scene.

From the painting, Tang Manqing can clearly feel the mood of Aunt at that time, and he can also clearly feel the countless miss for the king when Aunt composes this painting.

A King Chixiao knows these things, and he may be the real king.

But what if the two Chixiao Kings knew about it?

This is why.

She couldn’t understand until now.

Why did the two people who claim to be the King of Scarlet Clouds know about the encounter between the king and the aunt, how did they know?

I don’t know.

“Princess, are you unhappy?”

Shui’er walked over and saw Tang Manqing alone in a daze, and asked: “Is it because Gu Qingfeng that liar pretended to be the king? The reason for this?”

“Before, when I met the King of Scarlet Clouds enshrined by the Black Buddha Lord, I asked him about the aunt. He knew everything clearly, and I thought he would be true …” Tang Manqing murmured a little lost: “Until Gu Qingfeng also knew about aunt, I realized that I was too naive…”

Is Tang Manqing unhappy?


She is just a little lost.

Not for myself, but for the aunt Tang Heng.

How much she wants to meet the real Emperor Chixiao, and tell him that aunt has been looking for him.

I originally thought that King Chixiao was real, but she also hoped to be real…


Hope is also shattered…

How can she not lose her.

“The county lord, don’t worry about this. That guy is not a good person at first sight. Don’t talk about the king, he is the descendant of the king. It’s not always certain whether he might even The Chi Young Master Yan in the Northwest is a fake.”

Shui’er thought of Gu Qingfeng, who was sitting and standing without standing in the daytime, and was a little angry, saying: “Otherwise, the county lord , I’ll ask him, if he doesn’t explain honestly, I will torture him! See if he is still honest and not honest.”

“He is weak now. If you do something to him, you will undoubtedly have to His life.”

“What about then?”


“Wait? What are you waiting for? Sheriff, do you still think Keep him?”

“I want to figure out how he knows about the aunt and the king. This is very important to me.”

The two are chatting, one Elderly walked into the Bieyuan, it was Feng Bo.

Seeing Feng Bo’s arrival, Tang Manqing immediately asked: “Feng Bo, how is the matter going, how did Mr. Zhu answer.”

I’m back this time.

Tang Manqing did not intend to verify the authenticity of King Chixiao.

Meeting Gu Qingfeng was a complete coincidence.

There is only one reason for her return, which is for an Ancient Vestige that belonged to the Dark Age of Ancient Era. This ruin appeared in the territory of Yanluo. Reasonable in every circumstance. Don’t interfere, but now Xian Dynasty not only wants to interfere, but also means to occupy.


This is not the first time that the Xian Dynasty has been so arrogant and unreasonable.

Yanluo Imperial Family’s blind retreat did not get the friendship of Xian Dynasty, but made Xian Dynasty even more unscrupulous.

So, this time Yanluo Imperial Family is ready to no longer give in, and is ready to negotiate with Xian Dynasty.

As a member of the Imperial Family, Tang Manqing would naturally not stand idly by, and she knew better that negotiating with Xian Dynasty requires the support of 49 large and small forces within Yanluo Kingdom.

Four Great Families and Seven Great Sects in Yanluo Country, her Uncle, also the Yanluo Emperor, came forward to negotiate, and she was responsible for the negotiation with the Sect family of Yanluo Kingdom Splendid Big Region.

Splendid Domain is one of the rich domains of Yanluo Country.

There are countless large and small forces in the domain. Although not as large as Four Great Families Seven Great Sects, they are not to be glimpsed.

In these days when she came back, she has been running around, meeting and discussing with Sect Master patriarch from Great Clans and Great Sect in the Fairview Domain, but the situation is not optimistic. Although most of the Sect family say It sounds good, I will support Yanluo country, but it is nothing serious. As for whether I will support Yanluo Imperial Family’s negotiation with Xian Dynasty, the answer is ambiguous, even if it was some Sect family who had a good relationship with her father. It’s all so.

“Old Zhu, like everyone else, has an ambiguous attitude and is watching.”

Discovering that Tang Manqing’s expression was lost, Uncle Feng said: “The princess should not worry too much. After a few days, when the prince comes back, as long as he comes forward, the large and small forces of Jinxiuyu will agree. They dare not give the prince’s face.”

“My father…”

Although he has already notified his father, it’s just…the father has never replied, and Tang Manqing can’t even determine whether his father has received his letter.

“Moreover, they are watching Four Great Families and Seven Great Sects. As long as they nodded and agree, the large and small forces in Yanluo Country will also stand up and support us.”


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