Supreme Lord

Chapter 878

After receiving the response, Su Wei was surprised. She had always wanted to see the dream elder sister who lived in Jin’er’s dream. However, she was rejected several times. She never thought of the mysterious dream elder this time. The sister is finally willing to show up.

“Who you are?”

“I don’t know.”

“I don’t know?” Su Wei asked puzzledly: “between Heaven and Earth there are still people Don’t you know who you are?”

“Ms. Su Hua, there are many people between Heaven and Earth who don’t know who they are, including you.”

The voice of that dream elder sister could not help but plunged Su Wei into contemplation. If you think about this question, it is too profound, and it is so profound that she cannot refute it.

“You just said that my trip to Canyang Mountain was a Road of No Return, but it was causal?”




“This is your cause and effect, you shouldn’t ask me.”

“You also said that Gu Qingfeng will have a mortal danger this time?”


“Who wants to kill him?”

“You shouldn’t ask who wants to kill him, but who doesn’t want to kill him.”

“Why? “

“You shouldn’t ask me this question, you should ask him himself.”

“You know that Little Jin’er is worried about Gu Qingfeng’s safety, so why tell her .”

“You also know that your cause and effect is a Road of No Return, why are you still clinging to it?”

The words that Jiner called the Meng elder sister , Su Wei couldn’t refute again, and then, Meng Elder sister’s words came again.

“Let her go, you should feel that no one can hurt Little Jin’er, including herself.”


Su Wei can feel it, and she also knows that Little Jin’er is special, but she doesn’t know why it is special and what kind of existence it is.

For a moment of contemplation, Su Wei looked at Little Jin’er who was crying very anxiously. She was very unbearable and decided to take her there. When she was about to order Qianshan to take care of Ouyang Ye, she suddenly found this place. Ouyang Ye is very strange.

She stood in the villa, staring at the natural phenomenon of the sky, her expression was very hesitant, and her eyes were even more dazed, as if she was lost.

For some reason, Su Wei suddenly felt that Ouyang Ye here is very strange, unfamiliar.


Su Wei tried to shout.

No one responded to her.

She yelled a few more times, but Ouyang Ye did not respond.


Su Wei continued to shout, but no matter how she shouted, Ouyang Ye didn’t seem to hear her.


Inexplicably, Ouyang Ye turned around, looked at Su Wei suspiciously, and asked: “Sister Su Wei, did you just… call me?”

“You don’t know?”

“I… I didn’t know just now, and suddenly remembered something strange.”

“What’s the matter?”

“Very…very unfamiliar, but also very familiar…a lot of memories, just a passing scene…”

Su Wei didn’t understand, but Ouyang Ye’s next sentence But she understood.

“Sister Su, I also want to go to Canyang Mountain.”

“You want to go too?”

Su Wei is very depressed, Little Jin’er goes I am worried about Gu Qingfeng’s safety, is it possible that Ouyang Yeye……

“No, I just think I should go, as for why……I don’t know.”


Just as Su Wei was puzzled, the dream elder sister’s voice came in her ears again, saying: “Let her go too.”

” Why? Do you know what happened to Ye Ye?”

“I don’t know, but I know her purpose for going to Canyang Mountain should be the same as you.”

“Also Is it cause and effect?”

“Perhaps, everyone has their own cause and effect, and she is no exception, even more how Yeye’s existence is inherently extraordinary. In this regard, you should be better than anyone Clear.”


Su Wei not only knows that the existence of Ouyang Ye is extraordinary, but also that the existence of Ouyang Ye and Yun Nishang are a kind of past life that is not counted as a previous life. He also knows that the bloodline of Yun Nishang is within Ouyang Ye. The body, not only that, but after the bloodline burial, a mysterious Totem appeared on Ouyang Ye, and that mysterious Totem had a certain connection with nature.

hong long long ——ka-cha!

The thunder was even worse, the gusty wind swept through the dark clouds and became more fierce, and the colorful thunder and lightning in the sky became more and more crazy.

The Heavenly Might of the Great Void is getting stronger and stronger.

The yin and yang of nature are getting chaotic.

Demon Moon Palace.

In the secret room.

Feiyan, Fenghua, Fenglie and several Old Ancestors of the Demon Moon Palace are staring at what is happening at this moment with an incredible gaze.

In front of them, a woman stretched her arms and floated upright in midair. She was full of faintly discernable brilliance. The woman’s face was cold and her eyes were closed slightly. The palm of the moon palace, winter.

Since the mysterious disappearance of the heart of Bitter Winter and the demon moon, Gu Qingfeng sent Bitter Winter back. Bitter Winter has been unconscious, and Feiyan has been taking care of it carefully, but just now Knowing why, the body of the cold winter floated without warning, and they didn’t know what brilliance was shining all over, which made them feel terrified.


It’s just fear.

It is a kind of fear that shocks the soul and shakes the soul.

And this kind of fear makes them feel both familiar and unfamiliar.

Familiarity is because the cold winter here makes them feel like the wind of the past month by month, but they don’t feel like it when they are unfamiliar. Feiyan doesn’t know why this happened. The others are also not clear.


The brilliance shrouded in the cold winter burns, the cold moonlight brilliance is very dazzling, as if daring to compete with the true moon in the sky, she raised her head slightly, closed her eyes, With arms and limbs stretched out, they were just floating in the air.

The moonlight brilliance became stronger and stronger, and the cold winter became more and more evil. I don’t know how long it took, the moonlight brilliance began to condense, gradually condensing into a light group, the light group above the winter head Slowly rotating, it contains a powerful force that even Gu Qingfeng feels surprised, and it also contains an evil monster’s cold power.

As the light group rotates faster and faster, its inherent power becomes stronger and stronger, and the evil monster’s cold power becomes more and more terrifying.

Gradually, the light group stopped rotating. At this moment, the light group was no longer a light group. It was a round of evil monster moon.

Seeing this round of evil monster’s full moon, Feiyan and the others couldn’t believe their eyes, because they all recognized the demon moon as the ghost moon of their demon moon palace, and the history of the demon moon palace Above, only Sect Founder Demon Moon and Feng Feng have achieved Nether Demon Moon month by month.

When the Netherworld Demon Moon appeared, what was floating was the cold winter. I don’t know when the eyes opened, and there were countless hesitation and blankness in her eyes. She glanced at the Feiyan and the others. , Just a glance, a puff, Feiyan and the others are still somehow, only to feel that their souls were emptied, paralyzed on the ground on the spot.

“Bitter Winter?”

Feiyan shouted in horror and worry.

“Bitter Winter?” Bitter Winter seemed to be unfamiliar with the name, muttering, and shook his head: “This name is very familiar…very familiar… I am Bitter Winter? No! I am not…”


“Wind by month? I am Wind by month…” Bitter Winter whispered the name Feng Zhuyue, and then shook his head and said, “No, I am not Feng Zhuyue either.”

“Demon Moon? No, I am not Demon Moon…”

“Who am I…”

“Who am I…”

Wandering in the winter and murmured blankly, his expression was very painful: “no! I don’t want to know who I am, I don’t want to wake up! I don’t want to!”

“Fake! It’s all fake! All Everything is fake! It’s a curse, the curse of causality!”

“I’m fed up…I’m fed up with it really, fed up with the cause and effect of this curse…”

“End, I want to end all this…”

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