Supreme Lord

Chapter 897

“You are planning to seal the thing first, and then come back and kill me. It seems that the impact of ancient calamity on the avenue is really not small, even you have learned to be cautious.”

Gu Qingfeng didn’t move forward after obliterating Yu Zhentian, let alone make a move. Instead, he continued to sit on the rock, drinking wine and staring at the well, as if hesitating.

“We are not cautious because we are afraid of you, but we just don’t want to make things worse, nothing more.”

Xuanyuanwan stared at Gu Qingfeng, which also said indifferently:” You should feel the determination to get all the avenues. Today you hard to avoid calamity.”

Gu Qingfeng asked: “So.”

“So, I hope you don’t want to Do unnecessary struggles.”


Gu Qingfeng smiled slightly, squinted his eyes, stared at the mouth of the well, and was silent.

And the opposite.

Xuanyuanwan and the people of all avenues seem to be very worried that he will rush over, and they all stare attentively. Once they find that Gu Qingfeng is doing anything, they will do it the first time. They, even the many murderous intentions that have enveloped Gu Qingfeng, have become more intense, seeming to be on guard and warning.

“Don’t be so nervous, that thing is very unstable now. You don’t know how terrifying it is. I also don’t know. You don’t dare to do it now, and I don’t dare to do it here. In this case, you dare not to act blindly without thinking, and I am no exception. Others who are interested in this thing, I am afraid they dare not.”


On the other side, the demon’s Humei Niang said with a smile: “Lord, why your Senior has become so humble? This is not like your usual style. This is between Heaven and Earth, and your Senior is not Do you dare to do something?”

“Demon girl, you think too much, I have always been a humble, honest and honest person.”

“he he he ……Modest? Honest? Honest? He he he ……Dear uncle, thank you for letting you hear the funniest joke between Heaven and Earth.”

Gu Qingfeng laughed and said, “Look It will take some time for the light of destiny to dissipate when you get up. Anyway, you are idle. Or, let’s talk?”


Gu Qingfeng’s words made Su Wei and the others in the field uncomfortable.

secretly sighed This Gu Qingfeng is truly the King of Chixiao.

You just wiped out Yu Zhentian in front of so many people on the great road, and also crushed the immortal dao edict.

Fiercely’s humiliation of Three Thousand Great Daos turned over.

What did you say nonchalantly now? To be idle is to be idle? Still chatting?

I have seen a bully, but I have never seen such a bully!

Xuanyuanwan said: “We have nothing to talk about with you.”

Gu Qingfeng looked at her and looked up and down, with very aggressive eyes on Xuanyuanwan’s body. Sweeping around made Xuanyuanwan very uncomfortable, as if she appeared naked in front of him, and as if all the secrets were clearly seen by him.

This made Xuanyuanwan both embarrassed and surprised.

Because this kind of thing has never happened to her.

“Have you seen enough.”

Xuanyuanwan was slightly angry, and deep in one’s heart was also a little panicked.

“The love of beauty is something that everyone has. When facing the stunner in the world, it is inevitable to look at it.” Gu Qingfeng said with a smile: “Are you from Holy Land?”

“yes and how?”

“Fu surname Xuanyuan?”

“How do you know?”

Xuanyuan was puzzled in her heart, she never I have seen him, and I rarely walk around. Besides, not everyone in Holy Land has the surname Xuanyuan. How did this person know?

And Gu Qingfeng not at all responded to her and continued to ask: “Xuanyuanhuan is who you are?”

When Xuanyuanhuan heard about Xuanyuanhuan, Xuanyuanwan was suddenly shocked and asked in surprise: “Do you know me aunt?”

“Oh? So she was your aunt. No wonder, I said you are so familiar.”

“How do you know me aunt?”

Xuanyuanwan’s heart is full of doubts. In her impression, her aunt has disappeared for thousands of years. She doesn’t even know where the aunt is. How did this person meet?

“How many times have I met you aunt.”



” You…”

Xuanyuanwan pondered for a moment, staring at Gu Qingfeng, and said: “Even if you know me aunt, I won’t show mercy to you today.”

