Supreme Lord

Chapter 927

“This little brother, is the news from the Great Northwest so closed and backward? Why don’t you even know who the emperor of the Yanluo Kingdom is.”

Gu Qingfeng laughed embarrassingly, nodded, responding: “Yes.”


Guzhenyuan sighed then said, and said truthfully: “Now the emperor of Yanluo country is Yunqi The Great.”

Yun Qi?

Gu Qingfeng has some impression at first glance.

Recalling carefully, the silhouette of a little ass child came to mind, and then I remembered that Yun Qi seemed to be the youngest prince and also Tang Heng’s favorite younger brother.

In Gu Qingfeng’s memory, that was a very naughty Little Brat, and he was very courageous. When he was in Yanluo country, this Little Brat often followed his ass and wandered around. Not only followed him through the Cave Mansion, but also followed him to kill people.

didn’t expect to be emperor now.

With emotion, Gu Qingfeng asked cautiously, “Where’s Tang Hsiao?”

“little brother, are you really from the northwestern part of the country?”


“What’s the matter?”

“Even if you are from the northwestern border, you should have heard of King Chixiao?”

“This…” Gu Qingfeng nodded, replied: “I have heard of it, right?”

“After the emperor was tried by immortal dao, Empress abdicated and gave way to Emperor Yunqi, and then went to find the emperor. ……The Empress has never believed that the king will be judged, and has always believed that the king is still alive, so…Empress has always been looking for the king!”


Listen After Gu Zhenyuan said, Gu Qingfeng fell silent for a moment.

After a while, I asked again: “Is there no news from her for such a long time?”

“I heard…I heard from the prince, Empress I’ve been back a few times…”

“What about then?”

“Then? There is no more…”

“How come there is no after.”

“little brother.” Gu Zhenyuan said embarrassingly: “I’m just a family member of the palace, how can I know the whereabouts of Empress Empress.”

hearing this.

Gu Qingfeng realized that he was a bit too persistent.

“Are you alone in the entire palace? Where are the others?”

“The prince and the princess are out on a trip, and the princess often stayed in Top Sect before and rarely came back In normal times, only me and Master stay here to guard the palace.”

“Is the princess still in Top Sect now?”

“The princess has not come back yet Going back.”

“Oh? Where is she?”

“The princess went out with my Master. He should be back at sunset.” Gu Zhenyuan While speaking, he stood up and said, “Little brother, you just woke up from a coma and you are very weak. Let’s sit here and rest first. Wait for me to freshen up and get you some food later. .”


After the ancient town was far away, Gu Qingfeng was free and wandered around.

When I was walking around, I was like a headless fly. Now I know that this is the Yunhao Palace. With the memory of that year, Gu Qingfeng still has some impression.

Be aware that when I was in Yanluo country, apart from being with Tang Heng, I spent most of the other time eating and drinking merrily with Tang Yunhao in this palace. The two were considered birds of a feather, Both like to drink, and when they are drunk, they like to fight around. What impressed me the most was that after being drunk, Tang Yunhao’s servant directly called all the top kiln sisters from Yanluo Kingdom.

Not only he was there, but also the little prince Yunqi, but he was also drunk at the time, and the two clamored to make these kiln sisters the little prince Yunqi******Now think of it Gu Qingfeng couldn’t help but want to laugh, because the incident was finally discovered by Tang Hengsuo. As you can imagine, Tang Hsiao, who has always been gentle and pleasant, beat her big brother with bloody nose and swollen face, and Gu Qingfeng was okay, when he saw that the situation was not good, he ran away, but was later caught up by Tang Hengsei, and he was beaten.

Gu Qingfeng also realized that he shouldn’t be fooling around with Tang Heng’s younger brother, the little prince, so he didn’t fight back, and let Tang Heng be beaten and scolded. In the end, he cried while beating Tang Heng’s unfathomable mystery… …And crying very sadly. It was also that time that Gu Qingfeng knew that Tang Heng’s surface strength was in disguise. Her heart had been bearing too many pressures that did not belong to her and should not be borne by her.

Perhaps it was Tang Heng’s crying that time that made Gu Qingfeng determined to help her at all costs.

“I don’t know where she is now? How is her going?”

Gu Qingfeng didn’t feel that he owed Tang Heng concubine anything before. He just heard that Tang Heng concubine was always looking for herself. Quite complicated.

He awakened this time, not because of cause and effect.

Only for debt repayment.

Repay all the debt of kindness.

Since I came to Yanluo Country again this time, Gu Qingfeng thought, he must find Tang Hengsao anyway and tell her that there is no need to wait any longer, no need to find any more, and I will come back by myself.


Where is she?

While thinking about it, Gu Qingfeng suddenly noticed the hostility coming, and then a stern shout came out: “Who is so bold, dare to trespass into Yunhao Palace!”

Turn around and look.

I was surprised to find a woman glaring at herself. It was a young girl in a green dress. She was holding a Flying Sword and was about to attack. When she saw Gu Qingfeng, her expression suddenly started, as if very Surprised, he retracted Flying Sword again and shouted, “Is it you?”

Two more people walked in immediately.

One is Elderly wearing a gray robe, and the other is a woman wearing a blue clothed skirt.

The woman’s face is beautiful but not glamorous, she is as gentle as a breeze and bright moon, and her eyes are tender as water, which makes her heart pity. It also makes Gu Qingfeng feel like he’s familiar with each other, as if the woman in front of him was from that year. Yan Luo empress Tang Hengsuo.

Very similar.

But it’s just the appearance has several points of likeness.

Gu Qingfeng knows she is not.

This is indeed the case.

The girl in Biyi is Shuier.

The woman who resembles the Empress Yanluo has several points of is no one else, she is Tang Heng’s niece, Tang Yunhao’s daughter, Tang Manqing.

The Elderly next to him is the steward of the Royal Palace and the Master of Gu Zhenyuan, Feng Bo.

“Heavens! You finally woke up after being in a coma for so long. I thought you would never wake up.”

Shui’er stared at her eyes and surrounded Gu Qingfeng looked up and down, and found that Gu Qingfeng was staring at the princess unscrupulously, and Shuier yelled: “Hey, what are you looking at! We are Young Lady, but the princess Yanluo is your life saving benefactor. , Goug your eyes out!”

Just now I saw that this woman is similar to Tang Hsiao has several points of, and Gu Qingfeng has already guessed that she should be the princess Tang Manqing.

He was not idle either, and thanked him.

“No need to be polite, no effort at all that’s all.” Tang Manqing looked at Gu Qingfeng and said, “You just woke up, and your body is still very weak. This is an Essence Condensation Pill, you take it. “

Although this thing did not have any effect on Gu Qingfeng’s fleshy body, he did not refuse, and obediently and honestly took it down.

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