Supreme Lord

Chapter 908

“Chaotic mutation, Extreme Yin Yang, Buddha of the Buddha, worship in Vientiane…”

Pudu is also full of horror, staring at the infinitely changing Tai Chi Primordial Spirit, The mind and soul are trembling, and so is the soul. He couldn’t help muttering in amazement, “He…how…how can he achieve such terrifying terrifying things…this is a taboo, an ancient unknown taboo!”


An ancient unknown taboo.

Not only does Purdue know it, but Xuanyuanwan from Holy Land also knows it.

But I just know that this is an ancient unknown taboo, nothing more.

As for why it is a taboo, and how old it is, they don’t know.

I only know that it is terrifying…very terrifying.

The sky full of Tai Chi Primordial Spirit is still changing endlessly, like a god cry, like a demon howl, like a Buddha sound, and like a fairy music… like Asura fighting, like ghosts roaring, like the entire void Yes.

That Gu Qingfeng still stands in the void, standing with his hands under his shoulders, never moved from beginning to end, his clothes are still flying slightly, and his black hair is flying freely on his cold face. In her expression, unemotional, worry-free and worry-free, nothing.

When his eyes were opened, a pair of originally gloomy eyes turned gray at some unknown time, and the gray ones were like chaos.

At this time.

The sky full of Tai Chi Primordial Spirit stopped changing and stood still here, like a lifelike picture of purgatory.

Gu Qingfeng raised his eyes to look at the distorted Great Sun Judgment, but he didn’t see any actions. The countless Great Sun Judgment just disappeared like a bubble and disappeared. …

In the distance.

This world immortal dao Ruler Danqing is still in the void, his face is pale and ugly, his eyes are bulging, full of fear, endless fear, he wants to use Force of Immortal Dao, but there is no With this, his mind has long been disintegrated by the awe-inspiring awe-inspiring Buddha, not to mention using the immortal dao law, at this moment, he can’t even move, even his fleshy body can’t even feel it.

He is so, and this world’s Heavenly Dao Ruler Chaoyuan is no exception. Both of them are still in the void, unable to move even a little bit, when they touch Gu Qingfeng’s pair of likeness The chaotic eyes instantly resembled Five Thunderbolts, and the soul seemed to be squeezed. His whole body couldn’t help twitching, and his facial features were distorted.

“I said, today I will die or not, I don’t know, but you two will definitely.”

Gu Qingfeng’s voice came, like a god and a demon. Howling, like the music of the Buddha, seems to come from the sky, it seems to come from the sky, and it also comes from all directions, all-inclusive, like all things in the common people, and like all living beings.

Danqing and Chaoyuan are scared.

I’m completely scared.

They struggled, but it was useless.

They shouted, but they couldn’t say a word.

They can do nothing but watch.

Gu Qingfeng stepped out, shrank to a foot, and instantly appeared in front of Dan Qing, lightly saying: “immortal dao, since you insist on tossing, then let’s start from here.”

The voice fell, the palms fell, and there was a bang. Dan Qing scattered ashes and dispersed smoke on the spot. He didn’t even hum, and even his soul was destroyed by Gu Qingfeng’s palm. There is no reincarnation in death.

“Heavenly Dao, you are no exception!”


The palm is lifted and dropped.

Chaoyuan also scattered ashes and dispersed smoke in an instant.


One is the immortal dao Ruler of this world, and the other is the Heavenly Dao Ruler of this world. Gu Qingfeng slapped him to death in the face of the Great Dao of Heavens. Tiandadao didn’t say anything to stop it, and he didn’t even dare to let go.

Stop it?

What to stop?

Gu Qingfeng used to abolish an endless amount of Tai Chi Golden Pills, they took out the sky full of immortal dao and they couldn’t shake the whole day of the light trial. Now Gu Qingfeng has conceived endless Tai Chi Primordial. Spirit, and it is still an ancient taboo in the legend, the Buddhas worshipped in Vientiane.

The taboo itself is already terrifying.

Adding the old two words makes it more terrifying.

If the unknown taboo is added, this is no longer as simple as terrifying.

Although the avenue is a avenue, it is only one of the endless origins and laws of Heaven and Earth.

Since the pilgrimage of the Buddhas in Vientiane is classified as an unknown fear, it is not an existence that can be touched by the Dao.

Under this situation, how dare these roads move?

The answer is yes.

No one dares.

Don’t say that Grand Dao Source is now regenerating unstable. Even if the regenerate is completed, they dare not act blindly without thinking in the face of unknown taboos.

“I have no magic in my heart, at least not before this.”

Gu Qingfeng looked at the oriental sky, with an indifferent expression, and said: “But it’s just It’s just before, not before, doesn’t mean there won’t be in the future.”

The strange thing is.

His whole body was unfathomable mystery, and the gray smoke appeared, and the gray smoke grew bigger and bigger, spreading, and enveloped the void.

“In the past, I never considered myself a threat. In the future, even if I don’t want to, I have to admit that my own is indeed a threat. The only difference is that you used to threaten Three Thousand Great. Daos, I will not only threaten you Three Thousand Great Daos in the future…”

What do you mean?

What is he talking about?

I don’t know.

Everyone was attracted by the billowing gray smoke rising all over him, which seemed to be a kind of golden core breath.

Yes, it is a kind of golden core.

How could this happen!

Gu Qingfeng has just conceived an endless amount of Tai Chi Golden Pills into the Tai Chi Primordial Spirit, and it is still an ancient and terrifying unknown taboo. Why is the breath of Golden Pills appearing all over his body?


This golden pill’s breath is like Tai Chi, but it’s not like it. It’s more vast than Tai Chi golden pill.


That is not vastness, but an endless.

What’s more terrifying is that this breath of golden core is evil and crazy, violent and cruel.

Tai Chi Golden Pill is the sacred creation between Heaven and Earth. It can be said to be the purest and most incomparable. It is basically impossible and half evil.

What exactly is it?

No one knows, only know that when Gu Qingfeng’s body was full of gas and smoke, the originally still Vientiane Buddha statue once again made the sound of gods and devil howling, Buddha’s music and music, all-inclusive, not only that , Zhu Shengfu Tu surrounded Gu Qingfeng and really began to worship.

The gods and Buddhas are worshipping all over the sky.

It’s like a fairy demon in the sky worshiping.

This scene is crazy and breathtaking.

It is even more frightening from in the depth of one’s soul.

Imagine that the sky full of gods and Buddhas and sky full of immortals worship an evil, crazy, violent and cruel existence. What a terrifying thing they can’t imagine. What kind of evil talent will make the endlessly changing Tai Chi Primordial Spirit worship so?

The people of Xuanyuanwan, Naruo, Hu Meiniang and others are scared, scared to in the bones, and scared to the soul. They want to leave, really want to, but they can’t move, nor Dare to move, just so still in the void, the soul is shrouded in endless fear.

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