Supreme Lord

Chapter 888

The Elderly named Danqing, with white beard and hair, wearing a white robe, quite divine poise and sagelike features, shining with a faintly discernible white brilliance, like the sun and light, the mighty and pure immortal might. Purifying everything in the world makes people deep in one’s heart involuntarily in awe.

The eminent monk named Pudu folded his hands together, and his body was full of light yellow gleams, containing the breath of the Great Buddha. This breath of Buddha is continuously vast and endless, as if it could save everything in the world.

The middle-aged man called Chaoyuan, with a majestic complexion and imposing manner, appeared as if the sky was pressed down, and was accompanied by the terrifying rolling Heavenly Might, as if he were dominating Everything in the world.

The three Grand Dao Lords of this world appeared, and those who had been ridiculed and laughed in the mist became serious.

“Junior Yu Zhentian, give the immortal dao edict, and meet the three Seniors!”

Yu Zhentian is not a fool, although it is not clear whether the three Seniors are who, but from The powerful spiritual aura on the three of them could guess more or less, did not dare to neglect, and immediately bowed down.

“You are a little edict, what are you doing here.”

The immortal dao Ruler Dan Senior Qing of this world gave him a look and reprimanded him. What he said Something embarrassing Yu Zhentian, who was full of joy, and didn’t know how to respond for a while.

“This is not where you should be.”

Immortal Dao Ruler said, no longer paid attention to.

At this time.

Heavenly Dao Ruler Chaoyuan looked at Xuanyuanwan standing at the mouth of the well, and said, “You are from Holy Land.”

“Junior Xuanyuanwan has seen three Seniors.”

Xuanyuanwan gave a greeting in a soft voice.

Just a sentence from Heavenly Dao Ruler, really shocked Wan Huaiyu and Qin Hao in the distance. Their previous lives were the mysterious monarchs of Heaven Realm, and naturally they had heard of Holy Land. Two words, but I have only heard of it. I only know that there is such an ancient Holy Land between Heaven and Earth. Apart from this, I don’t know anything. It is the first time that the two have met the legendary Holy Land. .

Don’t say that Wan Huaiyu are two people, even if it is the 20th in the field, the great power that has come to this world with the help of the avenue is also very surprised after hearing the words Holy Land, like didn’t ‘t expect that the ancient Holy Land will be born in the modern and ancient times, not to mention that the people of Holy Land will appear under the setting sun mountain.

“Girl Xuanyuan is here this time, but for the blood of the original sin?”

“No, nor is it.”

oh?” Heavenly Dao Ruler Asked: “How do you tell?”

Xuanyuanwan not at all answered this question, but instead asked: “You are here this time, but also for the blood of the original sin?”

“I am waiting for the blood of original sin, and I am going to bring it back and seal it up, thinking that it will bring trouble to Heaven and Earth.”

“Woe to Heaven and Earth?” Xuanyuanwanna The ordinary face is always serene, and he whispers softly: “I don’t know when the blood of the original sin has ruined Heaven and Earth?”

“Since the girl Xuanyuan is also here today for the blood of the original sin, Then you should know that the setting sun Wuyou conceived a person with the blood of original sin, and that person messed up Heaven and Earth in the ancient times.”

“The sin of that person should not be attributed to the blood of original sin. .”

“But that person belongs to the blood of original sin.”

“It just belongs to, apart from this, nothing else. All his creations are related to the blood of original sin. It has nothing to do, but the situation created him. All his faults have nothing to do with the blood of original sin, but are dictated by his character. Even if he does not belong to the blood of original sin, what should happen will still happen, even if he does not exist, there will be others. People walk the heavens-defying road.”

“Oh? So, Miss Xuanyuan is here not only for the blood of original sin, but also for the sinner?”


“I did come for him too, but not as you guessed it.”

“What do you mean?”

“His existence is a mistake, it is nothing The faint mistake is also the mistake of Taohua. I am here this time to correct this mistake for them. He shouldn’t exist, from the very beginning, shouldn’t… Since it is the wrong cause and the wrong result, then Correct the wrong cause and effect.”

Xuanyuanwan looked at the three Grand Dao Lords, lightly saying: “I believe you all came from this, right?”

” I really did come for this, but…” Heavenly Dao Ruler Zhaoyuan stared at the well at Xuanyuanwan’s feet and said, “I’m afraid there is one thing that Xuanyuan girl hasn’t explained yet.”

“Sorry.” Xuanyuanwan shook her head slightly and said: “I can’t let you take away the blood of original sin.”

Although the three Grand Dao Lord slaughters have already guessed this answer, but When Xuanyuanwan said it himself Coming, still surprised the three of them.

With a swish, Heavenly Dao Ruler appeared on the opposite side of Xuanyuanwan. In a moment, the entire Secret Realm was suddenly blurred and twisted. He stared at Xuanyuanwan and said solemnly: “Why?”

Xuanyuanwan still stood quietly at the mouth of the well, motionless, as if not at all influenced by Heavenly Might, and responded: “I don’t believe you, to be precise, I don’t believe in the road behind you .”



Heavenly Dao Ruler When Chaoyuan’s body brilliance flickered, the rolling Heavenly Might broke out, and the shaking Secret Realm trembled violently.

In the distance.

Wan Huaiyu, Qin Hao, Bei Changqing and other seven or eight people, Taohuadao, all their faces changed in shock.

The power that erupted from Chaoyuan, although not the true might of Heaven, was enough to shock their minds and even their souls. This power that resembles Heavenly Might but not Heavenly Might is too much. Terrifying, even more paralyzed Yu Zhentian on the ground.


Buddha Ruler put on a Buddhist word, and immediately resolved the Heavenly Might on Chaoyuan. Both of his hands were combined, and he asked: “I don’t know why Xuanyuan girl Don’t believe in Daos?”

“Why did Purdue Senior ask a question, when already knows the answer?” Xuanyuanwan said, “If Three Thousand Great Daos is worthy of trust, why would Senior come here in person? ??”

“Lao Na will personally bring the blood of original sin back to Xitian, and seal it in the pure land of Xitian. Xuanyuan girl does not believe in other avenues, and she also doubts us Buddhism?”

“I am afraid that Pudu Senior will not be able to return to the west, and the blood of original sin will be lost…”

Pudu was about to say something more, but Xuanyuan interrupted it just after he spoke, and said: “Pudu Senior It’s not that Junior doesn’t believe in Buddhism and Tao, Junior just doesn’t believe in certain Buddhas in the West, nor does it want Buddhism and Tao to be used because of the blood of original sin, let alone Buddhism and Tao being involved in disputes between the avenues because of the blood of original sin.”

paused, Xuanyuanwan said again: “Senior, please forgive Junior to say frankly, today’s Western Heaven is no longer a pure land, and today’s Western Heaven has long been unable to represent the Buddhist way of saving all living beings.”

“Amitabha… …”

Pudu Senior put his hands together and uttered a Buddhist language rather helplessly, and then he sighed. I don’t know whether it was the helplessness in the heart, the helplessness of the West, or the helplessness of the Buddha.

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