Supreme Lord

Chapter 925

I don’t know how long it has been.

Gu Qingfeng really didn’t know, when he found that his fleshy body was waking up from a deep sleep, he also gradually became aware.

When I opened my eyes, it was dark and I couldn’t see anything.

After a long time, the darkness gradually dissipated and became hazy and blurred until it became clearer and clearer.

He tried to sit up, feeling soft, without any strength.

Gu Qingfeng is not the first time to rebirth from death, and naturally I don’t feel surprised. Every time he’s reborn from death, he becomes weak. This kind of weakness is not the weakness of the fleshy body, but a kind of Essence, Qi, and Spirit’s weakness requires a long time to recover.

Fortunately, Gu Qingfeng is used to it.

I don’t feel any discomfort either.

I opened my eyes and the first thing I did was roll up my sleeves and look at my left arm. As expected, my left arm was covered with red-gray mysterious lines, just like blood vessels. In the same way, he tried to move, but he didn’t feel anything wrong, and his wrist fingers were more dictated.

I wonder if my original sin arm is also in a state of chaos because of death and rebirth?

I don’t know.

Gu Qingfeng also didn’t bother to worry about it.

He looked up and looked around, it looked like a bedroom.

The bedroom is very simple.

Except for a bed and a futon, there is nothing else.

However, the Spiritual Qi in the bedroom is quite abundant. Gu Qingfeng took a look. The bedroom is enveloped by two Formations, one is Spirit Gathering Array, and the other is Origin Gathering Array.

Spirit Gathering Array is a must-learn array for every cultivation person. It is covered by Formation and can absorb the Spiritual Qi of nature with peace of mind.

As for Origin Gathering Array, this is an array used to heal wounds and also to replenish vitality.

And there is only Gu Qingfeng in the bedroom.

Apparently it was set up for him.

“It seems that I met a good-hearted person.”

Although Gu Qingfeng knows the ability to perish and rebirth.

But I just know that’s all.

As for where his fleshy body will die and rebirth, he does not know and cannot control it. Although he is not worried that the fleshy body will be in danger after rebirth, he can meet good people. , After all, luck is good, and it is also a thing to be happy about, at least don’t worry about being treated like the same kind by some beasts.

Getting off the bed, Gu Qingfeng moved his limbs, hands and feet, then walked over and opened the door.

Outside the house.

sun shone brightly, quite dazzling.

It seems that the weather is pretty good.

In the chaotic consciousness, Gu Qingfeng has no concept of time at all, and he does not know how long he has slept in this sleep. It just feels that it should not be short.

I looked around and found that this is a villa.

Birds, Speech, Flowers, Fragrances in the Bieyuan.

The sight is good.

Gu Qingfeng wanted to take out Divine Consciousness, and then I thought about it and forget it. I just woke up, Essence, Qi, and Spirit are weak and not suitable for using Divine Consciousness. I carefully observed and pondered The people in this villa should be the masters of either wealth or nobility. If nothing else, from the perspective of the numerous formations that cover the villa, they are not ordinary cultivation people.

Wandering around, he became more determined in his inner guess, and he found that this was not a villa at all, but a very grand mansion.

What makes Gu Qingfeng more puzzled is that he always feels that this place is a little familiar, as if he has been here, but for a while he wants to do not raise.

I wanted to find someone Ask.

I found that there is no one in such a big mansion.

He visited several courtyards in a row, but there was no one.

This is really strange enough.

Gu Qingfeng returned to the original courtyard, sitting on the stone bench of the pavilion, and wanted to take out a couple of sips of fine wine, but thoughts moved, but did not respond. He looked down and found that his waist was long gone. After thinking about it for a storage bag, I couldn’t help but shook his head and laughed.

His robe was made from the Nine Nether ancestral fire, many Heaven and Earth treasures, and his own blood spirit sacrifices. It has been fuse together with the fleshy body, when it was reborn from the dead, Naturally, there is no need to worry.

The storage bag is different.

Although he has practiced again, but after all, it is just a storage bag.

Neither can he withstand the judgment of Heaven and Earth, nor can he be reborn after the death of his fleshy body.

So, before the Heaven and Earth trial, he gave his storage bag to Little Jin’er and let her take care of it.

Think of Little Jin’er, Gu Qingfeng couldn’t help but think of that innocent, cute girl.

“I don’t know what year is this eve, and what Little Jin’er is now…”

Gu Qingfeng knows that Little Jin’er exists very special, so special that even him I don’t know what kind of existence the little girl is.

Of course.

He doesn’t care either.

Just rush to Little Jin’er that is innocent, cute and cute, and that Big Brother is enough, especially when the Heaven and Earth trial comes, Little Jin’er is very serious Say, wait for yourself until the end of time.

Up until now when I think about it, Gu Qingfeng’s heart is full of moving.

He is an orphan with no father and no mother. He has no concept of family affection since he was a child. After he grows up, he will not only fight and kill, but also fight and kill, let alone, the appearance of Little Jin’er makes He felt the existence of a kind of affection.

This kind of feeling is very beautiful. It is so beautiful that Gu Qingfeng will not give up easily, will not abandon it, let alone allow anyone to destroy it.

I was sighing.

The sound of footsteps came.

Gu Qingfeng turned around and looked over, walking into the Bieyuan by himself.

That is a tall young man, back of a tiger and waist of a bear, wearing only a pair of trousers, naked upper body is full of tendon muscles, especially two arms, one piece The bulging muscle seems to contain explosive power, which is very eye-catching.

This hunk man is holding a double-ringed broadsword, sweating like he had just been cultivating some ferocious martial arts.

When he walked into Bieyuan and saw Gu Qingfeng sitting there, his expression was also stunned. A pair of tigers were stunned and looked surprised, and said, “Little brother, You…are you awake?”

“Yes, I am awake.”

Gu Qingfeng looked up and down the majestic and mighty man, and found that the cultivation base was pretty good. I cultivated the Primordial Spirit Dharma Idol, and it is also the Primordial Spirit Dharma Idol of great good fortune. Take a closer look, good guy, it is still a rare Vajra Dafa image.

This is the Dafa of Buddhism.

However, the Buddhist physiognomy is usually cultivated by people. This requires Buddha’s predestined relationship. Those who have no predestined relationship with the Buddha, no matter how high the aptitude, no matter how good the perception, can’t be cultivated.


This person is destined to Buddhism.

That is really fate.

Because Gu Qingfeng not only sees that this servant has the Primordial Spirit Dharma Idol of the Buddhist school, but even the treasure is also the treasure of the Buddhist school. It is the treasure of the Buddha school. It is even rarer to see. According to such a natural treasure, the strength of the fleshy body may not be said to be so powerful, but the strength of its fleshy body is like Buddha Mountain. No matter how powerful you are, it is difficult to shake it.

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