“hehe “

Gu Qingfeng laughed, not at all, taking Xuanyuanwan’s words seriously, but looked at the sky, as if he felt something, and immediately, his eyes fell on Pudu’s body and asked “I said the old monk, did you Xitian deliberately awaken the Lord Buddha Senior in order to deal with me?”


Pudu put his hands together and bowed his head. Said: “Since the ancient layman has been aware of it, I hope you can repent and be saved, and return the incarnation of my Buddha’s Great Day Tathagata.”

Next to it.

Su Wei has been standing quietly, and she doesn’t know much about many things. She can’t get involved with the Three Thousand Great Daos, but when Purdue said that he wanted Gu Qingfeng to return the incarnation of the great day Tathagata At that time, Su Hua suddenly felt that the world was spinning, and Qianshan who was with her was no exception.

Both of them have heard Little Jin’er say that Gu Qingfeng kidnapped the incarnation of Da Ri Tathagata.

However, both of them felt that Gu Qingfeng was boasting and coaxing Little Jin’er.

Up to this moment, when they saw Pudu from the Western Sky asking Gu Qingfeng for the incarnation of the big day Tathagata, the two realized that Gu Qingfeng was not boasting and he was not coaxing Little Jin’er, but really The incarnation who kidnapped Dainichi Tathagata!

Oh heaven!

It’s all true!

This guy…

Su Hua is messy, and Qianshan is even more so. She still remembers clearly that Gu Qingfeng also took out a Buddha statue that day, it’s hard to say that The dilapidated Buddha statue is the incarnation of the great day Tathagata? Qianshan was also dumbfounded.

“It’s not impossible for me to return the incarnation of the great day Tathagata to you, but what about you Xitian, do you have any indication?”

Gu Qingfeng’s voice biography Coming, Purdue didn’t seem to expect him to say that, first it was startled, and then hesitated.

“Well, since we came back, we have been obediently and honestly, and have never provoke anyone. As for you, Xitian, but hiding in the Taixuan monument to suppress me, then I can only tie up first Da Ri Tathagata is annoyed by incarnation.”

“Of course, you said I threatened you Xitian, I don’t mind, because I am indeed threatening.”

“Sinner! You threatened It’s not just the West Heavenly Buddha Dao!” Chaoyuan shouted: “You have achieved an endless amount of Tai Chi gold pill, and the threat is Three Thousand Great Daos!”

If you heard of Gu Qingfeng kidnapping before After the great day Tathagata incarnation makes Su Wei and Qianshan messy, then when they heard that Gu Qingfeng had also achieved an endless amount of Tai Chi Golden Pills, the two of them couldn’t believe their ears and were completely stunned. Got there.

When Gu Qingfeng achieved Tai Chi Golden Pill, both of them were there and witnessed Gu Qingfeng personally destroying Tai Chi Golden Pill.

At the time, they thought that Gu Qingfeng was afraid of not being able to survive the Tai Chi Dao catastrophe.

But when they were at Fengyun Mountain Villa later, they once again discovered that Gu Qingfeng used the power of Tai Chi Golden Core. The two suspected that Gu Qingfeng had achieved two, but even if they achieved two, they were in Tai Xuan that day. Gu Qingfeng scattered ashes and dispersed smoke under the stele, the remaining Tai Chi Golden Pill should also dissipate.

Until this time I met Gu Qingfeng again in the Northwest, Su Wei personally tried and found that Gu Qingfeng could still use the power of Tai Chi Golden Pill.

She doubted whether Gu Qingfeng had achieved three Tai Chi Golden Pills.

But it’s just suspicion.

Because that, after all, is the golden pill of Tai Chi, it is the existence of the true destiny and the king.

No one in Ancient Era has ever achieved Tai Chi Golden Core.

In modern times and ancient times, if a person can achieve Tai Chi Golden Core, it is already a great fortune. If there are two, then it is simply the king of people, and if it achieves three, it is almost impossible.


In any case, Su Wei never thought that it was…Gu Qingfeng did not achieve one Tai Chi Golden Pill, nor two, let alone three, but an endless Tai Chi Golden Pill. .

Perhaps these things were so frightening that Su Wei couldn’t bear it in his heart. On the verge of collapse, his body was a little unstable.

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